Sigo añadiendo humedad pulverizando con agua destilada, tres o 4 vecs al dia.
First milk trichomes i can see, the harvest window is open i guess. I Continue with flushing and set lights on 60% only fot this week and 50% for next week. Next week will be last. Smells very strong, buds are really heavy and hard, dark green, with dark orange pistils, somewhere with purple places on leafs but not too much.
Allora, come avete potuto vedere con i vostri occhi, i questa ragazza ha avuto un sacco di problemi fin dall inizio, ha avuto stress da calore, stress da condizioni non stabili come avrei voluto di umidità /temperatura, ma nel complesso è uscita una ganja, un prodotto automedicante davvero interessante, da sperimentare prossimamente con attenzioni migliori! Purtroppo non ero abituato a gestire così tante oaintae in uno spazio così ridotto , al prossimo ciclo manderò in fioritura una settimana prima, altrimenti mi ritroverò con dei mostri un bel po' difficili da gestire in una box come la mia , ma devo dire che sono rimasto davvero sorpreso dei risultati che sono riuscito a raggiungere, merito della mia sconfinata passione per questa meravigliosa pianta magica, e anche grazie a voi che mi seguite! Ne vedrete delle belle prossimamente! Un buon 420 a tutti voi!, fumate e state tranquilli! 💪😸😽💨
Sono orgoglioso di poter dire che questa è una delle migliori genetiche che abbia mai coltivato! L unica cosa è stata un po la struttura dei rami un po esili, rispetto all enorme peso delle cime che hanno raggiunto in fioritura, resina in quantità enorme, ma soprattutto a livello terpenico è davvero qualcosa di eccezionale che non fumavo da un sacco di tempo, e forse nn ho mai fumato in vita mia! Ringrazio tutti voi che mi seguite assiduamente è tutto grazie a voi che ora posso produrmi la migliore erba medica del mondo nella mia umile casa, senza dover andare in posti in cui la mia medicina è fornita dalla criminalita organizzata, il mio paese è davvero una tristezza, spero davvero che un giorno le cose cambino anche qua, ma è una speranza vana che succeda nel prossimo immediato futuro... Ma non prendiamoci male in questi discorsi, è fate una buona fumata anche per me, come io farò per voi! Un buon 420 a tutti! 💪😸
Flowering week 3. Everything is ok. I made a light defoliation.
A ver...oir mi voz ...ya algo es distinto. Después no son de plástico y como sabéis para que puedan ser así, esto es algo que a medias tanto le pones amor como ciencia y después para que estén así, hay que no solo entender un poco de esto y más, dejar que la fé en Dios Jah sea grande y mucho trabajo y gusto en lo que hay que hacer y tener. 420 Siempre...una gran semana
El video que tanto anima a la gente. Give me love Give me love Give me peace on earth Give me light Give me life Keep me free from birth Give me hope Help me cope with this heavy load Trying to touch and reach you with Heart and soul Om My Lord Please take hold of my hand That I might understand you Won't you please Oh, won't you? Give me love Give me love Give me peace on earth Give me light Give me life Keep me free from birth Give me hope Help me cope with this heavy load Trying to touch and reach you with Heart and soul Om My Lord Won't you please Oh, won't you? Give me love Give me love 420 ALWAYS and mostly JAH GOD always on command.
Seeds in 1.4l Pots +27C Temp. +85% Hum. Soil: Coco Light Mix
El famosísimo video para que os enseñé que no está la cosa para bromas. 420 siempre...Green Greets!!
El video mas comentado del momento...a ver qué te parece...son de plástico, no?!? Un saludo fuerte a todos los hermanos y hermanas growers... 420 Siempre y Dios Jah siempre en el comando....
I need help on learning how to lollipop if i can get any comments please and thank you
Hermanos y hermanas no suelo hacerlo, pero he colgado un video sencillito solo para que miréis lo increíble que va la cosa. No acostumbro, pero os dejo ohir mi voz y en castellano y más... Dios Jah siempre en la guardia de todos. 420 siempre y que disfrutéis de más una semana muy buena y con la mejor vibración.
