Another nice week of growth, both plants had one last big trim last week, apart from that they’ve just been left to glow😂.. real nice shades of green in the canopy, just attempted my first Scrog! Nice open canopy now for the lights to penetrate there soul! Hope everyone’s had a nice week in and out of this forum👊🏻❤️
very big buds not so dense but still very good i guess left side acid dough right side black domina
Eccoci qui... Un altra settimana è finita e ci avviciniamo sempre di più alla fine di questa avventura pazzesca. Come potete vedere si è formata un'apicale importante con moltissima resina, ed ora sta iniziando a manifestarsi il viola che stavo aspettando!!! Grazie a @KhalifaGenetics e @xpertnutrients per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Eccoci qui... Che splendore questa genetica, NON SEBRA MARIJUANA!!! Questa settimana posso solo dire che sembrano fatte di marmo. STRAIN 1 super compatta chissà come sarà alla fine del raccolto!!!! Si inizia a vedere il viola nelle foglie FINALMENTE!!!!!! Grazie a @Khalifa_Genetics per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Eccoci qui... Che splendore questa genetica, NON SEBRA MARIJUANA!!! Questa settimana posso solo dire che sembrano fatte di marmo. STRAIN 1 super compatta chissà come sarà alla fine del raccolto!!!! Si inizia a vedere il viola nelle foglie FINALMENTE!!!!!! Grazie a @Khalifa_Genetics per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Nice flower set I love her struckture!!
Tag 3 4cm hoch. Dachte an leichtes spargeln? Bin mir nicht sicher. Abstand der Lampe auf 46cm erhöht (wegen Ausleuchtung von anderer Pflanze) Leistung Lampe von 50% auf 75% Ppfd an pflanze. 300. 18/6St. Beleuchtung
Día 21 (27/05) Lento crecimiento... Día 22 (28/05) Se estiran mínimamente Purple Lemonade Auto muestra las preflores... Día 23 (29/05) Riego con 500 ml H2O Día 24 (30/05) Stretch. Tendremos unas nenas chiquitas! Día 25 (31/05) Empieza el stretch! Se van a quedar pequeñas, pero voy a dejarlas experimentalmente Día 26 (01/06) Preparo Té de Compost de Floración! Healthy Harvest 8 ml/L + Insect Frass 16 ml/l + Melaza 1 ml/L + 24 horas oxigenándose! Día 27 (02/06) Riego con 500 ml de Té de Compost de Floración 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE -
Día 21 (27/05) Lento crecimiento... Día 22 (28/05) Se estiran mínimamente Día 23 (29/05) Riego con 500 ml H2O Día 24 (30/05) Stretch. Tendremos unas nenas chiquitas! Día 25 (31/05) Empieza el stretch! Se van a quedar pequeñas, pero voy a dejarlas experimentalmente Día 26 (01/06) Preparo Té de Compost de Floración! Healthy Harvest 8 ml/L + Insect Frass 16 ml/l + Melaza 1 ml/L + 24 horas oxigenándose! Día 27 (02/06) Riego con 500 ml de Té de Compost de Floración 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE -
Pues aquí tenemos la primera semana de la White Domina de Kannabiaseeds. Han ido creciendo muy bien en estos días, también le he agregado un fertilizante para el desarrollo de las raíces de la marca de ProXlCompleteConcentrated😍
Tag 56 - Beginn der 9 Woche. Die Blüten entwickeln sich weiterhin gut, sie sind schön frostig und duften stark und süßlich. Leider wurden die Blätter immer gelber und fallen teilweise ab. Für mich ist das anhand der Symptome diese Woche eindeutig geworden, dass die Pflanze hier mit zu viel Licht und Hitze zu kämpfen hat. Leider kann ich die Lampe nicht weiter hoch stellen ohne das es die andere Pflanze beeinflussen würde. Deshalb habe ich das Düngeschema nicht geändert und weiterhin Cal-Mag dazu gegeben damit sich die Pflanze vor der Lichtintensität und der Hitze besser schützen kann. Gedüngt wurde an Tag 51 der letzten Woche. Nährstofflösung: 1 ml/l - Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra Advanced Nutrients. 1 ml/l - Big Bud Advanced Nutrients 1 ml/l - Bud Candy Advanced Nutrients. 1 ml/l - B-52 Advanced Nutrients. 2 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part A. 2 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part B.
