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Tag 8 : Das umtopfen in 1l Töpfe hat den Pflanzen gut getan sie entwickeln sich weiterhin gut, auf Lichtintensität 50% umgestellt Tag 9 : Lichtintensität auf 60% gestellt langsam erhöhen und beobachten, es bilden sich kleine Kugel Trichome auf den Blättern die sehr gut duften wenn man sie leicht reibt. Gegen 16:00 Uhr das Wasser mit Biobizz CalMag 0.3ml/l versetzt und mit BioBizz Bio Down auf einen PH Wert von 6,4 gebracht, anschließend alle Töpfe befeuchtet und mit kurzer Wartezeit 150ml Wasser pro Topf gegeben was 15% Topfvolumen der 1l Töpfe entspricht, es entsteht kein Drain. Tag 10: Den Pflanzen gefallen die größeren Töpfe und anscheinend auch das PH angepasste Wasser sowie das zusätzliche BioBizz CalMag es wird stetig Blattmasse zugelegt. Tag 11: Die Entwicklung schreitet gut voran, heute um 09:45 Uhr habe ich die Lichtintensität auf 70% erhöht und beobachte wie die Pflanzen reagieren, ich denke morgen wird wieder gegossen, das Gewicht der Töpfe kontrolliere ich mit einer Waage. Tag 12: Heute morgen um 7:30 Uhr jeden Topf gewogen, anschließend befeuchtet und nach einigen Minuten warten Wasser mit einem PH Wert von 6,5 und 0,3ml BioBizz CalMag gegossen. Die Erhöhung der Lichtintensität von 70 % vertragen sie ganz gut aber ich kriege meinen VPD Wert nicht niedriger durch die hohen Temperaturen und geringe Luftfeuchtigkeit die durchs Fenster kommen evtl. muss ich nochmal einen Luftbefeuchter dazu stellen. Tag 13: Alles sieht gut aus, mit dem Luftbefeuchter kann ich den VPD besser regulieren, morgen wird umgetopft und gegossen, beim wiegen der Töpfe waren die Wurzeln schon unten am Topf zu sehen, heute gibt es nichts weiter zu tun. Tag 14: Die Töpfe sind sehr gut durchwurzelt ich denke der Shrooms Wurzelstimulator hat auch dazu beigetragen, eigentlich wollte ich heute in 5,7L Töpfe umtopfen schaffe dies leider nicht aus Zeitmangel. Deswegen ist der Plan die Pflanzen bis morgen weiter durchtrocknen zu lassen und sie ein bisschen mehr zu stressen. Morgen werden dann alle in 5,7L Töpfe gesetzt und ordentlich angegossen. Das ist das Ende der zweiten Woche. Mein Fazit: Es lief bisher alles gut eine Pflanze zeigt an den unteren Blättern einen Nährstoffmangel vielleicht kommt das weil ich sie am Anfang evtl. überwässert habe, trotz der schlechten Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeitsverhältnissen die ich durch den Luftbefeuchter seit einigen Tagen besser im Griff habe, haben sich meiner Einschätzung nach alle Pflanzen ganz gut entwickelt. Falls jemand diesen Bericht lesen sollte bin ich gerne froh Tipps und Hinweise zu hören da dies mein erster Grow ist. Morgen nach dem umtopfen gibt es wieder ein Update ;)
D 74 es wurde zu eng also hab ich die pflanze in einen anderen Raum gestellt mit einer anderen Lampe Lampe : COSMOS 150W mit UV und IR. Mein Anbau Raum wird bis zu 32•C warm wenn die Tür ganz zu ist, ich lasse aber auf dann komme ich auf 29,5 - 30,5 D 75 gestern habe ich vergessen zu gießen Also bekommt sie heute 2L bis zu den Topf löchern. Lampe nur auf 80% D 77 2L gegossen bis es überlauft.
