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🖐️👨‍🌾 Bienvenidos entusiastas de la marihuana clandestina y orgánica! Segunda semana desde el cambio de horario a 12/12h, la planta ha continuado estirándose, esta semana otros 10cm, pero no hay problema, porque ninguna planta va a pasar de los 70cm de altura que era mi objetivo inicial. La planta está con el metabolismo disparado, consume mucha agua de riego y los brotes florales comienzan a tomar protagonismo, las fuertes ramas están preparadas para soportar cogollos monstruosos, yo también! Por en cuanto estoy esperando pacientemente que todos los cultivos paren el estiramiento, creo que será en estos días, para hacer un importante cambio de luces y comenzar con mi arsenal de Bio Fertilizantes específicos para floración. Yo cultivo con luces intensas con temperaturas de color apropiadas en cada etapa, para provocar mayor fotosíntesis y favorecer al tiempo la compactación de la planta en crecimiento vegetativo y para producir cogollos muy grandes y densos en floración, a la vez, la mayor captación de energía provoca mayor consumo de agua y nutrientes, y si el sustrato y las raíces han llegado a floración preparadas, el sistema lo completo con control de temperatura/humedad y máxima aireación en la carpa de cultivo, lo cierto es que esta parte no me da problemas, pues mantengo la carpa muy aireada y fresca sin sobrepasar los 26°C en los ápices, la humedad en mi casa no es problema. Yo no le tengo miedo a la intensidad de luz y sólo soy precavido con la temperatura/humedad por la circunstancia de cultivar en interior y macetas, porque he vivido en diferentes lugares sub tropicales, he visto también cultivos de marihuana en África y he comprobado la intensidad de la luz solar, las luces artificiales son un mero juego comparadas con el sol, y el calor de esas zonas y como se desarrolla el cannabis espectacularmente! Esta temporada todas las plantas se muestran muy saludables y vigorosas, esta vez conseguí alejar mi impaciencia con relación a la cantidad de riego, los experimentos radicales y las altas concentraciones de Bio Nutrientes en la etapa de crecimiento vegetativo, y se nota. A partir de ahora las mezclas de riego cambian mucho, la planta en floración necesita más variedad de nutrientes y minerales que en la etapa de crecimiento vegetativo, donde necesita más cantidad pero de menos variedad de nutrientes y minerales. Con el último riego hice un aporte de una mezcla de enmiendas secas al sustrato, en ese mismo riego incluí melaza para dar energía extra a los Microorganismos y que comiencen a comer este aporte extra de materia orgánica, nutrientes y minerales. Esta temporada estoy limitando el uso de melaza en riegos, hasta ahora la usaba en todos y en cada uno de los riegos, desde el inicio hasta el final de los cultivos. pero esta temporada he usado la melaza sólo en las primeras semanas de cultivo para potenciar la proliferación de la Microbiología en el sustrato y la expansión de las raíces, y desde hace dos semanas dejé de añadir melaza cuando las plantas han tenido un volumen importante, ahora, del aporte de azúcares para dar energía a los MM se encargará la propia planta, no es que haya observado anomalías evidentes por el uso continuado de la melaza, pero no quiero influir en el sabor ni en los aromas originales de las plantas. HASTA LA PRÓXIMA... SALUDOS A TODOS! ================================ Info de la cepa Black Lebanon de Super Sativa Seed Club: "Esta es la Black Lebanon original que data de los años 80, una auténtica planta de Hash..." Super Sativa Seed Club - Genética: Landrace - Indica dominante - Tiempo de Floración - 09 semanas - Rendimiento en interior: 500 g/m² - THC: 20% - Sabores: Hachís, bayas, afrutado, ligeramente terroso ================================
Black Lebanon · Super Sativa Seed Club
DS120w · Secret Jardin
Agua de Montaña ·
Miel ·
Agua de montaña ·
Miel ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Ormus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Miel ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Ormus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Ormus ·
Lacto Complex ·
Bio Fish EM ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Ormus ·
Melaza ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Melaza ·
Bio Blood EM ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Guamato AZ ·
Lacto Complex ·
Bio Mealfrass EM ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Melaza ·
Bio Guanos EM ·
Humato Bonnes ·
Lacto Harinas ·
Agua de Montaña ·
MMA Ultra ·
Humato Bonnes ·
MMA Plus ·
Guamato AZ ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Lacto Complex ·
Bio Fruits EM ·
Humato Bones ·
Guamato AZ ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Humato Blood ·
Guamato AZ ·
Bio Fruits EM ·
Humato PK ·
Bio Algas EM ·
Melaza ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio Clays EM ·
Guamato AZ ·
Humato PK ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Humato Plus ·
Hidro Bones ·
Bio Fruits EM ·
Alga Flora MMA ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio PKCaMg EM ·
Humato Bones ·
Guamato AZ ·
MMA One ·
Bio Algas EM ·
Bio Guanos EM ·
Lacto Flours ·
