Day 29 01/08/24 Thursday Another feed today using de-chlorinated tap water pH 6, there now taking 300ml every evening. Day 32 04/08/24 Sunday 300ml De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 today again with Plagron PK13-14 and power buds. All plants doing really well! Had an infestation of leaf minors this week, no idea how, but they are treated and I'll check every 48 hrs on progress of pets. All of them have shot up this week 💚
After 35 days of vegetation we send them into Flower. They get 2 hours less light every day until we reached the day/night-cycle 12/12 hours. we have noticed that they have already started their stretch. they grow 5-10 cm every day.
🖐️👨‍🌾 Bienvenidos entusiastas de la marihuana clandestina y orgánica! Octava semana de floración, la planta no quiere envejecer, las flores están exultantes, las 3 ramas principales son enormes y gruesas, también muy densas y olorosas, sí, esta chica lo tiene todo bien puesto! La planta tiene energía y ganas para continuar la floración, el productor anuncia 09 semanas, pero se va a alargar más, como de costumbre... una planta feliz se resiste a envejecer! HASTA LA PRÓXIMA... SALUDOS A TODOS! ================================ Info de la cepa Black Lebanon de Super Sativa Seed Club: "Esta es la Black Lebanon original que data de los años 80, una auténtica planta de Hash..." Super Sativa Seed Club - Genética: Landrace - Indica dominante - Tiempo de Floración - 09 semanas - Rendimiento en interior: 500 g/m² - THC: 20% - Sabores: Hachís, bayas, afrutado, ligeramente terroso ================================
Black Lebanon · Super Sativa Seed Club
Fission 300W · Custom
DS120w · Secret Jardin
Agua de Montaña ·
Miel ·
Agua de montaña ·
Miel ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Ormus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Miel ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Ormus ·
Agua de montaña ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Ormus ·
Lacto Complex ·
Bio Fish EM ·
Melaza ·
Agua de montaña ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Ormus ·
Melaza ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Melaza ·
Bio Blood EM ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Guamato AZ ·
Lacto Complex ·
Bio Mealfrass EM ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Melaza ·
Bio Guanos EM ·
Humato Bonnes ·
Lacto Harinas ·
Agua de Montaña ·
MMA Ultra ·
Humato Bonnes ·
MMA Plus ·
Guamato AZ ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Lacto Complex ·
Bio Fruits EM ·
Humato Bones ·
Guamato AZ ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Humato Blood ·
Guamato AZ ·
Bio Fruits EM ·
Humato PK ·
Bio Algas EM ·
Melaza ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio Clays EM ·
Guamato AZ ·
Humato PK ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Humato Plus ·
Hidro Bones ·
Bio Fruits EM ·
Alga Flora MMA ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio PKCaMg EM ·
Humato Bones ·
Guamato AZ ·
MMA One ·
Bio Algas EM ·
Bio Guanos EM ·
Lacto Flours ·
Melaza ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio PKs EM ·
Humato Bones ·
Guamato AZ ·
MMA Plus ·
Humato Blood ·
Hidro Bones ·
Hidro SiK ·
Mountain Water ·
Humato PK ·
Hidro SiK ·
Bio Ash EM ·
Pumpkin MMA ·
Guamato AZ ·
Mountain Water ·
Humato PK ·
Hidro SiK ·
Hidro Bones AZ ·
Guamato AZ ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Humato Bones ·
Hidro Blood ·
Bio PKs EM ·
Mountain Water ·
Humato PK ·
MMA Plus ·
Bio Fruits EM ·
Melaza ·
Mountain Water ·
Bio sKMg EM ·
Bio Blood EM ·
Hidro SiK ·
Humato KAZ ·
Lacto Fruits ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Melaza ·
She has grown about 10cm in the past two weeks showing signs of young stigmas no signs of deficiency the Fuel dog looks healthy for the hight she is. The fuel dog will not be fed anything until required. She stands at approximately 28cm
Starting to show signs of some sort of problem.. might be Porassium.. uff
She has not grown much only 2cm the ice has very short internode spacing. Her stigmas are puffing out like cotton balls and she is still going although I believe she had some kind of infection no fragrance but definitely developing flowers she stands at approximately 32cm
The N13 has grown another 10 cm she has been pruned at the bottom and starved for the last week. The N13 has grown with elongated internodes she is drinking approximately 500 ml of nutrients every other day. Her stigmas are puffing out day by day and she is beginning to give a fragrance she stands at approximately 70cm from the soi
Day 29 29/07/24 Monday Nice feeding today with De-chlorinated tap water pH 6. Gave her 300 ml and she had a small run off. Getting chunky in the stem now 💪💚 Day 31 31/07/24 Wednesday De-chlorinated water pH 6 today with Plagron pk13-14 5ml to 5L Plagron power buds 5ml to 5L Used 300ml of the 5L solution. I will be using these on water days from now on as they are advised to be used every irrigation. We'll see how they perform 💪💚 Day 32 01/08/24 Thursday Another feed today using de-chlorinated tap water pH 6, there now taking 300ml every evening. Day 35 04/08/24 Sunday END OF WEEK 😁 De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 today with Plagron products. 300ml each. Had a issue with leaf invaders this week, I have treated and am checking every 48 hrs so far seems ok and not progressive. All plants look great, very healthy, one of the Overdose is way behind and due to space maybe culled at flower I'll see how she gets on.
Venga familia que ya viene la cosecha de estas Tropical Zmoothie de Seedstockers, que ganas que tenia ya de darles machetazo. No veas que pinta que tienen estas plantas. Las flores aparte se ven bien resinosas. a sido una genética con la que disfruté mucho cultivarla, es algo complicada cultivarla pero merece la pena si eres cultivador con experiencia no te será problema cosechar. Agrobeta: Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Hasta aquí es todo , espero que lo disfrutéis, buenos humos 💨💨.
Venga familia que ya viene la cosecha de estas Punch Pie de RoyalQueenSeeds , que ganas que tenia ya de darles machetazo. No veas que pinta que tienen estas plantas. Las flores aparte se ven bien resinosas. a sido una genética con la que disfruté mucho cultivarla, es algo complicada cultivarla pero merece la pena si eres cultivador con experiencia no te será problema cosechar. Agrobeta: Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Hasta aquí es todo , espero que lo disfrutéis, buenos humos 💨💨.
Week 8 is complete for the gorilla gas. All 3 plants are finishing up and have started their flushing phase with the advanced nutrients flawless finish. Each plant has its own characteristics and aromas which is pretty neat. I should have a nice size harvest of this strain. The skunk and piney smell isn't my favorite aroma but it is pungent that's for sure. If your looking to grow a plant that's inconspicuous then this isn't the one for you. Very easy to grow plant overall just think it could have used a little more nutrients during the flower stage but that's what learnings all about. Happy with the grow overall. Thanks for following!!
Week 8 is all done for the blueberry pie! This plant is finishing up real strong. Aroma has increased substantially in the last week. Purple hues are starting to cover the entire plant. Buds are extremely dense and covered in trichomes. About a week of flushing and this plant should be all set for the chop. I hope you all have enjoyed the journey! Wish I had more time lapse videos. My camera stopped working halfway through the grow. I'll figure it our for the next one. I will probly run this plant again and try to scroll it out. Thanks for following along!
This week, I finally harvested. In my opinion, the plants were nicely ripe and ready for harvesting. I decided to dry the plants whole and hang them in the tent with the exhaust fan turned on. The plants smell good, and the humidity in the tent is between 55-65%, depending on the weather conditions.
Been a while since I could update, had some personal issues going on About a week ago I had nutrient lockout on the wedding cheesecake ff and purple bastard eater Flushed them and now they have been bouncing back Added a couple more babies into the mix and well as trying clones for the first time