Zamnesia - Pineapple Express (F1 Auto) - 76 Days The time has come—harvest day! It's bittersweet to say goodbye to this incredible journey, but all great things must come to an end. The Pineapple Express (F1 Auto) has been a true wonder, delivering both in strength and flavor, with an aroma that's unforgettable. This strain produced the hardest buds we've ever grown—rock-solid and packed with resin, the likes of which we’ve never seen before. A massive thank you to Zamnesia 💚for providing these remarkable seeds! And an extra special shoutout to Xpert Nutrients for the outstanding fertilizers. The results speak for themselves—your nutrients truly work miracles, creating those dense, powerful buds that we're so proud of. Stay tuned for the final photo and video showcase of this incredible harvest. We're thrilled to share it with you all! Xpert Nutrients
D 74 es wurde zu eng also hab ich die pflanze in einen anderen Raum gestellt mit einer anderen Lampe Lampe : COSMOS 150W mit UV und IR. Mein Anbau Raum wird bis zu 32•C warm wenn die Tür ganz zu ist, ich lasse aber auf dann komme ich auf 29,5 - 30,5 D 75 gestern habe ich vergessen zu gießen Also bekommt sie heute 2L bis zu den Topf löchern. Lampe nur auf 80% D 77 2L gegossen bis es überlauft.
We start the first week before sprouted! We are excited to look the grow on RDWC!!
We start the first week before sprouted! We are excited to look the grow on RDWC!!
Bloom week 8. Ec 0.4 (only water). Ph 5.8. Trichomes looks nice.
Weeks has been good. its really week 5.5 half way though but wanted to do the update today. The one THCv plant is having some issues flipping back to veg after the mix up. Its really getting weird AF. and I think next week is when I will be flipping them to bloom so IDK how that one is going to react. I have more seeds of that one so if it fails its ok I can grow it again. the CBG's are the strongest in the tent. Added their first feeding of the Acadie fertilizer, low amount. 5ml/1gal its recommended rate is 30ml per 1L seems crazy high but that's what the label suggests. Herbs also doing well, gave them a feeding too and last week I added in some Nematodes as I saw a gnat, but have not seen any other ones since applying. so that's a bonus. Again a bit to much N in the mix, I did not think I added that much but guess I did. Looks ok on all the other nutrients. Also a nice little shoutout to IZI, they sent over a strain to try with some cool stickers and a leaflet of all their strains. I got the Lemonade Kush, This was stuck in the mail for a month or so, I think they sent it out just before the strike in Nov and it arrived in early/mid Jan. Other then that nothing much to report.
Week 2 Started feedig the full plagron range according to the custom feeding chart i generated on the Plagron website Also topped her, as i think this is perfect time to top her
#1&2: Big Bud Projekt #3: Bonzai 20.10. Claudia legt langsam wieder los nach dem Umtopfen. Rosi hat sich jetzt auch langsam an das Wasser gewöhnt. Bonzai schlummert ;) 22.10. Jetzt gehts looooooos! 23.10. ..erstmal chillen ;)
Week 2 Started feedig the full plagron range according to the custom feeding chart i generated on the Plagron website Also topped her, as i think this is perfect time to top her
The second week of vegetation is going well! This time, I’ve decided to try the Green House Feeding BioEnhancer instead of BioBizz Root-Juice. I’ve had issues with the shelf life of Root-Juice in the past, so I’m curious to see how BioEnhancer performs. The plant is looking healthy now, but it had a bit of a rough start. I initially planted it in soil that was too heavily pre-fertilized, which caused the first leaves to turn yellow.😔 Thankfully, it recovered quickly and seems to be thriving now. 💪 To keep the plant as stress-free as possible during vegetation, I’ve decided not to train it for now. I want it to focus on strong, natural growth without any added strain. I’m excited to see how it progresses over the next few weeks—things are looking promising!🌱😊
This week I kept on feeding as usual. Due to a few burnt leaf tips I then flushed the three bigger plants with 5l each, and got a run off around 1l each with a PH of 6.9 I will only use 40% to 50% of the recommended nutrients the next week and PH my feeding water to around 6.2 - 6.3 to compensate the high PH of the run off. Mid week 2 I also lollipoped the plant again and did a rather heavy defoliation. From now on I only want to get rid of leafs if really necissary By now I can see more pistils forming and flowering is starting slowly.
