Divine indica is growing great. She is looking really healthy, and happy. She looks like she is getting ready to start bulking soon. I have not done any training this week. Nothing more to report. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
2x GZ und 1x BPP angesetzt 28.03.2024. PH 6.1 100ppm (50% Leitungswasser / 50% destilliertes Wasser) in Wattepads. Wird mein erster richtiger Grow in der Legalität. Deutschland erlaubt 3 Pflanzen für den Eigenanbau.
Purpeling...much appreciated from Mr. Pipi ...yesterday i threw some icecubes on her soil for her to sip on through the night. Gimme dem Pörpel Buds ecco 29.03.2024 Day 115 Mr. Pipi chopped off one Branch(13,6g wet). Since April 1st gonna be a date to celebrate for Germany, Mr. Pipi wants to do so with some early Harvest. Just because I can. 😄😄 And around 3-7 Days the rest of the plant will be ready, hopefully. Mr. Pipi feels like its over 50% Milky and the amber ones are a bit rare. But we are close my friends. So Let´s all be happy and welcome the german growers officially🙌🙌 I tried to take sweet shots of the branch, but Mr. Pipi is amateur. and the branch was curved 😵. But i hope you enjoy.
Here we are, the start of flower! From here I'll be uploading videos daily.
Ooooooweeeeeee they’re all doing so good even the extras that I threw in flower with out cloning are doing great .. in just 2 more weeks I’ll throw the donor plants into flower
Both Lsd25’s on the left side cherry cola on the back right and big bud auto on the front right. Cherry cola seems to have a mutation problem but ima grow her out. The rest are doing great and on the big bud I topped it day 24 and started lst on day 26.
Almost done with week 5 veg one more too go and these girls are getting flipped .they are doing great in my opinion tops coming up from every corner this should be a nice tent at the end of the day buds from side to side 😊
Flipping to flower tonight lets hope this works.
A esta semana le cambiamos radicalmente la solución para que de esta semana en adelante su nutrición sea de la misma linia, principalmente para tener un control del PH en la solución nutritiva .
Week 6 and I'm back to normal nutrients regimen. Frost and size is increasing. No issues with anything and they're pretty much on cruise control 😎
D1: Welcome to day one of vegetation with my Sideral seedlings from Ripper Seeds! Today marks the beginning of a new phase of growth and development as we enter the vegetative stage under the MARS TS1000 grow light in the grow tent. After a successful germination period, I carefully transplanted the Sideral sisters into Fox Farm soil mixed with perlite, providing a well-balanced environment for healthy root development. This hybrid strain, created by Ripper Seeds through a cross between Lavender (Soma Seeds) and Amnesia Haze (Hy-Pro Seeds), is now ready to embark on its vegetative journey. Positioned under the grow light, I ensured adequate light intensity and a very light watering to kickstart the vegetative growth phase. Over the coming weeks, I’ll be closely monitoring the sisters’ progress, adjusting environmental factors as needed, and providing the nutrients and care necessary for robust vegetative growth. Stay tuned for updates on how the sisters thrives during this crucial stage of its growth cycle. ✌️❤️🌱 D2 - Both Lil Sis and her sibling, Big Sis, are now in their final pot, housed in a peat container to minimize transplant shock and facilitate monitoring. This setup, where I’m experimenting with growing two plants together in one pot, allows me to explore different training techniques, marking my first attempt at this approach I made the decision to plant because the Peat container was falling apart and a root was already sticking out! D2- Big Sis is thriving in her first 8 hours of Low-Stress Training (LST)! We’ve worked up to this point with a change made every hour, and she’s responding great. Starting LST early on helps her adapt gradually, controls her shape for better light exposure, develops more branches for higher yields, optimizes space, and improves air circulation. My goal with these sisters is to achieve twinning through LST, and this is my first attempt at this technique. Stay tuned for updates as Big Sis continues to grow into a healthy and productive plant. D3: Lil Sis is progressing well and has started her stretch under the Low-Stress Training (LST) method on day 2. D4: The sisters, who share a pot, are both doing well and ready for watering tonight. Big Sis is on Day 4, and Lil Sis is on Day 3, both showing healthy growth in their shared environment. Going forward, updates will follow the days that Big Sis goes by for simplicity. ✌️❤️🌱 This is my first go at this, and it’s all an experience. The decision to stress both Big Sis and Lil Sis at such a young age is in effort to prepare them for twinning, the process of growing two plants together in close proximity, often resulting in intertwined growth patterns. By implementing stress early on through techniques like Low-Stress Training (LST), I aim to encourage lateral growth and create a stronger foundation for potential twinning in the future.
She's getting sparkly. Time doesn't seem to be effecting us none. We're chilling. Them little first sets of white hairs are starting to curl inwards and changing into little orange hairs. And there's a few new sets of white hairs I do believe that's a good thing. Every now and then I find a dead leaf. It doesn't seem to be an issue. So I just give her what's recommended and I'm bad about being on time with any of most of it. It's good tho. We're all happy here.
Bueno, para no perder a nadie, el sistema que manejo es con dos indoors en paralelo. Uno en flora y otro creciendo la madre. A la madre la hago crecer hasta sacarle esquejes. Luego pasan al otro indoor la madre y los esquejes y ahí comienza la floración. Y ahí mismo comienza la nueva madre. Día 01. puse la planta para obligarme a terminar el prototipo. En este caso decidí usar madera de palets y algunas otras cosas que encontré en la calle. Ya casi termino todo, pero me falta armar los cierres. No voy a hacer puertas, dado que no está centrado, así que uso una tela de microfibra que ayuda a opacar mucho y era mas barata que el blackout. Ademas es impermeable y me sirve para un nuevo mecanismo de seguridad para fugas que quiero implementar. Es bastante simple, pero me soluciona mucho. Hoy no hay mucho más que mostrar. Cuando lo haya terminado voy a ir mostrando como va quedando. No me voy a enroscar con los tsp. Voy a poner lo que use aca. Ahora puse un litro de agua con un poco menos de 1g. de Feeding Grow de Greenhouse. Al menos por ahora, ya que tengo que comprar medidores porque los míos ya no dan confianza. Día 5. Hice el cambio del depósito, ya que los próximos 10 dias pienso intentar mantener la solución (mantuve la proporción 1g/L de feeding grow. La planta tuvo un ataque de una plaga que fue a sus primeras hojas. Por suerte en el momento puse tierra de diatomeas y parece haberse detenido. Pero se pueden ver los amarillos en las puntas. No me preocupa, dado que en hidroponia esos problemas se resuelven y la planta se recobra enseguida. Ahora igual habrá que ir monitoreando, dado que me había olvidado de desinfectar el indoor, cosa que hice luego de este ataque. Tengo fé que llegando al mes y medio de crecimiento, ya esté en condiciones de cortar unos esquejes.