Melaza ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio PKs EM ·
Humato Bones ·
Guamato AZ ·
MMA Plus ·
Humato Blood ·
Hidro Bones ·
Hidro SiK ·
Mountain Water ·
Humato PK ·
Hidro SiK ·
Bio Ash EM ·
Pumpkin MMA ·
Guamato AZ ·
Mountain Water ·
Humato PK ·
Hidro SiK ·
Hidro Bones AZ ·
Guamato AZ ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Humato Bones ·
Hidro Blood ·
Bio PKs EM ·
Mountain Water ·
Humato PK ·
MMA Plus ·
Bio Fruits EM ·
Melaza ·
Mountain Water ·
Bio sKMg EM ·
Bio Blood EM ·
Hidro SiK ·
Humato KAZ ·
Lacto Fruits ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Melaza ·
Mountain Water ·
Bio PKs EM ·
Humato PK ·
Hidro SiK ·
MMA Mineral ·
Guamato AZ ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Mountain Water ·
Hidro SiK ·
Humato PK ·
Bio Ash EM ·
Bio Mineral EM ·
Lacto Fruits ·
MMA One ·
Our Ghost Train Haze automatic has started to flower, here the main lining didn't work well but it worked really well. It's a plant that responded very well to topping right away and you could see it growing at a fantastic rate. Here the topping was done at the third internode, mainfold and then we continue for another three internodes and topping again. You can decide to cut something along the way here there is really a lot of stuff that seems to be going very well. . Anyway you leave more or less everything that manages to see a decent amount of light enough to flower well. The plant is an exemplary one with a wide internodal distance I managed to work it very well, the appearance is truly impressive and the structure is really very very beautiful. Here we are at the moment of truth, the flowers are starting to form, our Ghost Train Haze reveals its sex and of course like all Zamnesia plants I will be the father of two beautiful females. One is growing straight but I will show it to you later because I have been focusing a lot on this one in main - lining. It is a plant with a wide internodal distance so we have more time to shape it before the woodification and it lends itself very well to late last interventions. I managed to open it on the main line very well and the lateral branches are really, growing and stretching properly. We will not see the super productive trees of the autumn harvest but I am willing to bet that we will have lots of beauty and lots of resin in beautiful bush-sized plants. Wait for the uncle BreadandBuds.... We are still using soil, feeding and all the recommended additives from Plagron 100% organic. We have moved on to the flowering start schedule that keeps the same Power Roots additives - Sugar Royal, Pure Zym and adds the flowering stimulant dear in my house for obvious reasons of Biscotti. Of course the basic fertilizer is now Alga Bloom. The Green Sensation when the flowers are already a bit swollen, do not start immediately. The Power Buds must immediately stimulate the start and development of the buds. ---- Decide on the right soil and calculate your fertilizer schedule based on the soil on the official website. -- Try a seed of this strain that drives us crazy.. ---- Zamnesia Description // From the day its cotyledons emerge from the substrate, Ghost Train Haze Auto will surprise you with its rapid growth and robustness. When it starts to flower, this short sativa will develop long and compact buds with pungent scents of spice, citrus and fuel. All the best that mother nature can offer is on ----
Week 10 - Fifth Week of Flower The Donutz tent is stepping into its fifth week of flower with some exciting developments and a few surprises. The plants are thriving, and the vibes remain immaculate as the grow progresses. Key Updates: Purple Phenos: 3-4 of the plants are starting to show stunning purple hues in their buds and sugar leaves. The color shift adds a beautiful contrast to the tent and hints at the unique expressions within the Donutz genetics. Different Phenotypes: While most of the plants are stacking up nicely, 1-2 phenos are a bit on the thinner side with less bud density. It’s a reminder of the natural variability in genetics, but there’s still time for them to fill out in the coming weeks. Environment & Care: Stable Conditions: Temperature, watering (reverse osmosis), and overall care are dialed in perfectly. The plants are enjoying a consistent, stress-free environment with plenty of love. Healthy Growth: The rest of the tent is looking strong, with vibrant buds and trichome development continuing to ramp up. Observations: The purple phenos are a standout feature this week, bringing extra visual appeal to the tent. Even the thinner phenos are showing healthy structure and potential to develop further before harvest. Trichome production is increasing, and the tent is starting to radiate that sweet, sticky aroma. Next Steps: Continue monitoring the thinner phenos to ensure they’re getting enough light and nutrients. Maintain stable environmental conditions and nutrient levels to support bud development. Keep a close eye on trichomes as they mature, watching for any signs of ripening as the grow approaches the final stretch. The Donutz are flourishing, and the tent is alive with color, aroma, and promise. The Florida Gang grind is paying off big time — the finish line is in sight!
