Its Week 9 , i flush them once with AN Flawless Finish, i will cut them when most trichomes are cloudy and a few amber , should be in 7-10 days ready
We are almost at week 6 of flowering. I had to move these girls to a smaller tent. I gifted one of my 4x4's to a friend in exchange for his 3x3. They are crammed in, but they will do fine. They are starting to put on some good color and weight. I had to prop the Pineapple Upside Down Cake up with bamboo sticks. The Strawberry Cheesecake smells delicious. I could eat it. This is my first plant that really smells fruity. It keeps changing. Today it smells like fruit loops.
This is a must grow again . I immediately started 2 more in her place and I am glad I have 3 more that just went into flower
It has been another slow week for growth. I've been working to optimize the environment. This is my first indoor grow in Europe during winter and with this equipment. There are a lot of variables that I have to figure out. I've added an oil heater on a temperature controller and have been gradually raising temps over the last few days. I also think I underestimated how much moisture my soil mix retains and maybe I've had humidity in the tent a bit too high. Both seedlings look a bit waterlogged. To try and fix this I'll keep RH at 50% for the next few days and let the soil get properly dry before watering again. Hopefully this gets things back on track and there's some strong growth this week! 💪
Día 36 (25/11) Aplico ligero LST a LSD-25 Auto Parece que OG Kush Auto se ha ralentizado un poco tras el Lollipopping y la defoliación Riego H2O RO CBD Auto 20:1 #1 1000 ml H2O RO CBD Auto 20:1 #2 250 ml H2O RO LSD-25 Auto 500 ml H2O RO OG Kush Auto 750 ml H2O RO Día 37 (26/11) CBD Auto 20:1 #2 & LSD-25 Auto han parado el stretch y se dedican a engordar los cogollos LSD-25 Auto sigue generando unos colores preciosos con todas las hojas inundándose de color morado / purpura OG Kush Auto está empezando la floración en todos los nodos CBD Auto 20:1 #1 es un monstruo que no para de crecer! Le hago un ligera defoliación (3-4 hojas) y Lollipopping en un par de nudos inferiores CBD Auto 20:1 #1 1000 ml H2O RO CBD Auto 20:1 #2 250 ml H2O RO LSD-25 Auto 250 ml H2O RO OG Kush Auto 250 ml H2O RO Día 38 (27/11) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 sigue imparable hacia el cielo! Empieza a formar tímidamente los nodos... CBD Auto 20:1 #2 muestra pistilos rosas en el ápice! 😍 CBD Auto 20:1 #1 750 ml H2O RO CBD Auto 20:1 #2 250 ml H2O RO LSD-25 Auto 250 ml H2O RO OG Kush Auto 500 ml H2O RO Día 39 (28/11) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 non stop! 🚀 Elimina algunas hojas que tapan a los brotes inferiores LSD-25 Auto empieza a generar tricomas! 😍 Elimino un par de hojas que tapan los cogollos de la zona media CBD Auto 20:1 #1 1000 ml H2O RO CBD Auto 20:1 #2 - ml H2O RO LSD-25 Auto - ml H2O RO OG Kush Auto - ml H2O RO Día 40 (29/11) No riego. Solo fotos! Día 41 (30/11) Día sin riego. Todas las plantas presentan el sustrato húmedo CBD Auto 20:1 #2 empieza a engordar muchos los cogollos y a mostrar pistilos entre morado y rosa 😍💥 Día 42 (01/12) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 non stop! 🚀 Elimino algunas hojas que tapan a los brotes inferiores LSD-25 Auto tiene unos colores preciosos. Im in love OG Kush Auto la floración está a tope! Elimino algunas hojas que tapan a los brotes inferiores CBD Auto 20:1 #1 1000 ml H2O RO CBD Auto 20:1 #2 750 ml H2O RO LSD-25 Auto 750 ml H2O RO OG Kush Auto 750 ml H2O RO 💦Nutrients by Bio Tabs - www.biotabs.nl/en/ 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - www.pthorticulture.com/en-us/products/pro-mix-hp-biofungicide-plus-mycorrhizae "GDBT420" 15% DISCOUNT code for the BIOTABS Webshop https://biotabs.nl/en/shop/
Same time frame as there mum! The kids have shot up, pretty much doubled in size so far, plants well into stretch mode, nice top feed of Bat shit and Dr organics secret sauce! Lovely shades of green amongst the canopy, same again, no training or defoliation, and that’s hopefully the way it stops throughout the grow, untill next time
2nd week of flower almost complete, she’s starting to stretch😅 she’s got all the room in the world above her so she can grow to the sky for all I care, beautiful colours amongst the leaves, the reds, pinks and purples look 💥.. No defoliation, LST or any sort of training this week, Plants being left to just grow naturally from now till harvest. Untill next time👊🏻
In dieser Woche geht es ein letztes mal in die Breite. Die abgebrochenen Triebe haben aujjf der einen Seite ein ganz schönes Loch hinterlassen. Das wird sich hoffentlich in dieser Woche noch schließen. Ich habe alles wieder etwa auf eine Höhe gebracht und lasse der Lady jetzt noch ein paar tage ihre Erholung, bevor es dann endlich in den 12:12 Zyklus geht. Näheres dazu in meinen Vegi Woche 6 Video auf Youtube: Coming this afternoon Link zur Lampe (Mars Hydro FC3000-Evo: https://marshydro.eu/products/mars-hydro-smart-fc-3000-evo/?ref=docgreenthumb Gutscheincode für Mars Hydro (3% Rabatt): docgreenthumb
Zamnesia f1 flowering along nicely in the back of the tent got new f1s at all different stages. In this tent there is week 3 plants at the front and week 7 at the back sorry for the confusion you know what's its like when you get going stay tuned got another tent going up with all f1 hybrids Zamnesia do
29.11. Blütetag 43 Gestern nochmal leicht mit Dünger gegossen. auf 10L 22ml CalMag 20ml Canna BioFlores 10ml Canna BioBoost ————————————————