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Con 79 dias lavado de raices a todas. La aparición de botritis ha forzado el lavado a todas ellas para no arriesgarme más. Dejo un histórico del tiempo que han sufrido las Auto desde el dia que pasaron a exterior. Un tiempo generalmente nublado y bastantes dias de lluvia. Es lo que tiene el exterior, se depende muchísimo del tiempo y esta vez ha salido así. Otro año será diferente y saldrá mejor o peor. De la jack tube que sacar parte del apical que se vió afectada por la botritis por lo que la altura seria áproximada.
Week 6 is done !!! 👽 Did some defoliation this week, just a few large fan leaves here and there, nothing major, just exposing the heads. super happy with this lady, she will be a BEAST ! 👌 Just took picture and video on day 41, will make up for it next week. see you all 😎
Look what I did to my girl, poor lady. But i'm sure she will bounce back, but with all that leaf shit It's hard to properly tie them down. So i broke off a total of 2 branches (yellow tape) and managed to attach one back to it. Otherwise she took all the stress LIKE A CHAMP - yet. We'll see. To be honest, i was quite lazy with her the last days, it was pretty stressful but look at her, she is basically growing herself! As long as you can cool it, have some sort of system to change water and some, basic nutrients and ph- DWC is the easiest system for me, 100% Look at the roots and i did not fill up the reservoir for like half a week, so a lot of it wsd exposed to air for a longer time still she is growing and growing. Two more weeks and i might have a problem with her in flower, because she will drink so much water the reservoir won't hold a long time haha. Almost forget, i need to add either more fertilizer /ml or give extra calmag. will probably do both kekw Cheers guys! (whoever reads this, this is your sign, get high 👌)
Look what I did to my girl, poor lady. But i'm sure she will bounce back, but with all that leaf shit It's hard to properly tie them down. So i broke off a total of 2 branches (yellow tape) and managed to attach one back to it. Otherwise she took all the stress LIKE A CHAMP - yet. We'll see. To be honest, i was quite lazy with her the last days, it was pretty stressful but look at her, she is basically growing herself! As long as you can cool it, have some sort of system to change water and some, basic nutrients and ph- DWC is the easiest system for me, 100% Look at the roots and i did not fill up the reservoir for like half a week, so a lot of it wsd exposed to air for a longer time still she is growing and growing. Two more weeks and i might have a problem with her in flower, because she will drink so much water the reservoir won't hold a long time haha. Almost forget, i need to add either more fertilizer /ml or give extra calmag. will probably do both kekw Cheers guys! (whoever reads this, this is your sign, get high 👌)
week intel: we reached the peak of flowering stage and need to cause a little more e.c stress from this week so e.c stress is twice a week i reduced the amount of Nitrogen and calcium and stopped feeding silicate in other hand i raised the amount of base nutrient and booster short story version: more K & P - less N stresses : a little E.C stress around 1.6 and 1.7 twice a week from this week feeding: i feed them 3 times this week with this order : day 1 : i feed them high with base nutrients(calcium & micros (half dose) + Bloom) about 822 ppm - 1.6 e.c to cause a little stress. day 3 : i feed them low dose of Top-Max + B-52 around 525 ppm - 1 e.c to let them recover a little but not fully recover still a little stress will caused. day 5 : i feed them high dose of Feeding Booster around 850 ppm - 1.7 e.c to cause e.c stress again guide of the week : from this week we can cause more E.C stresses. e.c stress if done correctly is one of the very few ways to increase quality in all aspects ( color , aroma , taste , bud structure , resin contents ) but if you over do it , listen carefully brother : it can reduce quality in every aspect so always look for signs and never reach the red line.
