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**Encontrarás la traducción a español al final de la descripción** If you like this week, please hit a like, it costs you nothing! 👊. Thanks in advance 😉! From/Desde: 26/08/19 || To/Hasta: 01/09/19 From day/Desde día: 35 || To day/Hasta día: 41 -----IMAGES & VIDEOS----- V1 - It's awesome how she covered all the available space inside the tent, I'm loving this plant and it's totally equitative grow. P1 ~ P5 - I designed this mobile support structure with GoPro attachment system, it supports a mobile in one of the tent's vertical support bars while it records a full timelapse. If anyone has a 3d printer and feels lazy to design it just ask for it, I can send a blender file or an STL, Cheers!. P7 & P8: First night shoots, this was a quick test with the new acquired lights just opened. P16: Second night shoot test, just a bit better than the first try. P20: As you can see the horizontal branches are too slim, I started this week with Rhino Skin support to see if it helps, but what is going to really help is time I guess. P21 ~P27: At last some decent shots, I need to improve the illumination and the way I use the lights, but well... I'm a beginner and have a lot to learn. P28: My nutrients fridge (last year she stands at 15ºc, but this year she's only able to reach 17ºc), and also the foliar products that I'm going to apply. P29: Those are 4 different Temp and Matt settings for the photo P24, it would be great if you leave a comment telling which of them you like more (visually speaking). That would help me a lot!. P30: Smoked some Spliff Dutch Auto at night and feel a bit creative, that's what came up of photoshop and P26 & P27 photos ;). -----WEEK SUMMARY----- I don't know if this is normal in a growing stage, but Alice K. has started to lovely stink all my home, it's awesome how she's smelling without any flower or pistil on her. I can't imagine how much is she going to smell. Finally I bought some lights and a background system to learn to make dark background photos, I purchased a normal bg system @amazon with 3 x 2x3 m backgrounds and the support system, it's too big for my living room haha!, also purchased a pair of LumeCubes with all the accessories, they are super versatile lights and awesome for my needings, I'm sure that there are similar performance lights even equal, much much more cheap, but I liked these for various reasons, if anyone is interested just ask me. Along the week I didn't have much time to full test the lights, I was only able to perform some quick tests. Along the weekend I expent some more time, and something is begin to came out of my camera ;). As you can see on timelapse video, at the end of the week the plant is already fixed to the final 12 points as I told last week, and is already covering all the horizontal space available in the tent. At time I'm not going to make more prunes or toppings as I like the structure she's getting. I still feel that the horizontal branches that are going to support the plant are too slim, so I'm planning some more weeks of growing, until I see them enough strong to support themselves. This was a terrible mess. Until this week I've been watering with very high PH without knowing it. The PH meter I was using was not well calibrated and I thought so, before yesterday (Week 7) I recovered my PH tester and when I measured I was impressed because I have been watering at PH 7 ~ 8, while I thought I was using PH 5.8. Luckily, things have not going ugly, 💯 for the AK. About temperature and humidity, this is the last week of imbalance in my cultivation system since it is strongly linked to outside. As September enters, immediately the temperature and humidity stabilize itself inside my tents, so it's time to run the 90x90 one ;). This week I also applied a foliar irrigation with a bit of organic insecticide "Tec-Forte", just for prevention. I killed a white Spider 2 or 3 weeks ago and also observed som insect white spots in one leaf, after that I did 2 foliar irrigations along last weeks with B.A.C. "Plant Vitality Plus", "Foliar Spray" & "Pro Active", and I haven't seen any more sign. So this is going to be my last foliar with that extra preventive, to keep things clean of unwanted life. -----WATERING CALENDAR----- 28/08/19 (Day 37) - 3,000 ml with all week nutrients @ 1 E.C. PH5.8 *****ESPAÑOL***** Por favor, si te gusta esta semana dale un like, no te cuesta nada 👊. ¡Gracias por adelantado 😉! -----IMÁGENES & VÍDEOS----- V1 - Es increíble como va cubriendo todo el espacio horizontal disponible