📅 Tag 61 - Ich bin ENDLICH wieder zu hause und hab all meine Babys erstmal nen Kopf kürzer gemacht nachdem die während meines Urlaubs gewuchert sind wie Unkraut...was is ja prinzipiell auch ist aber...ihr wisst schon. Alle Pflanzen machen einen soliden Eindruck & wurden gegossen 😍 DARK DEVIL: Alles Tiptop, Blüten sind teilweise so dick wie die Fäuste von nem 5-Jährigen - bin mir nur unsicher ob ich die nicht jetzt schon Flushen soll, oder ihr nochmal ne Woche geben soll. 😈 GELATO: Braucht bemerkbar länger für die Blütenentwicklung, ist ja aber auch so vorgegeben. GG#4: Wenn die zwo Autos fertig sind und zum trocknen in den Trockenschrank kommen wirst du mies entlaubt und dann gehts 2 Tage später ab in die Blüte mit dir! ;) 🙌 Außerdem hab ich sie abgebunden, damit die Seitentriebe mit den Tops auf eine höhe wachsen, even canopy undso - ihr wisst bescheid! 👻 Sie war nach meinem ankommen fast 65cm groß und hat die anderen beiden um längen eingeholt... erschreckend :D Der Größere Topf kommt auch bis Donnerstag an und dann wird die GG umgetopft auf 30l... lol 📅 Tag 63 - Was soll ich sagen, Bilder sprechen für sich. DARK DEVIL: Digger, die kleine wird ja nochmal richtig dick. Hätte ich meine Kollegin die Blätter in Woche 7 stutzen lassen, wären die Buds vermutlich nochmal wesentlich fetter geworden. 😻 Aber egal, sie hat nen super Job geleistet und ich bin dankbar für jede investierte Sekunde! GELATO: Koooooooooooooommt. GG#4: Wuchert wie sau, 30l Topf kam is das ein Ding. Das wird so heftig schief gehen 😂😂😂 die kleistert mir doch safe das komplette Zelt zu 😂 Ehrlich gesagt glaub ich nicht dass ich die 30L komplett voll mache. Ich denke ich geh höchstens auf 20-22l Wird Krank. Außerdem: Dafür das ich n absoluter Beginner bin bin ich echt verdammt zufrieden damit wie alles läuft. Ich denke ehrlich gesagt nicht dass das ich's so einfach ohne die ganzen Plagron Dünger/Erden geschafft hätte. Ich habe etwas unter dem vorgegebenen Schema gegossen, weils Autos sind (und keine Fahrräder, lol) - und das funktioniert Einwandfrei. Die Dark Devil braucht tatsächlich etwas mehr Cal/Mag als mein gefiltertes Leitungswasser ohnehin schon bietet, da hab ich einfach nach Gefühl dazugegeben. Alle 2 Wochen haben sich die Blätter mal wieder gemeldet mit Cal/Mag mangel und genau dann hab ichs dazu gegeben. Wie dem auch sei, PLAGRON FTW!😻🙌
Wow well we’re do I start. Absolute dream to grow Smelt strong of citrus and oranges , was amazing to smell , After just 5 days of drying and 1 week of curing the result was imense. Absolute knockout weed with an orange taste and a smooth on the throat. One of the best I’ve taste. Highly recommend
Start of week 6 of flower for Space Panda Shes just so pretty even though her buds are actually on the small-medium size range hopefully this one will be a good quality over quantity pheno! Still getting fed everyday with bottom feeding, this week i did banana peel water with extra cal-mag added too. Going back to water only after she gets another feed of Bio Enhancer. Pheno 2 in week 3 now, she had a little struggle but seems to be doing nicely now? she got q heavy defoliation she really needed it. I HAVENT ABANDONED THIS DIARY! GROW DIAIRIES DOENT LET US GO PAST 21 WEEKS.... FIX THIS ISSUE.
91 Octane - she is almost close to harvest stage. But I’m gonna give another two weeks and then I’ll harvest her. In previous weeks, her buds are getting dense and heavy so her branches are almost fall off. Then I solved that situation with twist tie and you guys will see on photos. Banana Daddy - she showed monster leaves and I’ll solve in one week curing then I think her buds will grow more bigger and dense. If you have new ideas or advices, you guys can suggest, advise, or teach me new ways of solving those things. Sugar Cane - the late flowering baby is now showing her beauty with trichomes like white sugar. And her buds are starting bigger and bigger. I think this sugar cane will be like 91 Octane.
Another grow that has come to an end. I loved it, Simple and quick, i recommend it. It has started to dry. It will take between 10 and 14 data. Thanks!
