Día 27 (20/05) Riego con 250 ml de Té de Compost Auto Northern Dragon Fuel está creciendo exponencialmente! Día 28 (21/05) Vuelven a tener sed! Las riego con 250 ml sólo H20 pH 6.2 Auto Northern Dragon Fuel se ha recuperado muy bien de la deficiencia de Mg Día 29 (22/05) Riego con 750 ml H2O+ Regulator 0,15 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,25 ml/l + Startbooster 0,25 ml/l + TopBooster 0,2 ml/l- pH 6.2 Auto Northern Dragon Fuel vuelve a recibir aplicación foliar de sales de Epson (4 g/L) porque presenta de nuevo ligera clorosis Día 30 (23/05) N/A Día 31 (24/05) N/A Día 32 (25/05) Las plantas no paran de crecer! 😍 Día 33 (26/05) Riego con 750 ml H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,25 ml/l + TopBooster 0,2 ml/l- pH 6.2 💦Nutrients by Aptus Holland - www.aptus-holland.com 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - www.pthorticulture.com/en/products/pro-mix-hp-biostimulant-plus-mycorrhizae
Producing steadily, slight smell. This pheno is strong and fast growing. Not as susceptible to light burn as the sister pheno. Also more productive, and managed to top itself as a seedling without any help. Will keep this strain forever. I absolutely love it! Happy growing 💚🌱
Producing buds nicely this week - despite it being more susceptible to light burn than the other pheno. I had a similar plant but in auto form that went from green to yellow over night. It is just the genes. It looks sick but that's how it actually grows, I've learnt to accept the fan leaves don't stay looking green and lush for long from this pheno. It is still producing goods non the less! Happy growing 🌱💚
Will see how this ends up after hopefully 10/14 days of darkness before going in the jar to burp!
High GD community, Week 29, All i harvested was much to early, and had some mold in there while drying, so yield is very low. These popcorns i let go an other week, so i get i tiny taste of the real taste. The tiny buds got much more fat these last 2 weeks, and aroma is getting intenser but not stinky. Little video of my 2 friends playing in the warm greenhouse. Both 9 years old and inseparable. Thats it for this week boys and girls, Thanks for reading and passing by and 💚💚💚👏👏👏👍👍👍 for Marshydro leds. Quality/price top! Grow safe buds and feel free to check out my other ladies doing fine thanks! 🌈viparspectra🌈 🎟️Organic_LarF♡viparspectra 🎟️ for your discount!!!! https://www.viparspectra.com/?aff=nbemz68cxril&utm_source=affiliate 🌈Join us now🌈 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏 Special thanks to 🏅🌿greenbuzzliquids🌿🏅 Use organic_larF for 15% discount 👏👏👏Weedseedsexpress!!!! 👏👏👏 LarfxWSE for discount at weedseedsexpress!!! 15% off!!! 👽👽👽Zamnesia!!! 👽👽👽 Add OrganicLarF as a code when buying your own MarsHydro LED light and get a nice reduction!!!👽🚀🛸
Well that wraps up the seed preservation run! It was a great learning experience as there were several major hurdles to get over the finish line, but nothing worthwhile comes easy. The seeds are available in my Etsy shop as long as I have stock. Thanks for the support from all of you! Acapulco Gold Landrace Seeds: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1106636229/acapulco-gold-regular-cannabis-seeds8?ref=shop_home_active_1&pro=1&frs=1
good evening to all, my friends God only know what I spent to keep these gems up, but in cure a thing I swallowed another! The too much warmth in tent has arisen a reaction of strong stress in the plant by transforming their peaks from the shape of fox's tail. This happens in some cases when the temperature is very high in a tent and makes it believe the plant that is still full summer making it bloom and vegetate at the same time
Just been flushing for a week reckon it will take another 5 days at least. The lower third i took off has been dried and is curing had a lil change of heart haha. Smells very strong fruity kinky and the colours have maintained.
Leider bin ich unzufrieden aber nicht mit Anesia oder der Sorte sondern mit mir selber habe erst zu spät bemerkt das ich Trauer mücken im Zelt hatte 😢 diese scheiß fliege hatte das erste mal mit den Biestern zu tun ich sag euch der name passt zu den fliegen wenn sie erstmal da sind Dann Fängst du an um deine Ladys zu trauern 😂 naja wieder ne erfahrung reicher nur gelb sticker haben nicht geholfen werde die Sorte sicher noch einmal growen da ich gerne den Durchgang mit gesunden Pflanzen als Bericht erstellen möchte
Olá amigos, fiz bubble hash da purple Punch 😎 utilizei 400g de flores muito pequenas que restaram da colheita e deu muito 🤩 fiz 5 repetições de 4 sacos com medidas de microns diferentes, correu muito bem, mais tarde partilho a fumaça 😎😁
This is my first grow in 25 years and it was a pleasure. Now that it's legal to grow 4 plants in Virginia, I did not waste any time getting started. Maintenance was easy. Well water in Autopots with Sohum living soil. All I needed to do was train the plants.
so normal grown, i've made her some LST technique for a while and respond perfectly, nothing to complain, she wa so strong , if i do it again i'll do topping or fim for sure
Been too busy to update the last few weeks, but they’re surviving longer then I expected. When I received my new light I did not take in consideration of the heat output and within the first night of use the tent reached a scorching 88 degrees