Hey Leute! Das ist nun der Stand nach Woche 3. Die Blütenstände entwickeln sich allmählich und allgemein macht sie mir einen guten Eindruck. Einige Blätter werden langsam gelb-lila farben, was hoffentlich auf den Fortschritt der Blüte hindeutet und nicht auf einen Mangel. Wenn ihr da mehr drüber wisst bzw. Sagen könnt, gebt mir doch gerne mal ein Kommentar. Möchte nochmal erwähnen, dass ich kein Profi bin sondern dies mein 2. Grow ist. Falls ihr Tipps für Verbesserungen habt oder Anregungen für Veränderung, gerne kommentieren! Habe die Zufuhr von Stickstoff nun angehoben um auf den erhöhten Bedarf zu reagieren, da mir die Blätter etwas zu hell aussahen.
Freshness in every hit. Citrus terps refresh your mind and body. Smells hard, hits harder. 26% THC that’ll blow your taste buds off. The best of both worlds. Perfectly balanced effect, the ideal all-day strain. Extremely resilient. Top-shelf harvests with minimal maintenance! Sour citrus terps. Loads of orange terps make for the most delicious hash and extracts.
Freshness in every hit. Citrus terps refresh your mind and body. Smells hard, hits harder. 26% THC that’ll blow your taste buds off. The best of both worlds. Perfectly balanced effect, the ideal all-day strain. Extremely resilient. Top-shelf harvests with minimal maintenance! Sour citrus terps. Loads of orange terps make for the most delicious hash and extracts.
Happy little seedlings are growing well in a plastic box with lots of humidity. 8 out of 10 seeds germinated. On day 6 planted 6 of them to 60l growbags ( 3 to each) and 2 to 20l ish pots.
First week of flower, and the leaves that have appeared are crazy, the first week that the plants have been left alone to just grow, no defoliation, and the wick system has let me leave them in very good conditions to just flourish, be interested to see what this can do with buds now👊🏻
Gracias al equipo de MSNL y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Forbidden Fruit Auto: Forbidden Fruit Autoflower, llamada así por sus deliciosos sabores, es un cruce entre Cherry Pie, Tangie y Siberian Ruderalis. Esta variedad ofrece efectos estimulantes y relajantes con un sabor afrutado, cítrico y a pino. Ideal para quienes buscan un dulce escape. 🚀🌻 Consigue aqui tus semillas: 💡TS-3000 + TS-1000: se usaran dos de las lámparas de la serie TS de Marshydro, para cubrir todas las necesidades de las plantas durante el ciclo de cultivo, uso las dos lámparas en floracion para llegar a toda la carpa de 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80. 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 💻 Trolmaster Tent-X TCS-1 como controlador de luz, optimiza tu cultivo con la última tecnología del mercado, desde donde puedes controlar todos los parametros. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes:
Gracias al equipo de MSNL y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Forbidden Fruit Auto: Forbidden Fruit Autoflower, llamada así por sus deliciosos sabores, es un cruce entre Cherry Pie, Tangie y Siberian Ruderalis. Esta variedad ofrece efectos estimulantes y relajantes con un sabor afrutado, cítrico y a pino. Ideal para quienes buscan un dulce escape. 🚀🌻 Consigue aqui tus semillas: 💡TS-3000 + TS-1000: se usaran dos de las lámparas de la serie TS de Marshydro, para cubrir todas las necesidades de las plantas durante el ciclo de cultivo, uso las dos lámparas en floracion para llegar a toda la carpa de 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80. 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 💻 Trolmaster Tent-X TCS-1 como controlador de luz, optimiza tu cultivo con la última tecnología del mercado, desde donde puedes controlar todos los parametros. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 10: No ha sido una gran semana debido al mal tiempo, me hubiera gustado que desarrolle mas cogollos pero el clima no lo ha permitido. Engorde final de los cogollos los cuales se estan llenando de resina cada dia mas gracias a la aplicación de Sticky Fingers, pronto se hará el lavado de raiz.
