June 30, 2024 This week is the end of mid flower. Next week we should be in the final stages of flower. Maturing as it's called. So we will focus on watering this week. Lighting doesn't need to be observed. So I'll be skipping that report unless something changes. Sour Diesel A is drinking next to nothing. Her reservoir is more than half full where the rest of the plants are nearly dry. She still looks good and has great color. But I think she needs to drink more. It's like the soil isn't absorbing much water at all. Maybe it's supposed to be this light. It's a new soil brand, so I'm not really sure what's going on. I think I'll top water her again tomorrow when the reservoir is less than half full. I was considering it today as it's a new week, but I'll be doing everything tomorrow when the rest of the plants are dried out. Sour Diesel B is looking really good. Her lowers look a little underdeveloped. No concern, it's to be expected. But I'd much rather see some development from the supplemental lighting. I'm not sure if it's working or not. I think I have them set up wrong. I need the bars. That's the only thing I can think of. I really don't want to install them so late into the grow, but maybe I will tomorrow. Or later today if I decide to clean out the reservoirs and start fresh. It's still really early. Sour Diesel C is swelling up more noticably now. I think it's due to the top feed. I'm wondering if this soil has issues with bottom feeding. Because I can tell you my previous soil would leave the whole top of the reservoir wet. And the soil would stay at a near constant 45% moisture level. Roots would come out from all over, but this is different. I might have to research the differences. Sour Diesel D has this massive baseball on top. Good side branch buds as well. She needs to be top fed as well. I think. She is a bit light, but doesn't seem to be having any issues. She's drinking just fine though. It's strange. Maybe she is more thirsty than the wicks can handle? The environment is a mess again today. It's really humid out and again it's showing in the tent. 67% humidity. Of course I'll be spending the day opening the tent to let in fresh air. Although, the airflow in the tent should be more than enough to keep air fresh and clean. Just humid. Once the AC kicks on it should drop to around 55%. Let's see how long that takes. It's not hot today. Grow System Environment: Temp: 76.1° RH: 64.4% VPD: 1.07 kPa July 1, 2024 Watering Day! All ladies got a full gallon refill today. Not much else going on. No pictures today. I did rotate a couple plants to get light to the outer branches. Sour Diesel A had about 2 liters left in the reservoir. So I put it in the sprayer and top watered it. There was absolutely no runoff, so I know she is a bit too dry. That should help. The branches are also starting to sway a bit when I move her around. Sour Diesel B has these super dense colas. Great size and smells wonderful. I can't wait to see how she tastes. Very promising quality. And a decent yield for the size. Sour Diesel C is looking really good. Now that all the buds are swelling, they are connecting and making the branches look fatter. She is also starting to sway a bit with movement. Sour Diesel D looks great with her giant cola. Nothing really else to say. I took a leaf off that was just blocking everything. The humidity today is still about 60%. I don't know how to make it go down. The AC hasn't kicked on, so I'm fighting it again. Shocker. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.1° RH: 61.8% VPD: 1.07 kPa July 2, 2024 It's picture day! That's about it though. No watering. Everything looks great! Sour Diesel A is starting to sway a bit. She is definitely packing on the weight in her buds. We are looking absolutely wonderful right now. Great leaf color. Beautiful buds. Nice bright orange pistils. Tons of trichomes. Nice and frosty. She is also holding on to that top feeding from yesterday. I may have to top feed her more often. I will most likely use some recharge when I have to top feed. Just to keep the microbes going. Sour Diesel B has these huge fat buds and some super strong branches as well. There's no real sway unless I jostle the plant, but she is also covered in frosty trichomes. Another week or 2 on her I think. Maybe a bit longer. Sour Diesel C is definitely starting to pack the weight on. Her tops are swaying without much touching. Solid buds and a lot of them. Definitely not a big as they should be. A friend of mine said it could be from a slight lack of water. It's