we have nici branching and flowering. The plant didnt need an nutrients beacause it is in perfect soil. Still growing wider and higher, beatiful sativa plant. The smell is very exotic, like citrusy, gasy like. Mabye in 3-4 weeks we will have one plant done.
Soo, I think I can start to call it the first week of flower. #2 definitely is showing a few white pistols, #1 is just starting her first set and I'm pretty sure #3 will shoot them out any day! Also seems that removing the lowest two side branches of #1 was a huge success! She basically is the same hight as the others BUT I LST her a bit to expose the smallest side branches out of the three to more light! Also, I put a little elevation for her, so they stay the same high. #3 is doing #3 things and continues to grow rapidly. Topping her was the right move I think. I'm quite new to autoflowers (I mean pretty much in general but I had one random regular seed run before this but that's it) so I hope, I didn't call it too early but I'm positive:) Also my new microscope and the Blumat drip irrigation system finally arrived. I heard it can be a bit tricky to get it running but once it runs, it should run like a charm. Very very excited for this since I'm planning on going living soil in the future, which should fit very well together. Before installing the system, I removed the first set of true leaves of #1 and buried the wounds in soil. I hope she will build roots there. With #2 I took scissors and scratched up the main stem and filled it up with soil. As well I hope for more root growth. #3 just got a little bit more soil without any extras because of the topping. After doing all that, I watered with the BioEnhancer. I took 0,5g/l and around 1,5l in total. Quite a lot of update for just one day haha. Flowerpower baby!
Harvested the more mature plant, it had lost it's top to the wind, harvested a few days ago and has had a couple spots with a little rot removed. Seems stable enough and mature. Going to let the remaining one run out a bit as it seems a bit slower.
I installed a PH controller but it didn't work right and only the ph up peristaltic pump is working. I will use this over my vacation as my PH drifts down naturally so this should work until i get a replacement. I watered in my gsc and other seedlings until runoff with 850 ppm heavy in nitrogen to green them up as the organic top dressing is taking too long.will see how they respond.on week 4 day 4 They are responding well to nitrogen Gsc is taking off!!!will continue nitrogen until end of this week as needed.
I installed a PH controller but it didn't work right and only the ph up peristaltic pump is working. I will use this over my vacation as my PH drifts down naturally so this should work until i get a replacement. I watered in my gsc and other seedlings until runoff with 850 ppm heavy in nitrogen to green them up as the organic top dressing is taking too long.will see how they respond.on week 4 day 4 They are responding well to nitrogen Gsc is taking off!!!will continue nitrogen until end of this week as needed.
Eccoci arrivati finalmente alla fine di questa maratona! È passato più di 15 giorni da quando ho raccolto, staremo a vedere alla prova di assaggio, per ora le cime sono pesanti dure compatte e la pianta è davvero un gigante per essere stata fatta indoor e stata stoppata 4 volte, e nonostante questo è venuto un mostro di più di 120 cm! Grandi anesia seeds sono una garanzia di genetiche di qualità eccezionale!