FINALE!!! Passend zum EM-Start gehen meine fünf Easy Buds von RQS in die letzte Phase Ihrer Blüte. Diese Woche habe ich bereits damit begonnen ausgiebig zu gießen und zu spülen, die Pflanzen noch ein weiteres mal zu beschneiden und die Vorbereitungen für das Trocknen wurden getroffen. Ich freue mich sehr auf das Trocknen, weil die Blüten dort noch mal richtig zeigen können, was in Ihnen steckt, der Geruch ist sehr viel versprechend, erdig, würzig, skunk-ish. Ich glaube diese Woche sprechen die Bilder und Videos mehr als meine Worte. Wie man leicht erkennen kann sind zwei der fünf mädels noch in einem früheren Blütestatus, aber das stört mich nicht. Ich werde kommende Wochen mit viel freude die kleinen bäumchen abschneiden, dass heißt nächste Woche findet sich hier bereits der Bericht über die Ernte. Bis dann! =)))
Leider spielt das Wetter nicht so mit daher langsame Fortschritte. Update : 21.06 Das Wetter wird besser und die Ladys geben langsam richtig gas 🥦🔥
OSS Sherbet Moonrocks 🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹 GROW Started 03.10.24 INFORMATION 🔹╰⊰´🔹⊱╮🔹 🌞Environment - Maintaining 80F and 65%Humidity 🌾Training - The girls are recovering from last week's Pruning and Defoliation, ⚱️2-Gallon 📊6.2 PH 💧 Feeding - Using Horti Bloom and Horti Cal 12-0-0 🌞Medic Grow Smart 8 760 Watts 🕷️ IPM - CannControl from Mammoth and Mosquito Bits as needed 🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹 PLANT UPDATES 🔹╰⊰´🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹WEEKLY REPORT🔹╰⊰ 📝 Notes—I am having issues with the Air Conditioner in my grow room, so the temperatures are higher than I would like. As a result, the girls are drinking heavily; they don't like the heat as well but seem to be doing okay. The flowers are becoming oily and frosty and have a strong smell. The smells are fantastic, like rotting fruits—quite impressive! 🗓️06.22.24 Flushing 2x Daily with H20 PH @ 6.2; they are drinking heavy with the higher temperatures. 🗓️06.23.24 Flushing 2x Daily with H20 PH @ 6.2; they are drinking heavy with the higher temperatures. 🗓️06.24.24 Flushing 2x Daily with H20 PH @ 6.2; they are drinking heavy with the higher temperatures. 🗓️06.25.24 Flushing 2x Daily with H20 PH @ 6.2; they are drinking heavy with the higher temperatures. 🗓️06.26.24 Flushing 2x Daily with H20 PH @ 6.2; they are drinking heavy with the higher temperatures. 🗓️06.27.24 Flushing 2x Daily with H20 PH @ 6.2; they are drinking heavy with the higher temperatures. 🗓️06.28.24 Flushing 2x Daily with H20 PH @ 6.2; they are drinking heavy with the higher temperatures. 📝Fertigation injects fertilizers into an irrigation system to supply dissolved nutrients and water to crops. ╰⊰🔹╰⊰´🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹╰⊰🔹STRAIN INFORMATION🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹╰⊰🔹╰⊰🔹⊱╮ Introducing our latest powerhouse, Sherbet Moonrocks, one of our strongest weed strains to date, setting a new bar for potency and effect. A combination of US genetics, Sherbet Cake, and Purple Moonbow create this potent sedative with THC levels above 30% that will take you to celestial bliss. An exquisite terpene profile offers a tempting treat of sensational fruity tastes, flavors, and aromas that will seduce your mind and body and take you to a serene place of pure tranquility. Ocimene, Caryophyllene, and Limonene are the predominant terpenes; they produce an incredible array of sugary berry fruit flavors with floral hints and spicy undertones. Growing these feminized seeds is effortless and straightforward regardless of your growing skills, and at harvest time, you will be generously rewarded. Plants will mature to a manageable height with a flowering period of 65 - 70 days and will develop thick, dense buds glossed in thick layers of THC resin crystals packed with indica power that will lure into a deep relaxation. Expect an indoor yield of 600 - 700 gr m2 and outdoor production of over 1 kilo per plant.