Week 1 of flower, she is growing daily , starting to smell nice..
27/02/2024 Lavaggio radici e vasca impianto Dopo accurato lavaggio Cambiamo soluzione nutritiva, Partiamo dai soliti 75 lt demineralizzata ph 8.2 ec 487 Aggiungiamo i nutrienti per 80 lt 160 grow 160 micro 120 bloom 80 sensizym 80 rhino skin 80 bud candy 80 bud factor x 80 big bud Ottenendo ph 6.5 ec 2028 Domenica 3/03/2024 Inizio controllo 2472 ph 5.1 Aggiungo 25 lt acqua osmosi Ottenendo ec 1687 ph 5.9 Aggiungo solo 60 ml bloom Ottenendo ec 1887 ph 5.9
Here on out, I'm not labelling photos on strain since nothing can moved. Refer to prior weeks or spot the stretchy ones. Phenotype "B" in the back right and Phenotype "A" in the Front Left. Since I only journaled SLH... For those interested and who haven't been following, The girls up front are authentic Gold Leaf from original breeder ILGM and the girl in the back right is unidentified found in a bag of some killer smoke. Also, side note, I may have scored with a seed found out of top shelf dispensary out of Michigan of Pineapple Muffin! Anyways, I added the 2nd dose (first one during veg), of bone meal to suppliment soil & gently squeezed the pots to counter top feed compaction (I've done this weekly btw). Moved my supplimental lights up to final destination and now prepared for full flower. Phenotype "B" is properly tagged as it's a "b"east of a stretcher at this point. It definitely has the thickest trunk as well. Meanwhile Phenotype "A", I'm still expecting to produce the largest and densest colas. I'm familiar with SLH and it's general characteristics so I'm pretty confident this will be the case. I noticed I like to predict a few weeks in advance. Like goal setting, but playing by nature's rules. Sorry it's a habit, but I love to see how in tune I still am after all these years. I expect "B" to stretch another 6" before full flower has set in & "A" maybe half that at 3". I noticed that the main LED that came with the tent combo in tandem with the IONBEAM bars x8 (16" & 11" kit of 4, the 16" set is powered by a Universal Power Supply backup battery unit in case of an untimely power outtage!), does an excellent job penetrating light to lower bud sites and so far see equal flowering results. I'm still baffled by these LEDs... so far I'm glad I decided this route vs OLD SCHOOL even though it's been a learning and experimental process for myself. But as of now, I'll leave my final judgement for harvest and the first taste trial cause that's where it ultimately counts. I know I went way out of budget these last few weeks, but I'm in this for the long haul. The UPS, S16 unit, dehumidifier(s), Supplimental Heater, Bone and Blood meal, Cloning equipment, etc have put me down another grand or so. Fingers crossed that this grow nets me some good top shelf with some serious weight for a 3x3! I'm also still continuing the sunset/sunrise adaptive brightness with the brightness jumping levels every 10 minutes all the way up to level 9/10 (90min), and waning down in the same exact fashion except reversed. Update: Supplimental Lighting still on this schedule but updated main lighting to have 6hr sunrise/sunset with max 10 right at the center of the 12hr day (6hrs=360min/10levels = 36 min cycles). I added 10 min buffer on each end of the day when going into flower. In short I'm technically running a 12hr 20min light cycle, to compensate for the sunrise/sunset simulation.
Une autres belles semaines de floraison pour mon bébé. Les fleurs ne sont pas les plus grosse que j'ai eu à se stade-ci. Par contre elle sont très compacte, collante et odorante se que j'aime bien ;) Les trichomes me laissent croire qu'elle sera prête à être récolté dans 20, 25
The plant is stretching very fast. It's very healthy.
The plant is stretching very fast. It's very healthy. Smells amazing.
The plant is stretching very fast. It's very healthy. It's a nice plant, very vigorously and lot of ramifications.