Its been a busy week in Fat Zappa's Garden, hence another late update.
I am no longer concerned about the gold patches on the plants, there has been a little more since the past update, particularly around the edges of some of the leaves but not much at all and it certainly doesn't appear to be anything serious so my fears have eased much in that regard.
The three older ladies in this grow are coming to the end of day 32 as I type this update, and have grown into fairly big plants over the past week or so. Despite having low stress training applied every two or three days they now stand around a foot tall. Not quite as tall as their Fastbuds label mate, the Wedding Cheesecake I am growing in Canna Coco and the same dry amendments, which stands an inch taller than these three sisters, but then she is nine days younger. These three girls are certainly more fuller plants though, and the past few days have seen the white hairs begin to appear, particularly on the bud sites, which have also began to turn light green, and the stem on one of these girls begin to turn more 'vine like' in texture.
Remaining on a schedule of about 2.5 litres of dechlorinated, aerated water of PH 6.4, day 28 also saw the garden revitalised by their usual tipple being replaced for an aerated compost tea of 2 cups of Worm Castings, 2 tablespoons of Alfalfa Meal, 2 tablespoons of Kelp Meal, and 1 tablespoon of Bat Guano in a cheese cloth bag, and placed in a UK 5 Gallon bucket with 2 tablespoons of Molasses mixed into the dechlorinated water I had aerated for 24 hours, and then brewed it for about 26 hours. It may just have been a well timed coincidence, but I do feel like the plants have shown a spurt of growth since receiving it, particularly the runt of these Mrs Banners, who received her first session of low stress training on day 30. Prior to this spurt of growth I was not going to perform any LST on her cos she just seemed way to small but has really filled out in the past week, although remains a very short specimen compared to her sisters, and the Wedding Cheesecakes who are 2 days younger than her.
I am starting to think something may have gone awry when I mixed my soil up, as the two pots which I struggled to germinate the initial seeds in, one which failed completely, have not seemed to thrive as much as the other four plants. When I mixed the initial mix into the 5 Gallon pots I did it in two batches, yet filled the all the pots a scoop at a time along a row so it does seem strange. I think next time I will mixed the medium with the dry amendments and castings a pot at a time to gain more control and see if things improve.
Also, in preparation for feeding the compost tea I did have a trim around the bottom of the larger plants as watering has become more difficult with all my wires and tucked leaves etc, which I immediately regretted, but actually, like I say, the plants seemed to have had a boost over the past few days so I am happy no harm has been done.
The lights are now running at the full 450w and set to around 25 inches from the top of the canopy. I have also increased the airflow through the intake fan, the canopy fans are both on high, my two 40 watt fans are now running on medium, and my AC Infinity T6 turned up to three on the OFF setting. My heater and humidifier remain on full on the environment has remained stable despite the ramping up of the light to full blast.
Lastly, day 32 began with a top dressing for all these plants, with the larger ladies showing signs of pre-flower. They got heaped portions of 1/2 cup of Worm Castings, 1/3 cup Dr Forest Organics 284 Bloom, and a table spoon of Dr Forest Organics Veg dry amendments which I mixed in as best I could with all my LST wires etc, and then watered at PH level 6.4. I'd like to mix the PH up a little more between 6.2 and 6.8 but it always seems to come out 6.4.
I will endeavour to update the pages for the two Wedding Cheesecakes as soon as time allows. Thanks for following my grow, and I hope yours are going well too