Bienvenidos a este nuevo diario de GG4 Sherbet FF patrocinado por FastBuds! Día -3 (09/01): Se coloca la semilla en tubo de ensayo con 15 ml de H20 Osmosis RO + 3 gotas agua oxigenada (H2O2) en un lugar oscuro a 25 ºC durante 24 horas Día -1 (11/01): Se prepara una maceta de 1L con sustrato PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE Se humedece el sustrato muy lentamente hasta percolación profunda con H20 Osmosis RO Se hace un agujero de 1 cm de profundidad, se coloca la semilla con la radicula hacia abajo, se tapa con un poco de sustrato y se humedece ligeramente con agua en spray Se coloca parte superior botella / propagador en la zona de germinación para mantener humedad relativa alta y se introduce en el armario a 20 - 22 ºC (DLI 13 - 20/4) FastBuds 15% DISCOUNT code "NONICK" @fast_buds_official_ @fastbuds.official 💦 BioTabs 15% DISCOUNT code "GDBT420" @biotabs_official 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE @promixmitch @promixgrowers_unfiltered 💡2 x Mars Hydro FC1500 EVO Led Grow Light (2024 NEW FC 1500-EVO Samsung LM301H 150W LED) - -
Bienvenidos a este nuevo diario de GG4 Sherbet FF patrocinado por FastBuds! Día -3 (09/01): Se coloca la semilla en tubo de ensayo con 15 ml de H20 Osmosis RO + 3 gotas agua oxigenada (H2O2) en un lugar oscuro a 25 ºC durante 24 horas Día -1 (11/01): Se prepara una maceta de 1L con sustrato PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE Se humedece el sustrato muy lentamente hasta percolación profunda con H20 Osmosis RO Se hace un agujero de 1 cm de profundidad, se coloca la semilla con la radicula hacia abajo, se tapa con un poco de sustrato y se humedece ligeramente con agua en spray Se coloca parte superior botella / propagador en la zona de germinación para mantener humedad relativa alta y se introduce en el armario a 20 - 22 ºC (DLI 13 - 20/4) FastBuds 15% DISCOUNT code "NONICK" @fast_buds_official_ @fastbuds.official 💦 BioTabs 15% DISCOUNT code "GDBT420" @biotabs_official 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE @promixmitch @promixgrowers_unfiltered 💡2 x Mars Hydro FC1500 EVO Led Grow Light (2024 NEW FC 1500-EVO Samsung LM301H 150W LED) - -
This week went by quickly. They're doin their Pre-Flower stretch and getting big quickly!! I added my Pre-Flower mix to them this week. My Nutrient Pre-Flower Mix consists of H20, Coconut, Bananas, Pineapple, Sweet Potatoes, Kelp, Alfalfa Meal, All Organic Non-Pasturized Whole Milk, Epsom Salts, Black Strap Molasses, and L.A.B. or Lactic Acid Bacteria. First, I boiled the coconut, pineapple, sweet potatoes, the bananas, and left the skins on as well except the coconut of course! That I had to split in half and make sure to keep the water inside to add to the boil. After boiling everything I then let it cool and then added it to a blender to blend little by little. After blending I left separate and placed into the fridge. Then I took 1 Tbsp of Alfalfa Meal and 2 Tbsp of Kelp, 500mL of the milk, 2 Tbsp of Epsom Salts, and mixed them in a 750 mL bottle. Then I took 1L of the mix and added 2 Tbsp of L.A.B. and 2 Tbsp of Black Strap Molasses and then shook the bottle well! Then I took the 750mL bottle and the 1L bottle and fed that to the plants adding 250 mL of pH H2O to the plant as well to flush the ingredients all into the plant with the H20. I wanted to also note that I choose to slowly defoliate so that the plant doesn't go into shock and also fan leaves collect light in all spectrums so taking too many off at a time could hurt or slow the growth of your plant! The amount of light your plant takes in daily is called DLI or Daily Light Index. Overall, they're really growing and have a ton of bud sites developing! I'm excited to see the growth weekly and their colors!