definitely possible. My plants usually go through a gallon in less than 2 days by this time. Sour Diesel D looks great with her baseball sized cola. The side branches look pretty good as well. Lots of trichomes. Super dense. I've also had an idea. I haven't used base nutrients for this entire run as the soil is pre-amended and these are autos. However, I'm starting to think that was a bad idea. I don't think they got enough base nutrients to keep up with growth. It's probably why they didn't shoot up and most likely why 2 of them didn't grow super fat buds. Either way, I didn't have all three bottles anyway, so there wasn't much I could do. I should have used the micro and bloom and just worked with that. I don't have the grow bottle. Anyway, they didn't show any signs of deficiency, so I didn't bother adding them, but I'm starting to think they could have handled a hell of a lot more nutrients than I gave. There's still 2 to 3 weeks left. Maybe I'll add the flower and micro the next watering until flush. The environment is really weird. So it's a super nice day out. 72° and like 40% humidity. Just an overall nice day. On the other hand, my tent is stuck over 60% humidity yet again. So I have my heater turn on periodically to keep the temp up and try to pull some of the humidity out of the air. It's not really working. Even with the tent door open, the humidity is still high. I really don't get it. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.4° RH: 62.1% VPD: 1.01 kPa July 3, 2024 Not much going on today. Our ladies still have enough water to last another day or 2. I've also decided to add a new gallon of water to each reservoir after the first plant runs out of water. The rest will be top fed into the corresponding plant. Sour Diesel A is definitely the most frosty of the bunch. Her buds are swelling up nicely and are super dense. Another 2 to 3 weeks of this and we are gonna have some hefty buds. Sour Diesel B already has some hefty buds. Not as much frost, but definitely a lot. Her lowers are also getting fairly hefty. Big for lowers that I have seen. Sour Diesel C has super dense buds. Even though they are smaller, I expect them to continue swelling over the next 3 weeks. Sour Diesel D is happily doing her thing. The single massive cola seems to be getting fatter as expected. There's still a good 2 to 3 weeks left on her, so I expect some super weight on the cola. The environment is jacked up. I don't know how to fix this with what I have. Now it's 64% and I have no idea why. It'll drop shortly when the central air kicks on. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.3° RH: 58.8% VPD: 1.17 kPa July 4, 2024 Happy 4th everyone who celebrates it. It's picture day! Not a ton going on today, just some slight adjustments. Sour Diesel A looks good. She's getting heavy and swaying on the wind. Tons of frost, lots and lots of orange pistils. Sour Diesel B has massive frosty buds. They are super dense and look great! Honestly, there's a lot of leaves, but they are big. Even the sugar leaves are big. It should be pretty easy to trim. Sour Diesel C had light burn on one of the leaves that was way too close to the supplemental lighting. I snipped it off and rotated the plant slightly to get the leaves directly off the light. Secondly, she was super light, so she got a half gallon of just recharge top feed. I didn't use any of the nutrients, just the recharge. Hopefully that triggers some water intake. Sour Diesel D looks ridiculous with her one massive cola. Kinda looks like the main top of a huge plant that was cut off. Lol. She's drinking really well right now. The bottom of the container is evenly wet throughout. A great sign. She will be putting on more weight I think. Super frosty too. The central air kicked on really early today, so the environment should be good for the day. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.8° RH: 57.7% VPD: 1.26 kPa July 5, 2024 Not a lot going on today. I checked the plants and watered D. Sour Diesel A looks really nice. Super frosty and her pistils are bright orange and shriveling against the buds. It's really pretty. Sour Diesel B is packing on more weight. I see the natural foxtails. I wouldn't call them foxtails. I'd call them buds that got too big for the cola. Hell yes. Sour Diesel C is looking super good. Her buds are still swelling and frost is still coming in. Sour Diesel D was bone dry today. Not the soil, but the reservoir. The soil was a little dry, but it will soak up the water and fix itself. If not, I'll be doing a half gallon top water tomorrow. I did the full nutrient regimen, but I used the rest of the half gallon for A yesterday. I topped it off and left the Recharge in. The environment is messed up like it is every morning. But it's noon now and the humidity is still at 64%. When the central air kicks on, it will drop down to 50% by mid afternoon. The temp is still really good at 75°. Very happy with that. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.2° RH: 57.6% VPD: 1.24 kPa July 6, 2024 It's picture day! It's also the last day of week 6 of flower. Day 77 from seed. I also did my weekly video. Sour Diesel A is looking quite good. Her branches are pretty stiff and that frost is insane. It looks like white frosting all over. Some is so thick you can't see the green beneath. Sour Diesel B looks great! Her leaves just started to canoe a bit. I'm not sure if she is reaching or coming to the end of her life, or has some sort of toxicity or deficiency. I don't think so though. Nothing has changed in weeks. However, tomorrow I'll be watering with Overdrive for the rest of the grow cycle. She's also foxtailing. Not entirely sure that's supposed to happen, but it is. Although, I read somewhere that the Sour Diesel strain tends to produce foxtails naturally. Sour Diesel C is a bit droopy. I'm not sure why. She doesn't seem to need water, but I may top feed her tomorrow as well as refill the reservoir. Maybe I'll water to runoff. I'd say a gallon of water should do it. Or 3/4 gallon. Either way, I think she needs it. Actually, I'm thinking the rest of the plants need it too. Maybe I'll just water all of them to runoff. Sour Diesel D is just doing her thing. Not much to report. A couple little foxtails here and there, but the buds are still super dense. Let's hope it's a natural occurrence and not some environmental issue, like the @#$&ing humidity being too high. I should definitely try to research this. The environment is back to what it has been. High humidity in the morning and then it drops down to 54% by mid afternoon and by evening it's down to 49%. The temp is perfectly under control. At a steady 75° to 76° all day. Night time is a bit weird lately though. 72° at night. Mostly because the central air kicks off and my room warms up. I have my room AC but we all know by now that the thing blows out humidity like a rainforest. It just doesn't make sense. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.3° RH: 57.3% VPD: 1.25 kPa
Overall the blue cheese performed good and i knew it was going go to be last to harvest! The buds were so damp and sticky it created some mold on the top cola! Lucky it didnt spread to the rest of the plant! Next time im definitely using some low stress training method for this. Dry weight 34 grams altogether!
So far I keep training back the branches to keep the tops even, they’re responding well. I might top the middle plant this week if I am going to top her. Kicked up the base nutrients and added in a few root boosters and bud dandy to prep fo flower. I’m probably 2 weeks from flowering, but I should be transplanting near the end of the week and moving into the flower tent a few days later.
The harvest wasn't the biggest. But high quality. I will increase the light density by adding CFL to the grow room. And test the nest grow how much I can push the yeild.
Things going well, some yellowing of random leaves i suspect a bit low on N,re ammended the medium with 50/50 mix of 4-4-4/2-8-4
We used a 200L rain catcher to brew feed using General Hydroponics. Worked well, we just needed to add some PH solution as it was slightly acidic. We definitely made a few mistakes when transplanting last week, next season we will be doing things alot differently in terms of homes so they don't have to get transplanted so often.
Starting to get lots of pistils, gave her a feeding without watering in between ( newbie mistake) so i think i gave her a little bit of nutrient burn
Just started plagron green sensation along with alga bloom on the pineapple express and BlackBerry autos bu fast buds. They are putting on weight now and are a pleasure to grow.check out fast buds people...
After finally getting the light right(backing it up and turning it down🙄). My plants finally starting to look better and grow faster!
Nice smoke, still currently curing but will become better with age of course. A strong indica as described and exactly what I was looking for after smoking a bit of Sativa for a while, perfect for a quiet night in chilling on a Friday or long day of work. Would recommend for sure.