week intel: we reached the peak of flowering stage and need to cause a little more e.c stress from this week so e.c stress is twice a week i reduced the amount of Nitrogen and calcium and stopped feeding silicate in other hand i raised the amount of base nutrient and booster short story version: more K & P - less N stresses : a little E.C stress around 1.6 and 1.7 twice a week from this week feeding: i feed them 3 times this week with this order : day 1 : i feed them high with base nutrients(calcium & micros (half dose) + Bloom) about 822 ppm - 1.6 e.c to cause a little stress. day 3 : i feed them low dose of Top-Max + B-52 around 525 ppm - 1 e.c to let them recover a little but not fully recover still a little stress will caused. day 5 : i feed them high dose of Feeding Booster around 850 ppm - 1.7 e.c to cause e.c stress again guide of the week : from this week we can cause more E.C stresses. e.c stress if done correctly is one of the very few ways to increase quality in all aspects ( color , aroma , taste , bud structure , resin contents ) but if you over do it , listen carefully brother : it can reduce quality in every aspect so always look for signs and never reach the red line.
Seguimos haciendo circular agua para que agoten los nutrientes las plantas y asi poder tener una buena experiencia de
Problem of the leaves are solted it was because the soil was working a lot because it is rich it needed time and multiple watering now it's good she is in love in this soil 💚 she will be transplanted soon outdoor
Problem of the leaves are solted it was because the soil was working a lot because it is rich it needed time and multiple watering now it's good she is in love in this soil 💚 she will be transplanted soon outdoor
Into Week 8 now and really filling out. A good solid healthy outdoor plant with little to no extra care or intervention so far, really happy with it and excited to see how it finishes out. Scratched in some Coast of Maine Fish Bone Meal toward the end of the week and then lightly watered in for a little feed.
She's doing great despite losing a whole branch. I feel growth slowed down a bit but I may be just paranoid. Soon she'll start her stretch. I hope she is tolerant to heat because I can't keep temperature below 30C. Adjusted her LST several times this week and the branches are in final position. She would start stretching soon. She's showing some calcium issues and my last plant almost didn't make it, so I gave her a decent dose cal-mag.
Super blütenwoche, warmes, sonniges Wetter, nur ein kleiner Schauer. Sie wachsen prächtig und ziehen keine Schädlinge an, wie andere Sorten. Sattes grün, keine Nährstoffdefizite. Auch no.1 mit der Mutation der Blatt Oberfläche ist hochgewachsen und blüht. Besser als der Apple fritter Auto Mutant. Der stemrub geruchstest lässt mich in begeisterter Erwartung ungeduldig werden. Sehr lecker, der Duft. Es läuft prima.Bis nächste Woche ✌️
Sehr gutes blütenwetter. Eine Woche warm und sonnig, ein kleiner Schauer.. Die 5 Damen entwickeln sich nach Plan. No.1 ist am weitesten. Unglaublich harzig, süß zitroniger Geruch, wie zitronenkuchen. Trichome überwiegend milchig. Schätze, sie brauch nur noch eine Woche. No.3 ist auf Platz 2, was die reife angeht, etwa eine Woche in der Entwicklung hinter no.1 No.2,4 und5 brauchen wohl noch mindestens 2 Wochen. Der stemrub zeigt überall den amnesia cookies Duft, wie man sich ihn vorstellt, wenn man beide kennt. Herrlich. Wuchs ist immernoch gleichmäßig bei allen5.super gene @dutchfem. Hab etwas entlaubt, um den unteren Blüten in den letzten Tagen noch mehr licht zu geben. Es läuft prima. Bis nächste Woche ✌️
Into week 8, growing well, buds continue to stack up on this very singular up and down outdoor plant. Smells good, excited to see how the next few weeks go. Scratched 1/4 cup of Coast of Maine Fish Bone Meal into the soil and watered late in the week.
Super Woche, warm, sonnig, nur ein kleiner Schauer. Was soll ich sagen..? Es läuft prima. Bei den ersten Damen zeigen sich vorblüten. Habe jetzt alle mindestens 1 mal getoppt. Nur die 2 fat banana noch nicht. Die werden so schön buschig. Wenn die automatics in Kürze fallen, wird erst einmal umgestellt... dann bekommen sie mehr Sonne am Ende der vegetativen Phase. Das ist zumindest der Plan. Es läuft gut.Bis nächste Woche ✌️