This week went by quickly. They're doin their Pre-Flower stretch and getting big quickly!! I added my Pre-Flower mix to them this week. My Nutrient Pre-Flower Mix consists of H20, Coconut, Bananas, Pineapple, Sweet Potatoes, Kelp, Alfalfa Meal, All Organic Non-Pasturized Whole Milk, Epsom Salts, Black Strap Molasses, and L.A.B. or Lactic Acid Bacteria. First, I boiled the coconut, pineapple, sweet potatoes, the bananas, and left the skins on as well except the coconut of course! That I had to split in half and make sure to keep the water inside to add to the boil. After boiling everything I then let it cool and then added it to a blender to blend little by little. After blending I left separate and placed into the fridge. Then I took 1 Tbsp of Alfalfa Meal and 2 Tbsp of Kelp, 500mL of the milk, 2 Tbsp of Epsom Salts, and mixed them in a 750 mL bottle. Then I took 1L of the mix and added 2 Tbsp of L.A.B. and 2 Tbsp of Black Strap Molasses and then shook the bottle well! Then I took the 750mL bottle and the 1L bottle and fed that to the plants adding 250 mL of pH H2O to the plant as well to flush the ingredients all into the plant with the H20. I wanted to also note that I choose to slowly defoliate so that the plant doesn't go into shock and also fan leaves collect light in all spectrums so taking too many off at a time could hurt or slow the growth of your plant! The amount of light your plant takes in daily is called DLI or Daily Light Index. Overall, they're really growing and have a ton of bud sites developing! I'm excited to see the growth weekly and their colors!
Another successful week with her stretching and making new leaves. This may be her last week in veg and then I move her to direct soil outdoors.
This week went by quickly. They're doin their Pre-Flower stretch and getting big quickly!! I added my Pre-Flower mix to them this week. My Nutrient Pre-Flower Mix consists of H20, Coconut, Bananas, Pineapple, Sweet Potatoes, Kelp, Alfalfa Meal, All Organic Non-Pasturized Whole Milk, Epsom Salts, Black Strap Molasses, and L.A.B. or Lactic Acid Bacteria. First, I boiled the coconut, pineapple, sweet potatoes, the bananas, and left the skins on as well except the coconut of course! That I had to split in half and make sure to keep the water inside to add to the boil. After boiling everything I then let it cool and then added it to a blender to blend little by little. After blending I left separate and placed into the fridge. Then I took 1 Tbsp of Alfalfa Meal and 2 Tbsp of Kelp, 500mL of the milk, 2 Tbsp of Epsom Salts, and mixed them in a 750 mL bottle. Then I took 1L of the mix and added 2 Tbsp of L.A.B. and 2 Tbsp of Black Strap Molasses and then shook the bottle well! Then I took the 750mL bottle and the 1L bottle and fed that to the plants adding 250 mL of pH H2O to the plant as well to flush the ingredients all into the plant with the H20. I wanted to also note that I choose to slowly defoliate so that the plant doesn't go into shock and also fan leaves collect light in all spectrums so taking too many off at a time could hurt or slow the growth of your plant! The amount of light your plant takes in daily is called DLI or Daily Light Index. Overall, they're really growing and have a ton of bud sites developing! I'm excited to see the growth weekly and their colors!
Plants looking happier week by week. Peach Tree and Gary Payton also got their haircut. I pushed the light up to 120W which matches the light intensity recommended by Sanlight for the stage. Will keep it like that until I flip to flower. Recharged the crystals while the sun was shining on the weekend.