en el armario, me estoy enamorando de esta planta y de lo equilibrada que crece. P1 ~ P5 - Este diseñado este soporte de móvil con acople tipo GoPro, aguanta un móvil en una de las barras del armario mientras este graba un vídeo timelapse de varios días, horas o lo que sea. Si alguien tiene una impresora 3D y se siente vago para diseñarlo que me pida el modelo, lo puedo enviar en un archivo de Blender o en formato STL. P7 & P8: Primera prueba nocturna, probando las luces recién abiertas. P16: Segunda prueba nocturna, un poquito mejor que la primera prueba. P20: Como se puede observar las ramas horizontales son demasiado delgadas, esta semana empezaré a usar RhinoSkin a ver si ayuda, pero lo que va a ayudar es el tiempo me temo. P21 ~P27: Al final algunas capturas decentes, tengo que mejorar la manera en la que ilumino y uso las luces, pero bueno de momento soy un novato. Ya iremos aprendiendo. P28: Mi nevera de nutrientes ;) (el año pasado mantenía los 15º constantes, pero este año sólo está siendo capaz de bajar hasta 17ºc), también los nutrientes y productos foliares que voy a aplicar. P29: Eso son 4 ajustes diferentes de temperatura y mate de la foto 24, sería genial si me dejáis un comentario diciendo cual os gusta más (visualmente hablando). ¡Eso me ayudaría un montón!. P30: Me fumé un porrito de Spliff Dutch Auto por la noche y me dio la tontería ajajjajajajjaja. Eso es lo que salió de photoshop y las fotos P26 y P27 -----SMUARIO SEMANAL----- No sé si es normal durante el crecimiento, pero Alice K. ha empezado a oler por todo mi piso, es increíble como huele sin tener aún ni una flor ni un pistilo. No puedo ni imaginarme lo que va a acabar oliendo. Al fin esta semana me he decidido a comprar unas luces y un fondo para aprender a hacer fotos con fondo negro, el fondo he comprado uno normalito de 2 x 3 m, aunque me queda muy grande en el salón de casa, de luces me he comprado una pareja de lumecubes con los accesorios, son una luces super versátiles y excelentes para mis necesidades, seguro que hay cosas de rendimiento parecido o igual y mucho más baratas, pero a mi me gustaron estas por varios motivos. Si alguien está interesado que me pregunte. Durante la semana no tuve mucho tiempo y sólo pude realizar unas pruebas cortas. El fin de semana me puse un poco más a fondo y ya empieza a salir algo decente ;). Como se ve en el vídeo semanal, al final de semana ya he atado la planta a los tres puntos que comenté la semana pasada y ya está cubriendo todo el espacio horizontal disponible en el armario, por el momento ya he acabado los cortes y las podas, no tengo planeado realizar más a no ser que lo vea necesario. Sigo teniendo la impresión de que las ramas son quizás un poco delgadas aún por lo que planeo unas cuantas semanas de crecimiento más, hasta que engorden y las vea capaces de hacer buenas colas y resistir su peso. Hasta esta semana he estado regando con el PH alto sin saberlo. El medidor de PH que usaba no estaba bien calibrado y yo creía que sí, antes de ayer (Semana 7) recuperé el mío y al medir me quedé impresionado pues he estado regando a PH 7~8, mientras yo creía estar usando PH 5.8. Menos mal que las cosas no se me han puesto feas. Con respecto a la temperatura y humedad esta es la última semana de desequilibrio en mi sistema de cultivo ya que está fuertemente ligado al exterior, ya entra Septiembre y enseguida se estabilizan la temperatura y humedad solas. Esta semana también apliqué un riego foliar con un poco de insecticida orgánico "Tec-Forte", solo por prevención. Maté a una araña blanca hace 2 o 3 semanas y también observé algunas manchas blancas de insectos en una hoja, después hice un par de riegos foliares durante las últimas semanas con B.A.C. "Plant Vitality Plus", "Foliar Spray" y "Pro Active", y no he visto ninguna señal más. Así que este será mi último foliar con ese preventivo adicional, para mantener las cosas limpias de vida no deseada. -----CALENDARIO DE RIEGO----- 28/08/19 (Día 37) - 3.000 ml con todos los nutrientes semanales @ 1 E.C. PH5.8
Veg box is starting to flourish. Both lemon and sativa clone are very bushy and healthy. All others are healthy as well, and will be topping these soon. Once they start shooting again they’ll be transplanted once more and thrown into flower to start my first “sog” grow. Two ladies in flower are well. One still showing burnt and curled tips and I think flower growth is slowing down. The other is happy and well. There were two babies out in flower last week, one turned male. The other is happy and healthy. Until next week...