The second week of vegetation is going well! This time, I’ve decided to try the Green House Feeding BioEnhancer instead of BioBizz Root-Juice. I’ve had issues with the shelf life of Root-Juice in the past, so I’m curious to see how BioEnhancer performs. The plant is looking healthy now, but it had a bit of a rough start. I initially planted it in soil that was too heavily pre-fertilized, which caused the first leaves to turn yellow.😔 Thankfully, it recovered quickly and seems to be thriving now. 💪 To keep the plant as stress-free as possible during vegetation, I’ve decided not to train it for now. I want it to focus on strong, natural growth without any added strain. I’m excited to see how it progresses over the next few weeks—things are looking promising!🌱😊
The second week of vegetation is going well! This time, I’ve decided to try the Green House Feeding BioEnhancer instead of BioBizz Root-Juice. I’ve had issues with the shelf life of Root-Juice in the past, so I’m curious to see how BioEnhancer performs. The plant is looking healthy now, but it had a bit of a rough start. I initially planted it in soil that was too heavily pre-fertilized, which caused the first leaves to turn yellow.😔 Thankfully, it recovered quickly and seems to be thriving now. 💪 To keep the plant as stress-free as possible during vegetation, I’ve decided not to train it for now. I want it to focus on strong, natural growth without any added strain. I’m excited to see how it progresses over the next few weeks—things are looking promising!🌱😊
Zamnesia - Pineapple Express (F1 Auto) - 76 Days The time has come—harvest day! It's bittersweet to say goodbye to this incredible journey, but all great things must come to an end. The Pineapple Express (F1 Auto) has been a true wonder, delivering both in strength and flavor, with an aroma that's unforgettable. This strain produced the hardest buds we've ever grown—rock-solid and packed with resin, the likes of which we’ve never seen before. A massive thank you to Zamnesia for providing these remarkable seeds! And an extra special shoutout to Xpert Nutrients for the outstanding fertilizers. The results speak for themselves—your nutrients truly work miracles, creating those dense, powerful buds that we're so proud of. Stay tuned for the final photo and video showcase of this incredible harvest. We're thrilled to share it with you all! Xpert Nutrients – The Key to Powerful Harvests When it comes to achieving the best results, we trust only proven solutions. And with Xpert Nutrients, our plants are getting nothing but the best! These nutrients are not just a product, they’re a true catalyst for growth and powerful yields. Thanks to a balanced formula, each dose nourishes our plants with essential elements, promoting their health, strength, and abundant harvests. Every cycle with Xpert Nutrients shows progress. We see incredible results: dense, resinous buds, rich aromas, and, of course, yields we can be proud of. With these nutrients, there are no compromises – only maximum performance! Thank you, Xpert Nutrients, for your continuous support and for helping us unlock the full potential of our plants. The results speak for themselves!
Zamnesia - Pineapple Express (F1 Auto) - 76 Days The time has come—harvest day! It's bittersweet to say goodbye to this incredible journey, but all great things must come to an end. The Pineapple Express (F1 Auto) has been a true wonder, delivering both in strength and flavor, with an aroma that's unforgettable. This strain produced the hardest buds we've ever grown—rock-solid and packed with resin, the likes of which we’ve never seen before. A massive thank you to Zamnesia for providing these remarkable seeds! And an extra special shoutout to Xpert Nutrients for the outstanding fertilizers. The results speak for themselves—your nutrients truly work miracles, creating those dense, powerful buds that we're so proud of. Stay tuned for the final photo and video showcase of this incredible harvest. We're thrilled to share it with you all! Xpert Nutrients – The Key to Powerful Harvests When it comes to achieving the best results, we trust only proven solutions. And with Xpert Nutrients, our plants are getting nothing but the best! These nutrients are not just a product, they’re a true catalyst for growth and powerful yields. Thanks to a balanced formula, each dose nourishes our plants with essential elements, promoting their health, strength, and abundant harvests. Every cycle with Xpert Nutrients shows progress. We see incredible results: dense, resinous buds, rich aromas, and, of course, yields we can be proud of. With these nutrients, there are no compromises – only maximum performance! Thank you, Xpert Nutrients, for your continuous support and for helping us unlock the full potential of our plants. The results speak for themselves!