Hola amigos partiendo con la sexta semana, todas las nenas muestras claros signos de floración, se realizó la última defoliacion
I just fed for the last time a few days ago. I can tell she is getting ready because she is not drinking anymore. I think I will flush and let the soil dry then I will chop. She will be down by the end of February. I can't wait....this is the first photo I have ever grown. And I think I am stuck!!! She took about 5 or 6 weeks longer than the autos I've been growing but she is going to give me twice as much, and her buds are rock hard. Can't wait to see how they are when the are dried and cured!!
Welcome back, Week 5 of flower and the stretch is done for the most part now they are starting to stack on the buds. added just water today no nutrients this week. I will give them their last big feeding on week 7 and let the fade happen until week 11 looks like these are going to take a while. they topped out at 28 inches short and indica dominate not a huge yield but the smell and bag appeal are worth it. no shing of purpling yet i thing it happens in week10 or so i hope. till next time 🙌
Hello growmies 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🌲🌲, 👋 No more burning this week, using nutes again. Buds start to bump and are more and more frosty ❄️❄️ 💪 Will do a big defoliation next week ✂️✂️ 💧 Give water each 2/3 day 2 l Water Only 2 l Water + Bloom + Green Sensation + Sugar Royal (3 + 1 + 1 ml/l) PH @6 💡Mars Hydro - FC 3000 50% 13 cm Mars Hydro Fan kit Setting 8 Have a good week and see you next week 👋 Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - Smart FC3000 300W Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light💡💡 Mars Hydro - 6 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller 💨💨 Fast Buds - Gorilla Cookies FF🌲🌲
Hello growmies 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🌲🌲, 👋 No more burning this week, using nutes again. Buds start to bump and are more and more frosty ❄️❄️ 💪 Will do a big defoliation next week ✂️✂️ 💧 Give water each 2/3 day 2 l Water Only 2 l Water + Bloom + Green Sensation + Sugar Royal (3 + 1 + 1 ml/l) PH @6 💡Mars Hydro - FC 3000 50% 13 cm Mars Hydro Fan kit Setting 8 Have a good week and see you next week 👋 Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - Smart FC3000 300W Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light💡💡 Mars Hydro - 6 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller 💨💨 Fast Buds - Gorilla Cookies FF🌲🌲
Hello growmies 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🌲🌲, 👋 No more burning this week, using nutes again. Buds start to bump and are more and more frosty ❄️❄️ 💪 Will do a big defoliation next week ✂️✂️ 💧 Give water each 2/3 day 2 l Water Only 2 l Water + Bloom + Green Sensation + Sugar Royal (3 + 1 + 1 ml/l) PH @6 💡Mars Hydro - FC 3000 50% 13 cm Mars Hydro Fan kit Setting 8 Have a good week and see you next week 👋 Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - Smart FC3000 300W Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light💡💡 Mars Hydro - 6 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller 💨💨 Fast Buds - Gorilla Cookies FF🌲🌲
HighCloudz is showing her first buds 👌 She's still stretching but I have enough vertical space left in the Gtools to keep the Sanlight at a safe distance. I do want to prevent lightburn/stress this round. All in all it looks like my plan to give the smaller and lower branches time to reach the ScrOG net is working. Some of the newer branches are a bit thin, but they have more than enough time to strengthen up before the bigger buds start to grow. The smaller HighCloudz in the cups are doing remarkably well. Even with this limited space they look healthy and show no signs of deficiencies. 🌿🌿🌿 Mid-week update After checking on my HighCloudz ladies this morning I thought I saw a few leafs with bite marks. It's nothing too serious just yet but I ordered some natural predators (Stratiolaelaps scimitus) to keep the bugs in check. The plants are stretching but not so much as last week. If all goes well there will be enough space left in the GTools to prevent lightburn. On a totally unrelated but positive note I'm happy to say I finally convinced my 80 year old mom to try Cannabis for the first time. She really enjoyed it and it helped with her back pain. It's just great to be able to share my home grown weed with my old folks. I've just crossed another item off my bucket list 😎
Que pasa familia, vamos con la quinta semana de floración de estas Gorilla cookies Auto de FastBuds. Por el momento todo va bien tienen buen color, van ahí formándose esas flores y empezando a tricotar guay. Alimentamos nuestras plantas con Agrobeta. Por supuesto el ph se mide en cada riego y se mantiene en 6.2 y riego en intervalos de 48h. La temperatura está entorno al 22/24 grados y la humedad anda sobre el 50%. Las plantas en si ya están bien sanas, tutore la rama principal para que no se fuese de madre, y así controlaré la altura. Yo creo que en 1 o 2 semanas podré darles machetazo, pero ya vamos viendo estas semanas. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Die Pflanzen haben in der vergangenen Woche einen enormen Schub gemacht. Hab sie Anfang der Woche entlaubt und es hat ihnen gut getan. Licht kann die Pflanzen durchfluten. Habe einen Weinballon ins Zelt gestellt. Da bei der Gärung CO2 entsteht nutze ich das um mein Budget zu schonen. Eine CO2 Anlage ist mir zu teuer. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit ist durchschnittlich bei 40%. Kann es kaum abwarten wie die Famen sich bis nächsten Sonntag entwickeln. Werde euch berichten.