FINALE!!! Passend zum EM-Start gehen meine fünf Easy Buds von RQS in die letzte Phase Ihrer Blüte. Diese Woche habe ich bereits damit begonnen ausgiebig zu gießen und zu spülen, die Pflanzen noch ein weiteres mal zu beschneiden und die Vorbereitungen für das Trocknen wurden getroffen. Ich freue mich sehr auf das Trocknen, weil die Blüten dort noch mal richtig zeigen können, was in Ihnen steckt, der Geruch ist sehr viel versprechend, erdig, würzig, skunk-ish. Ich glaube diese Woche sprechen die Bilder und Videos mehr als meine Worte. Wie man leicht erkennen kann sind zwei der fünf mädels noch in einem früheren Blütestatus, aber das stört mich nicht. Ich werde kommende Wochen mit viel freude die kleinen bäumchen abschneiden, dass heißt nächste Woche findet sich hier bereits der Bericht über die Ernte. Bis dann! =)))
Start of week 3 blueberry is flowering and the stretch is almost over. The seedlings are growing nicely.the box got up to 100f this week during mini heat wave had to put ice blocks in rez to lower temp down from 80f. I look forward to the 3 other new strains I’m running. My GSC seedling is looking a little pale I should have waited longer to change rez over to bloom nutes. I have top dressed some organic fertilizer near drip line of nutes 4-6-4 one month release. I applied to all seedlings except blueberry. I reduced blumat on gsc, ww, and ch until surface dried a little bit as my gsc was showing signs of overwatering. Gsc is starting to green back up. My bb had to nanners i plucked them I hope these are all. It could be from the high temps or the one night I had a light leak. BB larger plant receving 1000 ppfd.i turn light back down a notch Gsc leaves started cupping now she’s getting just 550 along with other seedlings.will continue to monitor for improvement and ramp lights up a little later if needed as plants should grow into light.
Only 3 out of 8 turned out to be females. 5 male ones were culled a week ago. 💀 Today I transplanted them to final - 26L - fabric pots and moved into flowering 4x4 ft tent under Mars Hydro FC 4800 (466W). They get around 650 μmol/m²/s for now - will crank it up in a few days. I used Canna Terra Professional substrate - as always. After they get accustomed to new pots I'll flip them to flower - in about a week. 👌
day 2 - they got a younger sister. 13 days younger tripple G by RQS also. she gets her own diary because of age diffrence. already she kinda want to outgrow the bluecheese also lol day 5 - the critical did not even care about topping and continues outgrowing the blue cheese by far in mass lol. might go for mainlineing like training methods for the critical. day 7 - i cut the lower branches of the critical and i will give her a little lst by pushing the shoots down with my fingers multiple time per day. now the blue cheese also catched up with the critical in height and they are both about 11cm tall. also applyed some LST just today on the 2 main branches for a mainlineing setup. i dont know how far i will go in therms of mainlineing but it works really nice for compensateing the growth of the other plants
day 1 - she is still growing day 4 - removed her LST string now. really like her shape and might even go for topping later in the grow day 6 - applyed a new string for more funny curves. without the LST she would be about 42cm
So far, everything is developing well. The Bruce Banner has been lollipopped, perhaps a little too much, but let's wait and see. I trained the S.A.D. #4 with plant clips, as three shoots became too dominant. This worked very well so far and the other shoots caught up well. I also noticed that the Bruce Banner was getting slightly yellow leaves. I don't know the exact reason, but it may have been due to the low CalMag dosage in the previous weeks. I also noticed an infestation of fungus gnats, nothing serious, but today I watered with nematodes and this problem should have disappeared.
Hi growmies 👌🏻 so we’re on week 3 - day 6 of flowering these big girls 🙌🏻 still having a few slight deficiencies as these girls are Hungryy! It’s what happens when you veg for over 2 month 😂.. all is looking well thou colours are starting to appear on these Zake (perm marker cross kmintz). And these runtz s1 are starting to form up nicely 🕺 The clones are getting flowered on week 4 of flowering once the rooms be fixed. These are starting to come along nicely and I’ve found my keeper cutz of in house genetics stay tuned for some heavy bud formation within the next week or so
Hi growmies 👌🏻 so we’re on week 3 - day 6 of flowering these big girls 🙌🏻 still having a few slight deficiencies as these girls are Hungryy! It’s what happens when you veg for over 2 month 😂.. all is looking well thou colours are starting to appear on these Zake (perm marker cross kmintz). And these runtz s1 are starting to form up nicely 🕺 The clones are getting flowered on week 4 of flowering once the rooms be fixed. These are starting to come along nicely and I’ve found my keeper cutz of in house genetics stay tuned for some heavy bud formation within the next week or so
Changed into final pots ( 15L ) and into the final tent (240x120). The repotting was urgently necessary because all the nutrients from the old soil were used up and the pots were completely rooted. I probably should have repotted sooner
Hola amigo de cultivo 💚 Una semana más que excelente a la hermosa planta que Super Sativa Seed Club ha creado con sus breeders. Una planta exquisita, fácil de cultivar, que responde muy bien a los entrenamientos y trasplantes, así mismo una fuerte resistencia al calor. Lleva unos días con 29 C⁰ durante las luces y así y todo ella lo ha hecho muy bien. Muy buen aroma, a bayas ácidas maduras y algo de canela o vainilla en el fondo, sin duda predomina el aroma de frutos rojos así que coincide exactamente con su nombre 🤤 Los tricomas son abundantes y de un tamaño considerable, algunos ya están oxidando un poco ... Está planta es realmente rápida para floración!
