6/26 Rained last night. Might have showers bur the sky is clear. Real good weather coming. I need to transplant those seedlings. Plants are noticeably bigger every day. I see small spits of damage but it's isolated and in a high wind area. I'll address it and watch for nute deficiencies. Also need to transplant those seedlings. At leastcones an auto. 6/27 Rained overnight again. Looks clear today but we did get some rain yesterday. Tomorrow is all sun. I'm planning to transplant those 3 seedlings today. Also noticed some ragged holes so I've got a few pests. Looks like grasshoppers or something. With all the rain could be slugs or pillars I guess. Need to get ipm up amd running. I've got work to do. Found a plant on my gmo in the 30 bag. It got sun burnt and wind burnt but came out of it and they're all doing great. At first this one was a little behind after transplant but so were the other gmo's. Originally, it was one of my best plant prior to transplant outdoors. That one leaf I found during a thorough inspection of the garden. I'm hoping it's not tmv. Plants growing vigorously and better than but I'll keep an eye on it. I also transplanted the 3 seedlings. I added half new 707 in the 50 (prior soil was this same mix from last year) and transplanted one in that. One in a 10 gallon bag and the auto in a 5 gallon bucket. It will be interesting ingredients seeing how they turn out. All transplants went really smooth. 6/28 It's gonna be a hot one today. I haven't watered in over a week due to rain. Wind was whipping this morning! Looked like plants MIGHTVE been drooping but now that I think about it it was probably just the wind. ANYWAY I WATERED TWO AND A HALF GALLONS on the clones. That wind dries the bags out fast. Some still had some heft to them. Lately I've been going by my intuition which has seemed to be on point. All the seedling transplants look good and show no signs of stress. 6/29 The site was down so I couldn't update. Looks like it's gonna rain. It's noontime. This morning i found and killed two inch worms. There's not much damage so I'm wondering whether bt is necessary. Birds sit on the frame and dart I'm and grab them. I'll have to think on it. I also need to decide what I'm going to use for nutes this year. Don't need it yet. GMO's and sherb pie is putting out pistols everywhere. Same with the event horizon. Looks like I may have an early harvest this year. I certainly hope so. Still.....only did half what I did last year but with everything going on its all I can handle. 6/30 Site was down and it doesn't want to pet me upload my pictures 7/1 Trying to keep this updated. Need to spray bt. I'm seeing some damage. Not much but I need to get a handle on it now. Poured yesterday. Super sunny today. Plants seem to be flowering early this year while I still have a 2 seedlings that haven't shown their sex yet (they are fems but still). The clones are beginning to flower it looks like so I may have an early harvest this year. 7/2 WATERED THE GARDEN WITH 4 GALLONS. Spent some time looking over the plants and decided to hold off on the bt seeing as there isn't much damage. I spoke to a few shop owners and after seeing my garden this wad their advice as well. While watering I noticed red ants coming out of the soil of my GMO in the 30 gal. Some of these strains will be early finishers. The only time I've had stigmas like tjis was when I grew mendo breath and that was a super early harvest. Either way things are looking fantastic. The auto seedling finally showed a stigma. One seedling left (they should ALL be females) but I cant tell by the preflower yet. It looks female but I need to see that little white hair emerge to be sure.
Girls are growing nicely, this week ran nice and smooth, no issues. My soil is a bit compact now, and water is not penetrating so well, so i tried to te compact the top layer and mess a bit with the textile pot, that improved a lot… Next time will ad some clay pellets, as i always do… They are in the edge of nutes and i will have to be careful next week. The cal mag is been added one a week, 2ml per l in water only day. Ec is around 2.5. The SKR is developing nice flowers really fast, she looks around one week ahead, top leaves are starting to look more sativa some how, she is packed and dense, did just some leaves tucking nothing else. I decided not to defoliate. Is looking like i will outgrow my space, they are developing really nice.
Hello fellow growers and user of the lovely lady Mary Jane. It was last week harvest time. I was busy with an experiment with the light schedule. I went from 18 hours of light to 12 hours by turning the clock back and make the light time shorter. And after a week on 12/12 I put them in the dark for two day’s. the though behind this is that the ladies will react by making more trichonomen and compacter bud’s . after I harvest the cola’s I cut them and lay them to dry. After 9 day’s they were ready. I weight the bud’s and harvest 167 grams. That’s about a halve gram per watt. I thought that it would be more, and because I didn’t have a control plant it’s a guess if the experiment works or not. I do not think it harms the ladies but there also no great yield. The next time I do have auto flowers I’ll try to doe it again but then with a controlled lady in a different tent. I like the White Widow Autoflower. It’s an easy plant and can handle some stress. I growth them under the Budmaster II UK HPS 9 and it’s a very good lamp for growing and flowering. As nutrition I used Mills Nutrition’s and I have to say it’s easy to use and to prepare. I use lemon juise to get the PH level down but do not use it when you have a feeding system it cloud clog up your system. I wish everybody a nice week and my new adventure will be the CBD Spliff Berry and I already started that diary. Smoke on!! Barney Green.00
Well it was a fast strain just like they say, it comes and goes in 8 to 9 weeks easily, I just added a week to fatten up the buds, I am very impressed what these boys in Cali are creating, kudos FB! I am sure I will be satisfied once I get to actually taste my cookies. PS - does anyone know if i input my Grow room size correct, my tent is 80cm x 80cm x 100cm, thanks for any help!😋00
Now super steady! I need to add way less water than last year (over half a liter a day then), because the eweather is just so cloudy. Just 20°C, max during the day, rarely above and not for long... But it doesn't prevent them to grow fast! Lazarus is a baby that I had put in the filter tank in spring. He spent the autumn and winter in the living room with his bros after I found eggs by september. I thought they had disappeared but there he is! Or maybe it's a joke from a friend...
Day 56f and week 8 and the girls are ripening up. Looking to harvest within the next 4 to 8 days. Just waiting for some more cloudy trichomes to show up. We've reduced our feeding to Canna Boost and Cannazyme only. For the last 4 days or so they will receive plain water. Really stoked how this girl has turned out so far and I can't wait to harvest her. Thank you everyone for likes and comments this far I so appreciate you guys. Growers love ✌️🏻-BLG Video- https://youtu.be/NVoXwpqe9AQ
The soil was still feeding them strong no nutirents but they were added very soon.
I would highly recommend using shortstuff seedbank imagine what they would have been like without problems or more light and not grown by a novice i was feeling the high and all pain going away with each toke just gutted about the yeild cuz of my expertise lol defo got a try gona do a jedi kush maybe or 1 of the other mix seeds i have its a must try for the stealth growers
The buds are looking really nice and frosty I hope they really start to fill in and bulk up these last 3 to 4 weeks
64 days since switched to 12/12.Time passed really quick. I decided to keep these for 1 more week since they just bloomed for one more time.Trichomes are showing mostly cloudy with a little clear left.Looking for %90 cloudy %10 amber.Hopefully will get it this week.Size of the buds are getting bigger everyday.Buds are really dense and smelly .Expecting to harvest on friday.Plant will spend his last 24 hours in complete darkness and will be cut down before light come up.I will flush on last watering.Hoping for it to be enough.Since l have to dry in the room that i grow,i will cut them all at the same time.