KarmaIntraveritisGrow Cada vez tengo más claro que este cultivo no será nada del otro mundo. No están creciendo especialmente. Y hay un motivo. Mi otro cultivo es prioritario y el espacio disponible es el que es. Reciben muy poca luz directa, apenas un par de horas, están todos el día a la sombra. No puedo luchar contra eso. Y se lo noto, las pobres parece que quieren pero que no pueden. De todas maneras seguiremos hasta donde sea que lleguemos. Tnt complex 2 veces/semana a razón de 2.5 ml/l Powerzyme 1 vez a la semana, 2 ml/l Supervit 1 vez/semana, a razón de una gota cada 4 litros Lo estipulado por hesi pero no, me he vuelto a colar y les he doblado la dosis de tnt un dia, se me va la olla, estare pendiente de la reacción. La última vez no pasó nada...veremos MP - ✅ . ahí va, parece que va a su ritmo GZP - ✅ . Habrá dos fenotipos distintos, también? uno con la distancia internodal más corta que el otro que parece que tira más pa' arriba. No sé... Apreciación mía🤷🏻, me estaré volviendo loco?. Seguimos!
Semanas finales endulzado los cogollos con melaza y maca peruana.
Well, I think we're almost done here 😄 The buds looks amazing and they smell so good!!! In the next two weeks I'll give her just water so she can flush well and the buds could mature a little bit more. What do you guys think?? It's important to me to read your opinions and advices so don't bem shine 😋 Keep on grow!!
The first picture is from last week and the videos are from today. It's been 56 days in veg so far. I was going to switch to flowering next week but decided to hold off and let it spend more time in recovery. To keep the branches down I used a wire clothes hanger and paper clips.
of u read this just order seeds of this to get blasted to another dimension
Just a amazing lady to have grown. Very pleased with her. She has been growing a little later in the season then I planned but she did well even I’m with the heat. I’m glad with how she turned out. Very nice lady. Would grow her again. 🎂🎂
the plants are not too leafy but still need a bit defoliation around week 3 and 6 of flower, depending on how u grow this ofcourse next time i would bend them more in the net. anyway the buds are rockhard even at the bottom where there was no light.
This week they started show va lot of yellow leaves, I was addind some more nutrients since I Think they can still fatten a bit more. On some of them you can see there are some crunchy leaves , which bothers me a bit.. is it normal? One of them is not drinking that much water lately so I'm just feeding it with water, hopefully I can harvest it within a week a or less, the rest of them are still drinking a lot so I'll keep feeding them with nutrients but with only 2ml/ Lt Smell is super strong and even with the carbon filter the whole room smells like poison, hahaha, luckily i the rest of the house smell it's barely noticeable Looking forward to harvest and finish everything, this last period is has been the toughest cuz I need to know when exactly to start the root wash