Veg box is starting to flourish. Both lemon and sativa clone are very bushy and healthy. All others are healthy as well, and will be topping these soon. Once they start shooting again they’ll be transplanted once more and thrown into flower to start my first “sog” grow. Two ladies in flower are well. One still showing burnt and curled tips and I think flower growth is slowing down. The other is happy and well. There were two babies out in flower last week, one turned male. The other is happy and healthy. Until next week...
This week I had to Lollipop again (I know is very late and I hope I didn’t stressed the plant to much). My canopy is so tick and so many overlapping leaves and buds in the center of the plant that don’t receive enough light or any at all , n combination with the RH swings that I got going on (45 and 63 RH), I’m very afraid of mold. I should have did a better job at Lollipoping from day 21. I’m inexperienced grower and I didn’t knew better. I decided is better to risk to shock the plant a little bit risking a reduction in yield then get mold or pests and lose it all. My 30 pin dehumidifier works great with the AC but sometimes when the AC( compressor) stops my RH jump at 62% -63%, witch I don’t like . I’m trying to keep the humidity around 50% but in such a small room between the AC and Dehumidifier I got big swings in temp ( 75-82) and RH ( 45%-63%) witch is not ideal but is nothing that I can do. I played with the AC and Dehumidifier setting a lot trying to keep humidity around 50% and temp around 80 degrees and that’s the best I can. My AC is set at 82 degrees and my Dehumidifier is set at 45% RH. Also during the lights off (day time) is very hard to keep the temperature In control when outside is 110-115 degrees with my portable AC (1400BTU) in the 4x 6 closet. Is crazy but I do my best to keep temp under control. This is another rocky mistake I made is trying growing weed DWC in the middle of summer where temps are 105-115 degrees constant in a closet without centralized AC port and at second level in the building. LOL Also I think I underfed her (630 PPM TDS, PH 5.8-5.9) ) and I got a Ca deficiency witch I think is the reason my flowers developed slower then I anticipated. Hopefully I’m wrong and everything will be good. P.S. I got a little bit of calcium deficiency caused by salt buildup (to much PK boost) despite my earlier belief that is underfed. I increased the PPM from week 4 (630-640TDS) to 680 TDS) on week 5 while I kept the PK booster at 3+ml l per gallon. Slightly my PPM’s was rising in my reservoir for few days until I decided that my plant can’t take that much nutrients (PK). 2-3 days after I increased the TDS I’ve noticed more spots on the lower leaves with tip burns on top ( first signs of PK toxicity). One day later found spots and yellowing of the leaves on top of the plant that indicates Ca deficiency caused by salt buildup ( PK toxicity) and reversed osmosis (hope I’m not wrong). Going into week 6 I lowered the PK boost at 1.5ml / gallon and total TDS to 640 PPM. Seems like leaves damage to stop and my PPM to stay stabile at 630-640. Trying to keep PH at 5.8 max 5.9. I will post pictures of my Ca deficiency/ PK toxicity. If you guys have any suggestions please leave me a comment.