Tag 56 - Beginn der 9 Woche. Die Buds entwickeln sich weiterhin super. Starker Duft und extrem eisig. Wie schon erwähnt, entwickelt diese Pflanze für ihre Größe wirklich unglaublich dicke Buds. Diese Woche wurde nochmal gedüngt und auch schon mit den ersten Vorbereitungen zur Ernte begonnen. Am Tag 54 wurde das erste mal mit Advanced Nutrients Flawless Finish gespült. Dabei gebe ich 1,5 - 2ml/Liter als Zusatz zum normalen Wasser dazu. Der Plan ist dies 5 mal vor der Ernte zu wiederholen und das letzte mal mit normalen Wasser zu gießen. Gedüngt wurde an Tag 51 der letzten Woche. 3 Tage bevor mit dem Spülen begonnen wurde. Dies war natürlich die letzte Düngung. Nährstofflösung: 1 ml/l - Overdrive Advanced Nutrients 1 ml/l - Bud Candy Advanced Nutrients. 1 ml/l - B-52 Advanced Nutrients. 2 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part A. 2 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part B.
Been hardening her off for the past week with a few hours a day in the garden today is the day they stay in the garden for the rest of her life cycle, weather has been pants! its june and still under 20c and raining every other day! lol hopefully the weather gets its act together and begins to display the correct weather for the season! she had her first feeding this week with Biobizz nutrients and she seams to enjoy the taste of the food im providing. the information side of things will get more interesting the more she grows so please stick around to see what i can get from these little 2.5 litre pots. im hoping for a oz minimum but who knows!? 😁👌 see you guys/girls next week when they would have had their first full week outdoors thanks for stopping by! BeanZ! 😎💚👍
Been hardening her off for the past week with a few hours a day in the garden today is the day they stay in the garden for the rest of her life cycle, weather has been pants! its june and still under 20c and raining every other day! lol hopefully the weather gets its act together and begins to display the correct weather for the season! she had her first feeding this week with Biobizz nutrients and she seams to enjoy the taste of the food im providing. the information side of things will get more interesting the more she grows so please stick around to see what i can get from these little 2.5 litre pots. im hoping for a oz minimum but who knows!? 😁👌 see you guys/girls next week when they would have had their first full week outdoors thanks for stopping by! BeanZ! 😎💚👍
Been hardening her off for the past week with a few hours a day in the garden today is the day they stay in the garden for the rest of her life cycle, weather has been pants! its june and still under 20c and raining every other day! lol hopefully the weather gets its act together and begins to display the correct weather for the season! she had her first feeding this week with Biobizz nutrients and she seams to enjoy the taste of the food im providing. the information side of things will get more interesting the more she grows so please stick around to see what i can get from these little 2.5 litre pots. im hoping for a oz minimum but who knows!? 😁👌 see you guys/girls next week when they would have had their first full week outdoors thanks for stopping by! BeanZ! 😎💚👍
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D43/B06 - 28/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.1 pH: 6 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D44/B07 - 29/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 6.7 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 Seaweed 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D45/B08 - 30/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 6.7 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D46/B09 - 31/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 6.2 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D47/B10 - 01/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.4 pH: 6.4 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 60% 🌊2L 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D48/B11 - 02/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 6.3 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 Put some buds under the net 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D49/B12 - 03/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 6.4 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 80% 🌊6L 🍗 CalMag, Bloom A-B, Big Bud, Bud Candy, B-52 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
Neither has bud struckture I was looking for to breed with
Día 16 (27/05) Parece que no va muy mal para el día 16... A ver si es capaz de coger marcha con el SuperSoil... Día 17 (28/05) No muestra un gran crecimiento para día 18... Día 18 (29/05) Por necesidad de espacio sale al exterior. Vamossssss! Riego con 500 ml H2O Día 19 (30/05) N/A Día 20 (31/05) N/A Día 21 (01/06) Preparo Té de Compost de Floración! Healthy Harvest 8 ml/L + Insect Frass 16 ml/l + Melaza 1 ml/L + 24 horas oxigenandose! Día 22 (02/06) Riego con 500 ml de Té de Compost de Floración 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE -