Die Woche 5 der Blüte ist rum. Die bisher wärmste Woche mit Tagestemperaturen zwischen 25-31°C und Nachttemaparaturen zwischen 15-21°C haben die Ladys gut überstanden. Ich hab hier und da ein paar zu große Blätter entfernt oder Blätter die Buds verdeckt haben. Ansonsten habe ich hier und da ein paar Blattläuse mit der Hand oder Pinzette abgesammelt. Die blattuntereiten wurden auch großzügig auf Blattläuse und Eier kontrolliert. Auch hier mussten ein paarmal der Hand zerdrückt werden, aber soweit hält es sich in Grenzen. Auch von Mehltau war nichts mehr zu sehen. Alle Ladys sind gut stabil und entwickeln wunderschöne buds💚 die GorillaZkittlez sieht schon ziemlich final aus. Ich denke das es maximal noch zwei Wochen braucht bis sie getrocknet werden kann. Sie hat richtig schöne harzige dichte buds die ich outdoor nicht erwartet hätte. Und sie verteilt auch den intensivsten Geruch 💚 der Geruch geht stark in Richtung Zitrus mit würzigen untertönen. Die StrawberryBanana denke ich wird 1-2 Wochen länger dauern als die GorillaZkittlez. Sie sieht aber auch schon ordentlich aus. Der heasbud wird ein ordentlich fettes Ding. Der Geruch ist unglaublich lecker aber noch nicht ganz definierbar, geht aber in die fruchtige Richtung. Die GorillaAuto hängt etwas hinterher, wird aber wahrscheinlich soviel abwerfen wie meine StrawberryBanana und GorillaZkittlez zusammen. Die GorillaAuto hat einen sehr intensiven Zitrus Geruch mit Pinie/Kiefer im Hintergrund. Bis jetzt mein Favorit der drei Ladys rein vom Geruch. ____________________________ Düngen/Gießen: Die Ladys wurden in dieser heißen Woche jeden Tag gegossen, an den zwei Tagen mit 30°C und kaum Wolken wurden die Ladys Morgens und Abends gegossen. Im Durchschnitt bekam jede Ladys pro gießen ca 700ml-1L. Der ph-Wert lag dabei zwischen 6.5 und 6.7. An Tag 51/30F gab es als Zusätze auf 5L Wasser: 6ml BioBloom von BioBizz als kleinen Blütebooster, auch 1.5ml GreenSensation. Davon nur recht wenig, weil der Hauptdünger GreenHouseFeeding ist und der nicht ganz mit dem GreenSensation zurecht kommt. Davon abgesehen brauchen Automatiks auch etwas weniger Nährstoffe. Auch gab es 5ml PowerBuds und 3ml PureZym auf die 5L. An Tag 52/31F gab es nur Wasser, dafür morgens und abends. An Tag 53/32F gab es auf 5L Wasser 10ml StickyFingers von XpertNutrients und am Abend wieder Wasser. An Tag 54/33F gab es wieder Wasser. An Tag 55/34F gab es nochmal Wasser. An Tag 56/35F gab es auf 5L Wasser 5g BioEnhancer von GreenHouseFeeding, 6ml BioBloom von BioBizz, 1.5 ml GreenSensation, 5ml PowerBuds von Plagron. Am Abend gab es auch nochmal 300-500ml für jede Lady. Der ph-Wert lag dabei immer zwischen 6.5-6.7. Auf eine nächste Woche voller Freude und schönen Gerüchen💚
An incredible sweet cheesy smell and taste with amazing depth no mould very strong smoke covered in thc so yummy
I came to the end of a period that lasted about 4 months. I got really bored on last weeks. It took 128 days , Finally, I kept it in the dark for 3 days. I really like this genetics, easy to grow and durable .It is also very successful in terms of smell and aroma. it would be much better if my pot size was a little bigger , lower buds could fat more but still pretty nice buds . Let's see how the numbers will be
Sept 23rd - could be the last week for Thai 1, checking on Thai 2, tomorrow morning 28th - THAI #1 has been harvested, trichome shots showed that web are there, and THAI #2 probably gets Chopped today as well. Pictures being finished tomorrow morning, then out to see #2 29th - Thai #1 weighs 4.6lbs in a single piece and that is how she hangs for a week - Thai #2 was chopped 15:00 will be hanging shortly
Wild Thailand · World of Seeds
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One week difference is crazy! The buds are getting dense..some frost sprinkled here and there..and I’m smelling aromas of skunk and quite literally sour skittles..which is my favorite candy…so I was in disbelief when the Runtz was giving off that exact smell! Sweet & Sour mmm!
Day 109 Its time to harvest the Juicy Zkittlez from seedsman 😇😇. I loved doing this project and it was my first try with my training on an autoflower, it was really motivating. A compact and frosty circle of heads, I couldn't have asked for better. So heavy that I had difficulty holding it with one hand for photos. Training : She received my hand manipulation training from the 8th day. I cut the head on day 19 to have my base on a manifold and work more quickly on my 4 main branches. Then I continued my training as much as possible to develop the structure before installing the scrog. I made a summary of photos on week 5 of flowering to see the evolution. Harvest I harvested almost 11 ounce , 10 ounce and 23 g. My training was based on quality and I'm really not disappointed with the minimum amount of nutrients she received. And it wasn't perfect for the first try with my new equipment.
Finally harvest time arrived 🤗 It’s been a great run, though I had to improve a lot along the way. But as usual there was a way to get things done and finished up😎 After a long heatwave I decided to chop the whole tent, just a bit before I actually wanted to. But I see amber trichomes and heavy buds, so I think it’s safe to chop now, so here we go. 🤩 Can’t wait to taste this after so long watching over it🤤 More details to come.
Finally harvest time arrived 🤗 It’s been a great run, though I had to improve a lot along the way. But as usual there was a way to get things done and finished up😎 After a long heatwave I decided to chop the whole tent, just a bit before I actually wanted to. But I see amber trichomes and heavy buds, so I think it’s safe to chop now, so here we go. 🤩 Can’t wait to taste this after so long watching over it🤤 More details to come.
Finally harvest time arrived 🤗 It’s been a great run, though I had to improve a lot along the way. But as usual there was a way to get things done and finished up😎 After a long heatwave I decided to chop the whole tent, just a bit before I actually wanted to. But I see amber trichomes and heavy buds, so I think it’s safe to chop now, so here we go. 🤩 Can’t wait to taste this after so long watching over it🤤 More details to come.
Finally harvest time arrived 🤗 It’s been a great run, though I had to improve a lot along the way. But as usual there was a way to get things done and finished up😎 After a long heatwave I decided to chop the whole tent, just a bit before I actually wanted to. But I see amber trichomes and heavy buds, so I think it’s safe to chop now, so here we go. 🤩 Can’t wait to taste this after so long watching over it🤤 More details to come.
Finally harvest time arrived 🤗 It’s been a great run, though I had to improve a lot along the way. But as usual there was a way to get things done and finished up😎 After a long heatwave I decided to chop the whole tent, just a bit before I actually wanted to. And this one I stressed so much that the heat was the final straw.. It threw "nanners" at me, so to be on the safe side I chopped it now. But I see amber trichomes and heavy buds, so I think it’s safe to chop now, so here we go. 🤩 Can’t wait to taste this after so long watching over it🤤 More details to come. 😊
Finally harvest time arrived 🤗 It’s been a great run, though I had to improve a lot along the way. But as usual there was a way to get things done and finished up😎 After a long heatwave I decided to chop the whole tent, just a bit before I actually wanted to. But I see amber trichomes and heavy buds, so I think it’s safe to chop now, so here we go. 🤩 Can’t wait to taste this after so long watching over it🤤 More details to come.
This plant is ready and I flush it RN, pretty pink dress with a lotta tricomes makes her beautiful Not a big girl so I really hope buds will be good, tasty like the smell she has
Eccoci alla fine è andato tutto secondo i piani, la ragazza aveva però gli steli un po esili rispetto all enorme peso portato dalle cime fresche in fioritura, ho provveduto a legarle tutte a dei sostegni, xke erano davvero molto pesanti 750 grammi di pianta è davvero un bel raccolto! Per il resto è venuta davvero una ragazza con dei colori finali stupendi, cime dure come roccia, non stracolma di resina come le altre sorelle del box ma nel complesso sono molto soddisfatto! Grazie Barney per avermi dato la possibilità di provare questa fantastica genetica! E grazie a tutti voi che mi seguite e a selena di Mars y che ha fiducia nel mio lavoro! Un bacio a tutti! Non vedo l ora di fumare! 😁💪😸🌱🌲💐🧑‍🌾