Hi everyone I chop her down day 86 and let her dry in 19° temp and RH 65 % I'm going to slow drying for best results 7 to 8 days She is very dense and sticky bud and so heavy too I think she yield over 150g plus but the bud are not 100% purple its mix with light purple and green ass you can see in pic or video but still I'm very very happy and already germinate another purple lemonade 💜 next week I will update smoke reviews and final dry weight 😀
all good this week too, im maybe having some issues with the RH, lets see next days how it goes
Greetings, fellow cultivators! Today, I'm thrilled to share the grand finale of our journey with the remarkable Big Cheese Auto from Seeds Mafia. At day 81 from seed, she reached the pinnacle of her splendor, and the harvest was nothing short of spectacular. As I gently snipped each ripe bud, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and resilience of our Big Cheese Auto. From the moment she emerged as a seedling, she embodied strength, vigor, and an unwavering determination to flourish. Now, as she hangs upside down to dry for the next two weeks, I'm filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the privilege of witnessing her growth. Our journey with the Big Cheese Auto has been nothing short of extraordinary. From the excitement of germination to the meticulous care during vegetative growth, from the anticipation of flowering to the aromatic crescendo of the harvest, each phase has been a testament to the plant's resilience and the joy of cultivation. The journey began with a tiny seed, a promise of potential waiting to be fulfilled. With the nurturing support of the Autopot system and the guidance of Aptus Holland's nutrients, our Big Cheese Auto thrived, transforming into a botanical marvel with each passing week. From the emergence of her first true leaves to the explosion of trichome-rich buds, she captivated us at every turn. A heartfelt thank you to Seeds Mafia for providing the genetics that sparked this incredible journey. Your seeds have not only produced exceptional plants but have also inspired a community of passionate cultivators. Your dedication to quality and innovation is truly commendable, and I am grateful for the opportunity to cultivate such remarkable genetics. Before the trimming and curing process begins, I took the time to capture the beauty of our Big Cheese Auto in a special photo shoot. Each snapshot is a testament to her magnificence, a visual ode to the journey we've shared together. To the entire community, both near and far, thank you for accompanying me on this horticultural odyssey. Your support, encouragement, and shared passion for cultivation have made this journey all the more rewarding. Let's continue to cultivate greatness together! Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey! Wishing you all abundant harvests and joyful cultivation endeavors ahead! Genetics -Seeds Mafia Big Cheese Automatic Light - LUMATEK ZEUS 465 COMPACT PRO 
All info and full product details can be find in can find @ As always, thank you all for joining me on this journey, for your love, and for it all. My horticultural odyssey would never be the same without you. Your love and support are cherished, and I feel both honored and blessed to have you in my life
Very good strain, stretch 800x, baked af, no couch lock
Super happy with this. Strong tropical citrus nose. Dense, frosty nugs. Definitely recommend trying tropicana cookies in your garden
It’s been a strange week this week, few ups and downs, happy with the leaf development and general health of the girls but i think they might be lacking a bit of height and length between the nodes so I’ve been advised to not increase my wattage just yet and to increase the distance from light. I’ve also in the last couple of days moved them to the outer side of the tent, not like I’m lacking the space lol, in hope that this will encourage them to stretch up and out in search for more light; fingers crossed its a winning combo. Still only feeding water when soils dried up. Will deffo put a couple more plants in next time.
De planten zijn naar hun nieuwe huis gegaan. Eerste week 12/12. De planten kregen wel wat root max schimmels en wat melasse en zeewiervoer Info van Zamnesia!! Green Crack F1 Hybrid Automatic: Zamnesia Seeds heeft een nauwkeurig afgestemd genetisch profiel; een combinatie van Skunk #1 en Afghani. Het resultaat van deze kruising: een betrouwbare soort die moeiteloos te kweken is en aanzienlijke opbrengsten oplevert! GREEN CRACK F1 HYBRIDE AUTOMATISCH KWEKEN Of je deze soort nu in een kweektent, kas of buiten wilt kweken, je zult versteld staan van haar aanpassingsvermogen. En dat is niet alles! De F1 Hybrid-genen in Green Crack F1 Automatic zorgen bovendien voor unieke stabiliteit, betrouwbaarheid en uniformiteit. Elk zaadje dat je ontkiemt, heeft het potentieel om vergelijkbare resultaten te produceren. Green Crack F1 Automatic wordt tussen de 60 en 90 cm hoog. Met ongeveer elf weken vanaf ontkieming tot oogst is Green Crack F1 Automatic niet de snelste soort. Desondanks zorgen die bonusweken voor een betere plant die uitstekende oogsten zal opleveren. Na een kweek met weinig onderhoud kun je opbrengsten verwachten van ongeveer 450–550g/m² (binnen) of rond de 50–200g/plant (buiten). Echt indrukwekkend voor een plant van dit formaat. AROMA'S, SMAKEN EN EFFECTEN VAN GREEN CRACK F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC De invloed van zijn voorouders komt duidelijk tot uiting in het aroma en de smaak van Green Crack F1 Automatic. Geniet van intense, skunky smaken gemengd met een beetje GREEN CRACK F1 AUTOMATIC (ZAMNESIA SEEDS) FEMINIZED PRODUCTINFORMATIE Merk Zamnesia Seeds Parents Skunk #1 x Afghani Genetics Sativa dominante autoflower Bloeiwijze Autoflowering Bloeitijd 11-12 weken van zaad tot oogst THC 21% CBD Lage hoogte (binnen) 90cm Hoogte (buiten) 90cm Opbrengst binnen tot 550g/m² Opbrengst buiten tot 200g/plant Link naar de winkel: f1-automatisch.html