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We chopped down the plants. Now they hang out to dry in the tent. The Trichs looked very good. Some milky, some amber, hardly any clear. Just the way I want it. The popcorn buds were rather milky. So we have more of a couchlock effect on the head buds and the maximum THC on the popcorns. I'm really looking forward to the taste💚
Hi people! Yes! I transplanted it into a 35 liter pot! and switched to flowering mode 12-12 .. The plant is just huge! this photo was taken immediately after transplanting and LSTb, so the plant is a little sad .. but you can still estimate how well it is developed and healthy .. next week it will appear before you in its full glory!
Starting to see some purple on some of the leaves and I smell them every time I open up the tent . Just giving them regular ph water now and waiting for the harvest. Older leaves are also fading yellow .
some kind of mushrooms growing makes me happy knowing the microbial life down there is flourishing, still no visible slowing down in stacking and frost production.
9/18: New week...fed with Boomerang and Kangaroots 9/19: Applied Axiom harpin proteins and boomboom spray 9/20: Fed full strength TPS One...decent growth on both, but the small one seems more than just a couple of days behind. 9/21: Tucked a few leaves and took some photos and a video. Looking good. Just a couple more days of 24/0... 9/22: Switched out the 560w of 5000k CCT lighting for 720w of 3000k CCT lighting and set the timer for 12/12. Decided against 13/11 with emerson effect...trying to save a few bucks on electricity. I'm keeping the lights at 30" from the tops for a day or two. 9/23: The girls loved their first night of sleep...so perky!
The first week was flawless. All of them are growing at the same speed. The plants feel very nice. I gave them nutes for the first time, now they are drinking it, so we will see the progress next week.
Starting to see some purple on some of the leaves and I smell them every time I open up the tent . Just giving them regular ph water now and waiting for the harvest. Older leaves are also fading yellow .
9/18: New week...fed with Boomerang and Kangaroots 9/19: Applied Axiom harpin proteins and boomboom spray 9/20: Fed full strength TPS One...decent growth. This strain really likes the Nitrogen..they were starving... 9/21: Tucked a few leaves and took some photos and a video. Looking good. Just a couple more days of 24/0... 9/22: Switched out the 560w of 5000k CCT lighting for 720w of 3000k CCT lighting and set the timer for 12/12. Decided against 13/11 with emerson effect...trying to save a few bucks on electricity. I'm keeping the lights at 30" from the tops for a day or two. 9/23: The girls loved their first night of sleep...so perky!
Re potted, stems are turning red ..Magnesium? Cal/mag ordered
Facile à cultiver à toute suite pris sa couleur violet super odeur pressé d’y goûter
Es una variedad super estable en su cultivo , las primeras semanas le fascina la luz blanca , en mi caso usé un panel led #qkwin el cual tiene un mix ideal para crecimiento y floración : chip samsung 3000k 5000k uv 660nm iR . Agradezco a mi amigo mkled que gracias a su ayuda logramos probar ese panel led ! Aguante master ! ... En los primeros días de su crecimiento estuvimos con 20 horas de luz y 4 de oscuridad , en mi zona de cultivo , es un lugar húmedo y frío , estas horas de luz me ayudan bastante al crecimiento...ya casi en su 3 o 5ta semana de crecimiento , bajamos a 18/6 ... Se realizó corte apical en la 3era semana de crecimiento y reaccionó al 100%... A medida que crece le aplico defoliacion y poda lolypop para una aireación ideal en toda la planta y además evitamos esfuerzo adicional de la planta en querer buscar luz con los brotes de más abajo ... Ideal para realizar podas y lst ! Super fácil y cómoda, se recupera fácilmente después de defoliar . Por su estructura final tambien es ideal para técnicas de cultivo como SOG y SCROG por su facilidad al adaptarse ... En floración , le gusta el ambiente bien seco y aireado , 22°C / 40% humedad / extracción 45mins on / 15mins off / intraccion pasiva .. A los primeros dias de floración ya hace notar su riquísimo aroma a limon maduro y skunk , se confunde con un olor a orina de gato en algunas ocasiones ...un verdadero zorrillo... Le hice defoliacion 1 día antes de pasar a floración , reaccionó super bien , esto me ayudo a que todos los brotes pequeños recibieran mayor luz y se definieran ... En esta ocasión su alimentación sube "por las nubes" logrados medir hasta una alimentación de 2.2 EC una verdadera bestia ! Robusta ! Ya en su 4ta a 5ta semana de floración comenzamos con riegos de sólo agua , sin fertilizantes .... Su corte fue en su 8va semana de floración y era un corte sin fin ! El resultado ideal ... Esta nena nos rindió unos 90g como mínimo ! Bastante conforme..
Environmental factors have caused plant to enter flower stage . All very small plants