This week I had to Lollipop again (I know is very late and I hope I didn’t stressed the plant to much). My canopy is so tick and so many overlapping leaves and buds in the center of the plant that don’t receive enough light or any at all , n combination with the RH swings that I got going on (45 and 63 RH), I’m very afraid of mold. I should have did a better job at Lollipoping from day 21. I’m inexperienced grower and I didn’t knew better. I decided is better to risk to shock the plant a little bit risking a reduction in yield then get mold or pests and lose it all. My 30 pin dehumidifier works great with the AC but sometimes when the AC( compressor) stops my RH jump at 62% -63%, witch I don’t like . I’m trying to keep the humidity around 50% but in such a small room between the AC and Dehumidifier I got big swings in temp ( 75-82) and RH ( 45%-63%) witch is not ideal but is nothing that I can do. I played with the AC and Dehumidifier setting a lot trying to keep humidity around 50% and temp around 80 degrees and that’s the best I can. My AC is set at 82 degrees and my Dehumidifier is set at 45% RH. Also during the lights off (day time) is very hard to keep the temperature In control when outside is 110-115 degrees with my portable AC (1400BTU) in the 4x 6 closet. Is crazy but I do my best to keep temp under control. This is another rocky mistake I made is trying growing weed DWC in the middle of summer where temps are 105-115 degrees constant in a closet without centralized AC port and at second level in the building. LOL Also I think I underfed her (630 PPM TDS, PH 5.8-5.9) ) and I got a Ca deficiency witch I think is the reason my flowers developed slower then I anticipated. Hopefully I’m wrong and everything will be good. P.S. I got a little bit of calcium deficiency caused by salt buildup (to much PK boost) despite my earlier belief that is underfed. I increased the PPM from week 4 (630-640TDS) to 680 TDS) on week 5 while I kept the PK booster at 3+ml l per gallon. Slightly my PPM’s was rising in my reservoir for few days until I decided that my plant can’t take that much nutrients (PK). 2-3 days after I increased the TDS I’ve noticed more spots on the lower leaves with tip burns on top ( first signs of PK toxicity). One day later found spots and yellowing of the leaves on top of the plant that indicates Ca deficiency caused by salt buildup ( PK toxicity) and reversed osmosis (hope I’m not wrong). Going into week 6 I lowered the PK boost at 1.5ml / gallon and total TDS to 640 PPM. Seems like leaves damage to stop and my PPM to stay stabile at 630-640. Trying to keep PH at 5.8 max 5.9. I will post pictures of my Ca deficiency/ PK toxicity. If you guys have any suggestions please leave me a comment.
all 6 plants are starting to flower but its still 100 degrees out here
Cut the little Canuck on day 75 before dawn and placed in tub of clean water for 4 hours to remove debris. Then hung under a shady tree to dry excess water. Very dry breezy day. By evening I weigh it at 168 grams stem and all. Then hung upside down bag open to dry. It was beginning to wilt after 48 hours... hopefully long enough to break down some carbs. I’ll be checking every day an if rain threatens I’ll put in shed. Hope to trim and bag in shed after 7 days to finish drying. Pyramid is ready to cut. It will get the same treatment. I know this is a little unorthodox and a bit risky getting the plant so wet before drying. I feel like it just gives the plant an extra day to use up any nutrients and break down those starches.
Buds are getting heavy, I had to craft a net to hold them up. All smells fantastic, looking good.
Buds are getting heavy, I had to craft a net to hold them up. All smells fantastic, looking good.
This week I have fed my girls for the last time (feed-water-water-feed) and I think they are ready to go into a flush, I know one of them really needs it but I shall not name and shame 😂 but overall been a pretty boring ass week, although last week I said I didnt care about the deficiencies something is getting worse and I want to know why to stop it getting g worse a d prevent this happening again I shall ask the question down below, thanks for dropping In and giving this a read, Happy Growing!👊👍
Day 29 of flowering, she's filling out nicely. The video is Day 30 of flowering.
This one stretched a good amount, I thought it got lightly pollinated by a moonshine cookies male but I havnt found any seeds yet. The Marge Simpson nugs are pretty cool lookin. I had one bad feed that burnt the tips in flower i wish i could take back but the ph meter got confused. This shit is top shelf.
empezamos con floración, esperando a que crezcan
Aquí está el cambio ya estamos en floración. Espero que os gusten buenos humos
Flowering has beyond started, looks beautiful and healthy, smells fantastic lol. Hope these continue to bring me happiness. Just put the netting in, she is budding i believe hopefully i get some juicy nugs out of this
Ending week 6 of flower now. Some of the plants are yellowing. Not sure if it’s too much or not enough nutrients. PH has been measured for a while now and is on. Either way, I’m thinking it’s too late to try to correct. Buds are developing nicely and there should only be a few more weeks to go now. Basically just trying to make sure no catastrophes happen in the next few weeks. Suggestions always more than welcome! Thanks for taking a look.