I was on a trip for work for 2 days, I tried my best to take care of everything before I went. They still got damaged cuz of underwatering.. also I’m not quite sure if they are underfertalized because of all the flushing for the right ph I did. They started to develop droopy yellow leaves that are pretty soft to the touch and don’t crunch up at the tips like they first did from nutrient burn. I gave them a top dress today with a mixture of 25% worm castings and 75% all mix, hopefully this will stabilise them. I would really appreciate some help in this case, as I’m not sure if it’s caused by nutrient deficiency or nutrient burn. Also I wanted to do a big defoliation and lollipoping this week, but I feel like I first should solve the nutrient problem, so I don’t start damaging the top growth.
Die Woche 4 der Blüte ist rum und die Ladys duften einfach hervorragend💚 allen vorraus die GorillaZkittlez, wahrscheinlich auch die, die zuerst fertig sein wird. Gefolgt von der StrawberryBanana, die auch schon schöne Buds entwickelt. Die "letzte" im Bunde ist die GorillaAuto, allerdings sieht sie so aus als würde bei ihr am Ende am meisten bei rumkommen. Bei der StrawberryBanana musste ich mittlerweile zwei Triebe entfernen auf denen Mehltau zu sehen war. Sie ist auf jeden Fall die empfindlichste von allen. Blätter waren bisher nur wenige befallen. Die wurden aber auch direkt entfernt. Ich bin mittlerweile über die gesunden Teile der Triebe und den Blättern mit Neemöl rüber und hab dabei so gut es ging die Knospen verdeckt. Bisher gab es keine neuen Anzeichen von Mehltau. Die StrawberryBanana braucht also etwas mehr Aufmerksamkeit. Die GorillaZkittlez kommt sehr gut mit milden und feuchten Tagen zurecht und entwickelt sich sehr schnell. Ich denke das sie in ca 2 Wochen bereit zu Ernte sein könnte. Sie riecht auf jeden Fall schon zauberhaft. Zu große Fanleaves und Blätter die Triebspitzen verdeckt haben werden bei allen Ladys regelmäßig entfernt. Ein minimales Lollipopping haben die Ladys auch bekommen. Düngen/Gießen: Tag 43/22F gab es zum Wasser nur 2ml/L StickyFingers und 1ml/L PowerBuds zum Wasser und etwas ph- um auf einen ph-Wert von 6.7 zu kommen. ________________________ Durch immer wieder mal Regen und recht mäßigen Tagestemperaturen von 18-22°C musste recht wenig gegessen werden. Ich hebe bei allen Ladys die Töpfe an und entscheide beim Gießen wieviel jede Pflanze braucht. Tag 47/26F war recht warm und alle Ladys brauchten wieder ordentlich zu trinken. Hier gab es zusätzlich auf 5L Wasser: 1ml GreenSensation, 4ml PowerBuds, 3ml PureZym von Plagron, 4ml BioBloom von BioBizz als klein BloomBooster und 10ml StickyFingers von XpertNutrients. Tag48/27F gab es durch langsam wärmere Temperaturen wieder etwas zu trinken. Diesmal gab es auf 5L Gießlösung 4g BioEnhancer von GreenHouseFeeding, 4ml PowerBuds von Plagron. ____________________________ Möge uns die kommende Woche mit viel Sonnenschein begleiten💚🍀
This week was all about watching Tricombes... Her buds are fattening up nicely, especially since she has received no training really.. She is smelling my balcony up with hints of sexyness everywhere.. She has been an absolute pleasure to grow outdoors.. Only issue this week was humidity..It's really difficult to control outdoors...that has been my only challenge.. I brought her in for a few pics.. And this is what she has turned out to ❤️💚❤️💚