This plant get early harvest but it's okay trichome and flower look ok to smoke Smell like bubble gum and grape
welcome to one of the last episodes of the BIG Cheese twins chronicles! ...I cannot believe it either, but when i checked her trichomes this morning, with my microscope.. she is as good as done!!(the FAT, smaller one at least) So beautiful trichomes she has too.. a lot of them looked like lil' chuncks of cheese! (deep yellow, with spots on them 😁) But a lot of old cheese too (orange, brown) so think gonna chop her end of this week!(be4 it starts raining again..😎) Its finally sunny weather so gonna let her enjoy the sunshine some more 😎 dont think her sister is ready yet (the tall skinny one) but she will get there soon enough! She is covered with trichomes.. my camera had a hard time focussing in the buds so sprakly!!😻 So the next episode of the cheese twins chronicles will be a harvest!! Get your popcorn ready😁👊 happy growing for all✊
...I cannot believe it either, but when i checked het trichomes yesterday, with my microscope.. she is ready!! So beautiful trichomes she has too.. a lot of them looked like lil' chucks of cheese! (deep yellow, with spots on them 😁) But a lot of old cheese too (orange, brown) so think gonna chop her end of this week! Its finally sunny weather so gonna let her enjoy the sunshine some more 😎 dont think her sister is ready yet (the tall one) but she will get there soon enough! She is covered with trichomes.. my camera had a hard time focussing in the buds so sprakly!!😻 So the next episode of the twin cheese chronicles will be a harvest!! Get your popcorn ready😁👊 happy growing for all✊
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D71/B34 - 25/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 6.6 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 70% 🌊 10L 🍗 Calmag - Bloom A-B 💧pH- 💼 CO2 Dispenser added 🧠 🚀 🎬 4 nice pics and 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D72/B35 - 26/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 5.7 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
Sie entwickelt sich toll noch 4-5 Wochen bis zur Ernte, Laut Züchter. Das Wetter ist mittlerweile unglaublich gut, Wenn ich in Urlaub fahre muss ich sehen wie ich den 12h Lichtrythmus aufrecht erhalte. Zur Bewässerung habe ich mit Blumat bestellt.
Day 3 for Euphoria i've topped this one so hopefully see different results when I compare to the Euphoria #2
Langsam kommen wir dem Höhepunkt nah. Die kleine trinkt wie verrückt und lässt es sich gut gehen unter der 200w LED. Geruch wird langsam intensiver. Man merkt sofort wenn die Box auf geht. Ich glaube es wird das beste Ergebnis meiner Karriere.
I've topped this girl a week before I switched to flower, they're all in a 120 x 120 x 200 frow tent under a sf2000 from spiderfarmer I'll add a HLG qb135 in about a week.
day 1 - transplanted her into the end pot now. day 4 - i wanted to spray the soil before watering and i fucked up one leaf in the trigger system of the spray bottle :(((((((( day 5 - started LST training because in dont want to topp her and still stun her in height in the favor of the blue cheese and the trained critical
Con 79 dias lavado de raices a todas. La aparición de botritis ha forzado el lavado a todas ellas para no arriesgarme más. Dejo un histórico del tiempo que han sufrido las Auto desde el dia que pasaron a exterior. Un tiempo generalmente nublado y bastantes dias de lluvia. Es lo que tiene el exterior, se depende muchísimo del tiempo y esta vez ha salido así. Otro año será diferente y saldrá mejor o peor. De la jack tube que sacar parte del apical que se vió afectada por la botritis por lo que la altura seria áproximada.
Yooo gang updateee!!! Soo bad news first, the small tent with the godfather og mother had sadly passed away and expired, simple put she got way to close to the light AND turns out the air discs I was using were completely swalloed and wrapped up by the roots, so that mega blows. NOW the good news, I actually have a couple new plants in the large tent with the clones, a GDP that's about 4 weeks in on veg, and a NYC Sour Diesel which is about 2 weeks out from seed, will keep updating on what I do with those, other then that the clones from the godfather og are doing really really well will keep updating as the days and weeks go on thanks for stopping by gang!!!!
Really happy to harvest this girl. Made sure I pushed her to the max. Just about 70 days. She was done around 65. 14hrs into pre fower and beyond. I find that with High ppf with less hrs. Makes for much better phenos. Really happy to say. This is SUCH A 100% TOP strain. And it'll be 500% a auto that I'll repeat Mind you I've hardly ever repeated any strains. Except mimosa X orange punch auto and super lemon haze. And a few CBDs. So, if anything that should speak volumes to me saying this is a tip top strain. Going to run her with one of their new autos, apple strudel is meant to have very high terps. All about the taste. And this Apricot Auto from Fastbuds has this in spades.
Start of week 3 blueberry is flowering and the stretch is almost over. The seedlings are growing nicely.the box got up to 100f this week during mini heat wave had to put ice blocks in rez to lower temp down from 80f. I look forward to the 3 other new strains I’m running. My GSC seedling is looking a little pale I should have waited longer to change rez over to bloom nutes. I have top dressed some organic fertilizer near drip line of nutes 4-6-4 one month release. I applied to all seedlings except blueberry. I reduced blumat on gsc, ww, and ch until surface dried a little bit as my gsc was showing signs of overwatering. Gsc is starting to green back up. My bb had to nanners i plucked them I hope these are all. It could be from the high temps or the one night I had a light leak. I increased my light to max ppfd and will let plants grow into it. Small seedlings getting 750 ppfd. BB larger plant receving 800-950 ppfd.i turn light back down a notch Gsc leaves started cupping now she’s getting just under 700 will continue to monitor for improvement and ramp lights up a little later if needed as plants should grow into light.
Grow #1.1 -20.06.2024 Today the seeds were planted in the 11L pots directly in the soil. The lamp hangs 100cm above the pots and runs on 20% with a 20/4 light cycle. PPfd/DLi values determined with the Photone app are between: PPfd = 170-200 DLi = 12.3-14.4. The temperature is 21,5 degrees Celsius and the humidity is 60%. -21.06.24 I have decided to carefully transplant the seeds into fabric pots before they germinate. The Ppfd/DLi values as well as the temperature and humidity are unchanged. -25.06.24 The last few days I have only made sure that the soil is moist. So far, two of the three seeds have germinated and are forming their first leaves. The little plants were watered today with 60ml of water. The Ppfd/DLi values as well as the temperature and humidity are unchanged. -26.06.2024 Today is the last day of the first week, tomorrow marks the start of the second week and the first week of the vegetative phase. So far two of the three seeds have been successful. One Mango Smile has not germinated yet but I will keep it in the box and observe. Overall, things are going quite well so far. The soil was only sprayed with water as it still felt slightly damp under the surface.
11.Week 🌺 👃🍓🧀 Sunlight EVO 3 - 60 100%
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D71/B34 - 25/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 6.6 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 70% 🌊 10L 🍗 Calmag - Bloom A-B 💧 💼 CO2 Dispenser added 🧠 🚀 🎬 4 nice pics and 1 TL video
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D71/B34 - 25/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 6.6 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 70% 🌊 10L 🍗 Calmag - Bloom A-B 💧 💼 CO2 Dispenser added 🧠 🚀 🎬 4 nice pics and 1 TL video