Que pasa familia, vamos a añadir la cuarta semana de floración de estas Apple Fritter de RoyalQueenSeeds, empezamos con la temperatura que la tenemos entre los 21/25 grados, la humedad está entorno al 50%, el ph está en 6.2 , el foco actualmente lo tengo encendido 12 horas y la potencia es al 100% de lo que da el foco. También añado la gama de nutrientes de Agrobeta, que no falla, sin duda de la mejor alimentación que hay para tus plantas. Veremos estas próximas semanas como avanzan y se comportan en la floración. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Feb 14 Sherbet has just about outgrown it's pot, time to transplant into the 3 gallon bucket: it's final home. The process could have gone easier, as it took a bit to get it out of the planter and the soil wound up filling in a bit of the hole so it's planted a little higher than I wanted. I've turned the light up to 75% to get the plant used to it. Feb 17 Having another light on the other plant in the tent bumped up the temps to low 80s.
Feb 14 Just about time to move from the cup to the 3 gallon bucket. I'll start preparing the soil in that bucket now for transplant in a couple days. Feb 15 Transplanted to a well-watered 3 gallon bucket with about 90% Ocean Forest and 10% Happy Frog. The roots will love the water I've mixed thoroughly into this soil. I'm expecting a perk-up on the leaves soon. Feb 17 Having this second light on in the tent bumped up the temps to low 80s.
Que hay familia, vamos con la cuarta semana de floración de estas Apple Fritter de Zamnesia. La temperatura está entre los 21/24 grados, la humedad está entorno al 55%, y el ph lo mantengo ahora al principio en 6.2, el foco por supuesto está enchufado 12 horas , tener tienen que crecer fuertes. Y aparte añadimos nutrientes de Agrobeta, que no puede faltar semejante gama. Todo correcto hasta ahora, ya cara a la floración veremos cómo avanzan las próximas semanas. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 agrobeta: Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Hasta aquí es todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨.
Que pasa familia, vamos con la cuarta semana de floración de estas Tropicana Cookies Fast Flowering, de FastBuds. Vamos al lío , las 3 plantas se colocaron en macetas de 7 litros definitivamente. El ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 21/24 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%. Ya van llenándose las flores de resina y van hinchando las flores, veremos estas próximas semanas como avanzan. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que pasa familia, vamos con la cuarta semana de floración de estás Zkittelz de Seeds Mafia. La humedad está entorno al 50%, y la temperatura la tengo entre los 22/24 grados. Controlamos en ph en cada riego a 6.2. Y el agua que utilizo de riego suele estar estancada entre 24 / 36 horas, hasta aquí todo bien, tienen un buen color, ya van progresando y creciendo a buen ritmo, vemos cómo avanzan estas semanas y como avanza el progreso de las flores. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ________________________________ 📅 D91/B29 - 14/02/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.9 pH: 5.8 🌡️ T: 19-25 °C H: 50-70 % 🌊 6L 🍗 CalMag - Bloom A-B - B52 - Bud Candy - Big Bud 💧 💼 I filled up all available space in the pot, preparing all for 3 days out. I'll be back on Sunday the 18th of February 🧠 🚀 I'm preparing all for 3 days out 🎬 Added timelapse video and screenshots ________________________________ 📅 D92/B30 - 15/02/24 ⚗️ 🌡️ T: 18-23 °C H: 50-80 % 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 First day out 🎬 ________________________________ 📅 D93/B31 - 16/02/24 ⚗️ 🌡️ T: 18-23 °C H: 50-80 % 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 Second day out 🎬 ________________________________ 📅 D94/B32 - 17/02/24 ⚗️ 🌡️ T: 19-23 °C H: 40-70 % 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 Third and last day out 🎬 ________________________________ 📅 D95/B33 - 18/02/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 5.8 🌡️ T: 19-23 °C H: 40-70 % 🌊 1L 🍗 CalMag 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 I'm baaaackkkk !!! 😎😎😎 🎬 Big job on media. I edited the cumulated time lapse videos and splitted day by day. Also uploaded the screenshots from the TrolMaster App for each day out. Great! ________________________________ 📅 D96/B34 - 19/02/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 5.6 🌡️ T: 19-23 °C H: 40-70 % 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 3 pics and a video added. Added timelapse video ________________________________ 📅 D97/B35 - 20/02/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 5.3 🌡️ T: 20-24 °C H: 50-65 % 🌊 5L 🍗 CalMag - Bloom A-B - B52 - Bud Candy - Big Bud 💧 💼 Some defolation 🧠 🚀 First signs of ripening 🎬 Added timelapse and screenshjots. I also prepared a timelapse of the entire week with some music 🎵🎵🎵 and weekly rate of T-H and VPD 📈📈📈
meu scrog estava muito próximo ao meu vaso, meu regador com água de PH certo nao dava mais pra regar sem que molhasse as flores, tive que adaptar uma ponteira na mangueira e regar com uma água que nao sabia do PH, pior hora que fui fazer isso, problema de PH logo ultimo mês de flora, isso vai diminuir bastante meu rendimento, to tentando consertar!