Week 9👍🤙👍🌱 I'm starting to get some Funk Sweet Flower smell. Jon Dabs Check them out here: https://jondabs.com @jondabs Instagram The Sponsors Check them out here: Dutch Passion https://dutch-passion.com/en/ Hydroponic.co.za https://hydroponic.co.za/hydroponic/harvesting-and-growing-accessories/ Bud Juice https://www.gohydro.co.za The Best Grow https://thebestgrow.co.za Dynomyco https://www.dynomyco.com Nuclear Roots https://www.nuclearroots.co.za Photronic https://shop.photronic.net Special Thanks to Hydroponic.co.za. I buy all my products from them. Best service. Daily updates coming...
Purpeling...much appreciated from Mr. Pipi ...yesterday i threw some icecubes on her soil for her to sip on through the night. Gimme dem Pörpel Buds ecco 29.03.2024 Day 115 Mr. Pipi chopped off one Branch(13,6g wet). Since April 1st gonna be a date to celebrate for Germany, Mr. Pipi wants to do so with some early Harvest. Just because I can. 😄😄 And around 3-7 Days the rest of the plant will be ready, hopefully. Mr. Pipi feels like its over 50% Milky and the amber ones are a bit rare. But we are close my friends. So Let´s all be happy and welcome the german growers officially🙌🙌 I tried to take sweet shots of the branch, but Mr. Pipi is amateur. and the branch was curved 😵. But i hope you enjoy.
Purpeling...much appreciated from Mr. Pipi ...yesterday i threw some icecubes on her soil for her to sip on through the night. Gimme dem Pörpel Buds ecco 29.03.2024 Day 115 Mr. Pipi chopped off one Branch(13,6g wet). Since April 1st gonna be a date to celebrate for Germany, Mr. Pipi wants to do so with some early Harvest. Just because I can. 😄😄 And around 3-7 Days the rest of the plant will be ready, hopefully. Mr. Pipi feels like its over 50% Milky and the amber ones are a bit rare. But we are close my friends. So Let´s all be happy and welcome the german growers officially🙌🙌 I tried to take sweet shots of the branch, but Mr. Pipi is amateur. and the branch was curved 😵. But i hope you enjoy.
In dieser Woche habe ich eine nicht gewünschte Verfärbung der Blätter festgestellt! Das grün ist blasser geworden und ein paar vereinzelte Blätter Sind von der Farbe leicht lila/ violett geworden. Ich bin bisher noch sehr zurückhaltend mit Dünger . Ich werde besonders in der kommenden Woche ein Auge auf pH Wert und Düngemenge legen da die Blüten stark am wachsen sind Tage der Keimungsphase = 7 Tage. Tage in Wachstum = 21 Tage Tage in der Blüte = 21 Tage Wachstum h Woche 3 Blüte = 8 cm 2 mal in dieser Woche mit Purolyt Mischung 1:25 besprüht Lichtstärke: 90 % PPFD: ca. 850 umol Lichtabstand: 40 cm Std Tag/Nacht: 18/12 Temperatur Tag: ca. 25 Grad RLF Tag: 58% Temperatur Nacht: 21 Grad RLF Nacht: ca. 60 % VPD Wert: ca. 1,0 PH Wert Wasser/Düngelösung: 6,2 EC Wert: nicht gemessen Ventilator Oszillation: Stufe 1 Befeuchter: an Entfeuchter: aus Zusätzlicher Entfeuchter: 0 Stk. außerhalb vom Zelt im Raum Bewässerung: 3* bewässert 1,5 l/Pflanze mit Dünger mit den o.g. Mengen 1 * pures Wasser mit 1 l/Pflanze Purolyt Besprühung: 2 mal Besprühung Fastplantspray : 1 mal Controlling: Grow Control Dünger: Greenbuzz Nutrients Licht: Pro Emit Vollspektrum Abluft: EC Carbon Active 750 m3 Danke an Zamnesia für die Seeds, den sonstigen Merch und natürlich das Vertrauen in die Kooperation https://www.zamnesia.com/de/10681-zamnesia-seeds-pineapple-express-f1-automatic.html Danke auch an Mia von GB: https://greenbuzznutrients.com/de/ Ihr bekommt 25 % Rabatt bei der Nutzung des Codes auf der GB Homepage https://greenbuzzliquids.com/de/shop/ Code: GD42025 (Mindestbestellwert 75€)
This week we are seeing the girls starting to flower, mixed in a gaia green topdress and chopped it up into the sand, then adding another layer. The sand really does a number on the fungas gnats. Going to do some lollipopping and lots of defolation. Trying to pick and chose which colas to bring to the end. I cant wait to see what this looks like when its filled with bud. After I train tonight its going to be hands off completely besides watering.
This week we are seeing the girls starting to flower, mixed in a gaia green topdress and chopped it up into the sand, then adding another layer. The sand really does a number on the fungas gnats. Going to do some lollipopping and lots of defolation. Trying to pick and chose which colas to bring to the end. I cant wait to see what this looks like when its filled with bud. After I train tonight its going to be hands off completely besides watering.