Hello Growmies, Week 8 marks an exciting milestone for our Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel as we transition into full flowering mode. The preflower stretch has come to an end, and the plants are now focusing their energy on bud development. The increase in size has been remarkable, with all the plants almost tripling in height. Plants #1 and #3 stand out as the tallest and most impressive in size and overall appearance. The plants are now receiving full flower nutrients, which has already started to show results. The flowers are beginning to stretch along the already glistening colas, hinting at the substantial buds to come. The lush foliage and vibrant green hue continue to indicate the plants' overall health and vitality. The lamp is now at its maximum height, and the distance to the plants is only 10 cm. To avoid heat stress, I adjusted the GCx 9 light spectrum to push 100% flower spectrum and only 35% grow spectrum. This adjustment should help maintain optimal conditions for the plants as they continue to develop. The root balls have developed impressively, confirming that the current air supply is sufficient and not excessive. This strong root development is a positive indicator of the plants' ability to support the upcoming heavy buds. The support grid continues to play a crucial role in managing the plants' shape and supporting the branches as they prepare to bear the increasing weight of the developing flowers. As we move further into the flowering phase, I’m thrilled with the progress so far and eager to see the buds continue to develop and mature. The anticipation for the final harvest is building, and I’m confident that we are on track for a rewarding yield. Stay lifted, Salokin
Hello Growmies, Week 8 marks an exciting milestone for our Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel as we transition into full flowering mode. The preflower stretch has come to an end, and the plants are now focusing their energy on bud development. The increase in size has been remarkable, with all the plants almost tripling in height. Plants #1 and #3 stand out as the tallest and most impressive in size and overall appearance. The plants are now receiving full flower nutrients, which has already started to show results. The flowers are beginning to stretch along the already glistening colas, hinting at the substantial buds to come. The lush foliage and vibrant green hue continue to indicate the plants' overall health and vitality. The lamp is now at its maximum height, and the distance to the plants is only 10 cm. To avoid heat stress, I adjusted the GCx 9 light spectrum to push 100% flower spectrum and only 35% grow spectrum. This adjustment should help maintain optimal conditions for the plants as they continue to develop. The root balls have developed impressively, confirming that the current air supply is sufficient and not excessive. This strong root development is a positive indicator of the plants' ability to support the upcoming heavy buds. The support grid continues to play a crucial role in managing the plants' shape and supporting the branches as they prepare to bear the increasing weight of the developing flowers. As we move further into the flowering phase, I’m thrilled with the progress so far and eager to see the buds continue to develop and mature. The anticipation for the final harvest is building, and I’m confident that we are on track for a rewarding yield. Stay lifted, Salokin
Hello Growmies, We’ve made it to week 7 with our Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel, and the excitement continues to build! The preflower stretch is in full swing, with the plants continuing to push through the support grid and reach for the light. The vertical growth has been impressive, and the formation of bud sites is now becoming more evident. Plants #1 and #3 are maintaining their status as the standout performers, with their foliage still lush and green, and their nodes spacing out beautifully as they stretch upward. The support grid remains crucial in managing their shape and supporting the branches as they begin to bear the weight of the developing buds. To accommodate the growing size of the plants and maintain adequate distance to the light, I had to move the carbon filter outside the tent. This adjustment has helped ensure the plants receive optimal light exposure without being too close to the light source. The increased light intensity has proven to be a game-changer, encouraging the plants to stretch their stems upward while keeping the leaf growth dense. This optimization of light penetration is setting the stage for what I hope will be a bountiful harvest. The plants have continued their preflower stretch throughout the week, and it’s clear that they are preparing for the next big phase of their growth. As the plants enter the final stages of their preflower stretch, I’m eagerly anticipating the transition into full flowering mode. The progress so far has been incredibly promising, and I’m looking forward to seeing the buds start to really take shape. Stay lifted, Salokin
