Looking great in here. Although had a bit of an insect scare but hopefully under control. But the planted are easing into flower nicely and sites available for flower are slowly covering up with pistils. Progress is good.
Mammoth p being added to the mix every 3 or 4 days. It’s my first run using mammoth p but I’ve read good things about it.
The potg and one of the PMs are currently battling for number one spot in the tent with the gelatos. The Cherry and other PM aren’t far behind😍😍😬
Update..... all of them just racing now, out and up looking super healthy and super happy. They will also get a little more room to grow in the next couple of days but alas upwards can go no more so I’ll give all the girls decision within the next two days also. This stuff if you’re unfamiliar with it, encourages the plant to stop all vegetative growth immediately and simply focus its powers on flower development. I’ve read good things about it but haven’t used it personally before.
Decision idea shelved but 1 purple Majik and the POG are growing talllll. I’ve managed to give each plant a little extra space to grow and allowed better light coverage across all plants. A wee bit of bending may be needed but let’s hope not, I do hate breaking these poor girls necks😱😢
The girls responding well to new set up canopy is looking full and healthy the CG in particular is making a great show fast, not to Say that the PM aren’t moving quickly too, they are 😍😍😍. I think once the POTG has decided to quit stretching it’s also really going to fill out. But all in all great. Very happy with everything in there. Current favourite, and the shortest, is the Cherry Garseeya, she just way cool.