Bienvenidos a este nuevo diario de Limón Blanco patrocinado por Khalifa Genetics! Día -3 (09/01): Se coloca la semilla en tubo de ensayo con 15 ml de H20 Osmosis RO + 3 gotas agua oxigenada (H2O2) en un lugar oscuro a 25 ºC durante 24 horas Día -1 (11/01): Se prepara una maceta de 1L con sustrato PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE Se humedece el sustrato muy lentamente hasta percolación profunda con H20 Osmosis RO Se hace un agujero de 1 cm de profundidad, se coloca la semilla con la radicula hacia abajo, se tapa con un poco de sustrato y se humedece ligeramente con agua en spray Se coloca parte superior botella / propagador en la zona de germinación para mantener humedad relativa alta y se introduce en el armario a 20 - 22 ºC (DLI 13 - 20/4) Khalifa Genetics - 💦 BioTabs 15% DISCOUNT code "GDBT420" @biotabs_official 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE @promixmitch @promixgrowers_unfiltered 💡2 x Mars Hydro FC1500 EVO Led Grow Light (2024 NEW FC 1500-EVO Samsung LM301H 150W LED) - -
The pound cake auto is really taking off. I’m happy I didn’t top the plant and just let it do its thing. It’s gonna have big long bugs all over the whole plant is just gonna be nugs. Not sure what I did with this plant but I got the roots perfect this time and it’s showing it the growth of the plant
Our Ghost Train Haze automatic has started to flower, here the main lining didn't work well but it worked really well. It's a plant that responded very well to topping right away and you could see it growing at a fantastic rate. Here the topping was done at the third internode, mainfold and then we continue for another three internodes and topping again. You can decide to cut something along the way here there is really a lot of stuff that seems to be going very well. . Anyway you leave more or less everything that manages to see a decent amount of light enough to flower well. The plant is an exemplary one with a wide internodal distance I managed to work it very well, the appearance is truly impressive and the structure is really very very beautiful. Here we are at the moment of truth, the flowers are starting to form, our Ghost Train Haze reveals its sex and of course like all Zamnesia plants I will be the father of two beautiful females. One is growing straight but I will show it to you later because I have been focusing a lot on this one in main - lining. It is a plant with a wide internodal distance so we have more time to shape it before the woodification and it lends itself very well to late last interventions. I managed to open it on the main line very well and the lateral branches are really, growing and stretching properly. We will not see the super productive trees of the autumn harvest but I am willing to bet that we will have lots of beauty and lots of resin in beautiful bush-sized plants. Wait for the uncle BreadandBuds.... We are still using soil, feeding and all the recommended additives from Plagron 100% organic. We have moved on to the flowering start schedule that keeps the same Power Roots additives - Sugar Royal, Pure Zym and adds the flowering stimulant dear in my house for obvious reasons of Biscotti. Of course the basic fertilizer is now Alga Bloom. The Green Sensation when the flowers are already a bit swollen, do not start immediately. The Power Buds must immediately stimulate the start and development of the buds. ---- Decide on the right soil and calculate your fertilizer schedule based on the soil on the official website. -- Try a seed of this strain that drives us crazy.. ---- Zamnesia Description // From the day its cotyledons emerge from the substrate, Ghost Train Haze Auto will surprise you with its rapid growth and robustness. When it starts to flower, this short sativa will develop long and compact buds with pungent scents of spice, citrus and fuel. All the best that mother nature can offer is on ----
Día 85 (13/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Los cogollos se siguen formado y engordando. Muy sativa! Es un poco misterio saber cuando estará lista! Día 86 (14/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Cogollos engordando y poniendose duros! Día 87 (15/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Se va la luz de mi casa durante 3,5 horas y la temperatura baja a 14,5 ºC... A ver como le afecta Día 88 (16/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Retiro algunas hojas de abanico amarillas por senescencia. Los cogollos siguen engordando 😁 Día 89 (17/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Nunca tuve una Auto con tanto tiempo de vida. ¿Alguien tiene alguna idea de cuando acabará? 😵 Día 90 (18/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Busy day Día 91 (19/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Muchas hojas de abanico amarillentas! Parece que se acerca la senescencia! FastBuds 15% DISCOUNT code "NONICK" @fast_buds_official_ @fastbuds.official 💦 BioTabs 15% DISCOUNT code "GDBT420" @biotabs_official 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE @promixmitch @promixgrowers_unfiltered 💡2 x Mars Hydro FC1500 EVO Led Grow Light (2024 NEW FC 1500-EVO Samsung LM301H 150W LED) - -
Día 85 (13/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Los cogollos se siguen formado y engordando. Muy sativa! Es un poco misterio saber cuando estará lista! Día 86 (14/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Cogollos engordando y poniendose duros! Día 87 (15/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Se va la luz de mi casa durante 3,5 horas y la temperatura baja a 14,5 ºC... A ver como le afecta Día 88 (16/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Retiro algunas hojas de abanico amarillas por senescencia. Los cogollos siguen engordando 😁 Día 89 (17/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Nunca tuve una Auto con tanto tiempo de vida. ¿Alguien tiene alguna idea de cuando acabará? 😵 Día 90 (18/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Busy day Día 91 (19/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Muchas hojas de abanico amarillentas! Parece que se acerca la senescencia! FastBuds 15% DISCOUNT code "NONICK" @fast_buds_official_ @fastbuds.official 💦 BioTabs 15% DISCOUNT code "GDBT420" @biotabs_official 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE @promixmitch @promixgrowers_unfiltered 💡2 x Mars Hydro FC1500 EVO Led Grow Light (2024 NEW FC 1500-EVO Samsung LM301H 150W LED) - -