Hello Growmies, We’ve made it to week 7 with our Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel, and the excitement continues to build! The preflower stretch is in full swing, with the plants continuing to push through the support grid and reach for the light. The vertical growth has been impressive, and the formation of bud sites is now becoming more evident. Plants #1 and #3 are maintaining their status as the standout performers, with their foliage still lush and green, and their nodes spacing out beautifully as they stretch upward. The support grid remains crucial in managing their shape and supporting the branches as they begin to bear the weight of the developing buds. To accommodate the growing size of the plants and maintain adequate distance to the light, I had to move the carbon filter outside the tent. This adjustment has helped ensure the plants receive optimal light exposure without being too close to the light source. The increased light intensity has proven to be a game-changer, encouraging the plants to stretch their stems upward while keeping the leaf growth dense. This optimization of light penetration is setting the stage for what I hope will be a bountiful harvest. The plants have continued their preflower stretch throughout the week, and it’s clear that they are preparing for the next big phase of their growth. As the plants enter the final stages of their preflower stretch, I’m eagerly anticipating the transition into full flowering mode. The progress so far has been incredibly promising, and I’m looking forward to seeing the buds start to really take shape. Stay lifted, Salokin
Hello Growmies, Welcome to week 6 of our journey with the Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel! The plants have been responding spectacularly to the increased light intensity and strategic positioning. This week has been marked by a continued preflower stretch, with the plants pushing through the support grid and reaching for the light. The vertical growth is exactly what I was hoping for, and it's setting the stage for some impressive colas. Plants #1 and #3 continue to show robust growth patterns, with noticeable daily changes. Their foliage remains lush and vibrant, displaying a healthy, intense green hue. The nodes are spacing out nicely as they stretch upward, creating the perfect setup for bud development. The support grid is proving to be invaluable, helping manage their shape and supporting the branches as they prepare to bear the weight of the future buds. The increased light intensity appears to be the perfect adjustment, encouraging the plants to stretch their stems upward while maintaining dense leaf growth. This could significantly enhance their overall yield and quality by optimizing light penetration throughout the plant. The plants have now just started to stretch through the screen, entering the exciting preflower stretch phase. I’m thrilled with their progress and can’t wait to see how they continue to develop in the coming weeks. Stay lifted, Salokin
I have birth to my baby😍 Freshness in every hit. Citrus terps refresh your mind and body. Smells hard, hits harder. 26% THC that’ll blow your taste buds off. The best of both worlds. Perfectly balanced effect, the ideal all-day strain. Extremely resilient. Top-shelf harvests with minimal maintenance! Sour citrus terps. Loads of orange terps make for the most delicious hash and extracts.
I have birth to my baby😍 Freshness in every hit. Citrus terps refresh your mind and body. Smells hard, hits harder. 26% THC that’ll blow your taste buds off. The best of both worlds. Perfectly balanced effect, the ideal all-day strain. Extremely resilient. Top-shelf harvests with minimal maintenance! Sour citrus terps. Loads of orange terps make for the most delicious hash and extracts.
Allright! After the suspected light stress last week, the plants are in their second day of 18/6 light schedule and it looks like they are recovering. The front-left plant's upper leafs seem to be straightening out and overall the plants look healthier than last week 👌. I plan to measure the light intensity, but as things look now, there were two plants that were more susceptible to stress from the LED lights. It's not what you want in a grow, but it has taught me a valuable lesson. Don't just blindly assume a plant can handle 100% of the grow light in the third week ✌️☘️ In the end I don't think it affected the grow that much. The plant on the left corner in the back is a bit taller compared to the rest, but all plants look healthy and ready to start blooming! I have applied some LST clips on the side branches of the tallest plant. This guides the branches sideways and creates a more open structure. You can check them out at 🌿🌿🌿 Mid-week update The plants have grown very fast this week and now they're all in bloom ✌️ Because of the fast growth, I've removed some of the fanleafs in the canopy, and fan leafs and small branches in the lower parts of the plants. I use the leafs for tea with liquorice in the morning and at dinnertime I chop them up for a mixed salad. The taste is really good and raw Cannabis is super healty as well.
