She is expanding and drinking more and more water. The smell is getting stronger as well. At the end of next week she gets a lollipopping which is good because I cant reach the soil anymore without making some leaves wet.
Hello Growmies, We’ve entered week 12 with our Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel plants, and the journey towards harvest continues to amaze. The past week has been marked by the plants' steadfast maturation, with no significant changes in their growth pattern except for one stunning development: the emergence of beautiful purple hues across the buds and leaves. Plants #1 and #3 remain the stars of the show, maintaining their impressive size and dense bud formations. The decision to optimize the light spectrum early on continues to pay dividends, ensuring the plants receive precisely what they need for robust flowering. The grow lights remain carefully positioned to avoid any heat stress, maintaining a perfect balance of intensity and distance. The foliage retains its vibrant green color, a clear indication of the plants' excellent health and nutrient uptake. The support grid continues to provide essential structural support, crucial as the buds gain weight and density with each passing day. Root systems remain strong and resilient, anchoring the plants securely and facilitating efficient nutrient absorption. This strong foundation has been pivotal in sustaining the plants through their final stages of development. As we progress through week 12, the excitement for harvest is palpable. The trichomes have continued to mature, now prominently coating the buds in a glistening layer of resin. The buds themselves are swelling with potency, promising a rich and aromatic yield. With the flushing process completed, we’ve optimized the final weeks to enhance flavor and smoothness, ensuring a premium harvest. The plants are now in their prime, showcasing not only their robust health but also their striking visual appeal with those alluring purple hues. Stay tuned for the upcoming harvest updates as we prepare to reap the rewards of this journey. Keep nurturing your plants with care and dedication. Stay lifted! Salokin
week intel: it was the time to prune the cover crops this week i chopped them - no problem all good stresses : just a little E.C stress around 1.4 once a week feeding: i feed them 3 times this week with this order : day 1 : i feed them heavy with silicate +base nutrients(calcium & micros + Bloom) about 707 ppm - 1.4 e.c to cause a little stress. day 3 : i feed them low dose of Feeding Booster around 275 ppm - 0.57 e.c to let them recover a little but not fully recover still a little stress will caused. day 5 : i feed them with normal dose of Top-Max + B-52 around 213 ppm - 0.42 e.c to let them recover the stresses to get ready for another stress next week. guide of the week : know your plant tolerance limit of E.C stress once you saw the very very little yellowing on tips of leaves , that's the sign to don't go further , never reach that limit if you want a high quality buds, in my case tolerance is 1.4 and i'll reach to that level only once a week to cause precision stress , love your plants and have a happy growing!
Day 36 Done nothing just let them grow and trimmed a few leaves Day 37 - watered them with feeding. Decreased the amount by 25% except the base nutes. Added 12ml CalMag on 4L water by request of the community. If leaves curl down more, I will consider a flush. Day 38 No feed. Color changed from the middleone overnight, I think that’s a good sign. Maybe someone can comment on that 💪🏽. For me it looks very good, I know a few leaves show signs of nutrient burn but I decreased already and no new signs appeared
So meine kleine Kofferprinzessin befindet sich nun in der zweiten Blütewoche (im Video sage ich Growwoche, das ist natürlich quatsch) und ich glaub alles ist soweit gut. Ich habe die kleine ein bisschen mit Draht von der Lampe weggebogen und hoffe das hilft irgendwie. PS Ich benutz nie wieder so n whackn Growkoffer :/
Welcome to the flowering ! Leave a LIKE man :) I think we deserve it Day 29 I got all sweated up in 33°c heat, doing lst under Spiderfarmer, tough work. I felt like black person in slavery period, working on a sugar cane field. Damn that's rough. I did bunch of work on making and adjusting pink rope lines around tent, so I can later spread her real well, did lots of LST, and we will see in several hours how she will respond to it. She responds quick and well. This and next week, I will continue doing LST to maximize area coverage. Day 30 As I expected, monstrous stretch is coming this and next week. Brace yourselves whoever likes and follows ! Day 33 I see very nice stretch, however we have in places lots of stems, and they are all promising. I don't see how to defoliate it efficiently, so I started removing big leaves 2 days ago, and I am doing it everyday. We still have around 7-10 days of good stretch left so hopefully they will even each other out, before MAJOR defoliation time comes.
Welcome to the flowering ! Leave a LIKE man :) I think we deserve it Day 29 I got all sweated up in 33°c heat, doing lst under Spiderfarmer, tough work. I felt like black person in slavery period, working on a sugar cane field. Damn that's rough. I did bunch of work on making and adjusting pink rope lines around tent, so I can later spread her real well, did lots of LST, and we will see in several hours how she will respond to it. She responds quick and well. This and next week, I will continue doing LST to maximize area coverage. Day 30 As I expected, monstrous stretch is coming this and next week. Brace yourselves whoever likes and follows ! Day 33 I see very nice stretch, however we have in places lots of stems, and they are all promising. I don't see how to defoliate it efficiently, so I started removing big leaves 2 days ago, and I am doing it everyday. We still have around 7-10 days of good stretch left so hopefully they will even each other out, before MAJOR defoliation time comes.
Moving right along, tucked inside out of the weather for a couple days but back outside and happy now.
Moving along into flower nicely, spent a day and change inside hiding from the rain and wind from the hurricane remnant. Back outside now.
Day 100 Day 57 Flower 06/07/24 Saturday Flushed with de-chlorinated tap water today pH 6.0. Flushing using 10L of water with Flawless finish- I'll be using this every other flush. , getting 50% run off, I can't measure ppm, I have ordered the tool to start learning this way also. I haven't measured run off ppms before so will be interesting to see. Smelling pungent, deep greens of colour coming through, hoping over the next 2 weeks she swells as she is not as dense as I was hoping 😅 Day 10day 58 Flower 07/07/24 Sunday No feed /water today letting her dry off a little more. Updated with a short 🤩💚 Day 102 Day 59 Flower 08/07/24 Monday De-chlorinated tap Water 5L pH 6.0 + 3L Water +calmag 5ml to keep her from deficiency during 1st week of flush. Updated a short video 😁 She's getting there. Day 103 Day 60 Flower 09/07/24 Tuesday No water, letting her dry off again ABIT, noticing a huge amount of trichome production, updated a short to see 😍. Day 104 Day 61 Flower 10/07/24 Wednesday Another 10L flush today , de-chlorinated tap water pH 6.0 with flawless finish. 10ml flawless finish to 10L water. Updated pictures and video. Day 105 Day 62 Flower 11/07/24 Thursday Last day of the week, another big flush today! 10L de-chlorinated tap water pH 6.0 with 10ml Flawless finish 👌 Trichomes...😍 She maybe a 21 day flush we'll see how she goes next week with ripening. Video updated.
Its now week 3 of flower and the budsides are growing and showing their beauty and smell and at the end of the week is lollipopping on the Menu. There aren't any signes of lacks in nutrients. I found one yellowish leave but I'm pretty sure that was my fault for leaving the Soil a little bit to dry for some days.
This one smells very lemony i got lucky
Hi this is Apple fritter auto by Royal Queen No idea of the week as I have not been keeping track and the only updates will be pictures and a video once a week until harvest. Wish you all a successful grow.