Awww one didnt make it... Well nice results on the others. Wouldnt you consider growing the others bit bigger to compensate for the loss? You will have some extra space...
Good luck and have fun!!
@BigDaddyK, it would only cost you a couple of weeks extra and you'll make up for a quarter of your harvest, you can still go back to veg!! Youll be amazed and learned and tried a new thing maybe! Well, good luckl!!
@BigDaddyK, ah yeah, you made the switch... Well.. Maybe you are up for a bit of a gamble... Look what happened to mine accidentally revegging, like unplanned. It was how I got the monstercrop I have right now. Unfortunately with a kind that doesnt grow too big buds... But if you do this in a controlled fashion. Let them get to bloom, maybe another (half) week, switch em back to vegging to a/ be able to grow em out to fullfill the lost one (you have the space anyway) b/ grow it into a monstercrop of buds but now with superlemon haze size of buds...
Check if your kind is ok with revegging (or its ancestors), but just set em in a triangle setup with spacing in between en let them fill out... Just a suggestion!! Ill be following!! Happy growing!!
@BioBuds,it’s sad but some just don’t work in DWC , don’t ask me why I have about 1% fail - I think they are attacked by something viral and once you started 12/12 there is no going back