The Terp tent in full flush mode.... started flawless finish on day 75/81 and flushed all 4 plants throughly let dry out on day76 at night b4 loghts out i then fed 1 liter each plant of plain ph reg water 6.0 ... day77 marked plain water 5.95ph. With slight run off about 3 liters. Day 78 /84 is today which upon checking my trics id say they will be ready for 48 hrs of straight darkness on day 83/89..... from there they will be sawzawed unless yall got a pair of scissors that can cut through 3 inch stems hahaha damn rhino skin .....(buyit) All 3 cookies gelato are turning purple 😋 💜 😍 ya babe shine for me Cg1 is a yeilder that smells like straight up Blueberry pancakes with some side muffins Cg2 is short but she got cake bro ..... sticky n will be a trimmer Cg3 no joke smells like candy gas and so frosty I think we might class this one as the best I might ever grow lol no shares on this lady fingerprint scanner on the jar opener ....... Green gelato is one hella weird growing plant to me idk why maybe I did something wrong or right but these buds r still skinny but fattened up alot tha ks to over drive .... they are about 20 inch buds and 6 main colas that long smells like lemon candy and gas earthy mix deff gonna be a trimmer but a decent yeild I bet for how small the bud sticks are lol 😆 they like foot long hotdogs but like 2 of em in 1 lol 😆 😂 👌 Anyways so far so good kept it clean tidy and fulfilled my passion for thc ... What more could always bored needed something to do carpenter with zero side time ask for honestly tho for my 1st ever grow eith 100%brand new equipment not knowing what I'm doing , I think I did well I pat myself on. The back ... I hope to make my name in the I dusty somehow someway down the line ... possibly breed my own strains and brand it the terp tent thanks for those who veiw my.grow and stay green fams. Till next week when we get some hopefully final pics b4 dry?????
The Terp tent in full flush mode.... started flawless finish on day 75/81 and flushed all 4 plants throughly let dry out on day76 at night b4 loghts out i then fed 1 liter each plant of plain ph reg water 6.0 ... day77 marked plain water 5.95ph. With slight run off about 3 liters. Day 78 /84 is today which upon checking my trics id say they will be ready for 48 hrs of straight darkness on day 83/89..... from there they will be sawzawed unless yall got a pair of scissors that can cut through 3 inch stems hahaha damn rhino skin .....(buyit) All 3 cookies gelato are turning purple 😋 💜 😍 ya babe shine for me Cg1 is a yeilder that smells like straight up Blueberry pancakes with some side muffins Cg2 is short but she got cake bro ..... sticky n will be a trimmer Cg3 no joke smells like candy gas and so frosty I think we might class this one as the best I might ever grow lol no shares on this lady fingerprint scanner on the jar opener ....... Green gelato is one hella weird growing plant to me idk why maybe I did something wrong or right but these buds r still skinny but fattened up alot tha ks to over drive .... they are about 20 inch buds and 6 main colas that long smells like lemon candy and gas earthy mix deff gonna be a trimmer but a decent yeild I bet for how small the bud sticks are lol 😆 they like foot long hotdogs but like 2 of em in 1 lol 😆 😂 👌 Anyways so far so good kept it clean tidy and fulfilled my passion for thc ... What more could always bored needed something to do carpenter with zero side time ask for honestly tho for my 1st ever grow eith 100%brand new equipment not knowing what I'm doing , I think I did well I pat myself on. The back ... I hope to make my name in the I dusty somehow someway down the line ... possibly breed my own strains and brand it the terp tent thanks for those who veiw my.grow and stay green fams. Till next week when we get some hopefully final pics b4 dry?????