Week 7 has started and I'd say, overall she's looking good and healthy. day 45: It's time to give her some water and new "food". I took the opportunity to remove a few of the lower and inner leaves and arrange them a little more openly with some garden wire and string. Regarding those lighter leafs in the top center (pictures under the LED make it really look worse) and the reddish/violet stems i won't do anything for now but observing. day 46: just visual checks and refreshing humidation. day 47: The soil was already dry again, i guess because of those high temperatures during the last days (up to 38°C inside the box). As she seemed to be doing quite well, I decided to carry out a slightly larger defoliation. Some might even call it “soft lollipopping”. But as a beginner, I want to try the experiment and I'm more afraid of mold than a slightly lower yield. So I removed about 1/3 of the leaves and small shoots in the lower area and also took out some fan leaves and leaves that were growing inwards or covering other shoots. I then used some string to give her a new shape to bring the individual shoots back to a more uniform height. day 48: just visual checks and refreshing humidation. I guess she isn't too sad about her new haircut. Additionally playing around with the smartphone microscope I recently bought. day 49: The first pistils are beginning to change color. No water needed today, but i guess for a fresh watering tomorrow. Removed some leafes that wouldn't get much light The weather should cool down again today and in the next few days, so I'm hoping for lower temperatures inside the grow box. Today I will leave the box open for a while and try to cool down the room in which it is standing. day 50: My guess was right, it's watering day. Felt like she needed a little more nutrients so i slightly adapted my plan.
#seedsman420growoff and #SeedsmanSeeds 📆 Week 10, 29 June - 5 July 2024 29 June - 5 July - Observed and let the plant grow. 📑 This past week was a bad week to try any updates on GD, there were too many bugs and crashes. So I decided to post today in hopes for better results. By all signs she continues to perform well and on a predictable schedule. Her smell profile is interesting and intense. I can only hope this carries into the taste as well. 🍶 nutrient solution not changed 🍽️ feeding schedule not updated 💧 Using reverse osmosis water with EC/TDS at 0 🔆 Light power at 75%, DLI 45 canopy coverage at 12hrs 😤 Using General Hydroponics, HGC728040, Dual Diaphragm Air Pump, 320 GPH That is it for this week. Thanks for the look, read and stopping by.
Pineapple OG Feminised · Seedsman
XS1500 · ViparSpectra
Spider Farmer 2'x2'x5' · Spider Farmer
TriPart Micro · Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow · Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom · Terra Aquatica
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH CaliMagic ·
Fulvex · Botanicare
Hydroguard · Botanicare
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Gorilla Punch will be harvested today, the ZTRAWBERRIEZ also will be harvested in a few days. It seems that the ZKITTELZ needs one day more.
I did small LST to get more light to the buds. Smells really nice, I look forward growing next plant.
Einige Triebe wurden nun durch reiben und drücken umgeknickt(HST) weil das sie aus dem Netz rausgewachsen ist und ich unbedingt das höhenwachstum eindämmen muss, da die Pflanze noch ihren Stretch machen wird und ich sonst keinen Abstand zur Lampe bekomme.
Einige Triebe wurden nun durch reiben und drücken umgeknickt(HST) weil sie aus dem Netz rausgewachsen ist und ich unbedingt das höhenwachstum eindämmen muss, da die Pflanze noch ihren Stretch machen wird und ich sonst keinen Abstand zur Lampe bekomme. In der ersten Woche deutliche Veränderung des Wachstumbildes, die ersten weißen Härchen sind erkennbar. Biobizz Bloom und TopMax werden ab jetzt auch hinzugefügt.
Endlich bereit für Blüte, stelle das Licht auf 12/12 Zyklus und lasse die Lampe nun mit voller Stärke auf 500watt laufen. Habe einen Mangel festgestellt, der wahrscheinlich auf das fehlen von CalMag zurück zuführen ist. Außerdem ist es Zeit die Pflanze großzügig zu entlauben.
Umgetopft in Woche 5, alle drei Tage gegossen, davon bei jedem zweiten gießvorgang gedüngt. Haupttrieb in Woche 6 das zweite mal getoppt.
In Woche 9 Netz in 1m2 growbox gespannt. Beginn von LST durch anpassen an das Netz um die Pflanzenoberfläche zu vergrößern. Einige größere ‚Fanleaves‘ entfernt
📆 Week 11, 30 June - 6 July 2024 30 June - 6 July - Observed and let the plant grow. 📑 All is great with this little lady. She is entering her final week of flower, just before a flush. The smell is very strong, leaves are fading nicely, and buds have swollen. The pistils have turned brown and trichomes are almost at 10% amber. She is at her peek of ripeness. 🍶 nutrient solution not changed 🍽️ feeding schedule not updated 💧 Using reverse osmosis water with EC/TDS at 0 🔆 Light power at 50%, DLI 40 canopy coverage at 18hrs 😤 Using PYPABL, Air Pump, 400GPH That is it for this week. Thanks for the look, read and stopping by.
Auto Afghan Bullet · Divine Seeds
XS1500 Pro · ViparSpectra
20” x 20” x 48” ·
TriPart Bloom · Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow · Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro · Terra Aquatica
Fulvex · Botanicare
Hydroguard · Botanicare
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
primera semana de vida , siguen bajo 150W hasta que crezcan un pelin, entonces irán a exterior. La primera elección de plántulas fué deshacerme de la nº3, le estaba costando mucho, demasiado. Finalmente se tomó la decisión y las 2 elejidas nº1 y nº4 para este seguimiento se transplantaron a maceta téxtil de 2,5L con sustrato lightmix de atami. reutilizado.
There was mixed weather again all week. She took some heavy rain and I therefore skipped the nutrients for a few days because she was soaked in water all the time. This caused a slight nutrient deficit that I hope to compensate the next few days with regular feedings. I had to take some leafs of that were yellow... But all In all she is doing fine and she is gaining flower mass. And she starts to smell really nice.
Einige Triebe wurden nun durch reiben und drücken umgeknickt(HST) weil sie aus dem Netz rausgewachsen ist und ich unbedingt das höhenwachstum eindämmen muss, da die Pflanze noch ihren Stretch machen wird und ich sonst keinen Abstand zur Lampe bekomme. In der ersten Woche deutliche Veränderung des Wachstumbildes, die ersten weißen Härchen sind erkennbar. Biobizz Bloom und TopMax werden ab jetzt auch hinzugefügt.
There was mixed weather again all week. She took some heavy rain and I therefore skipped the nutrients for a few days because she was soaked in water all the time. This caused a slight nutrient deficit that I hope to compensate the next few days with regular feedings. I had to take some leafs of that were yellow... But all In all she is doing fine and she is gaining flower mass. And she starts to smell really nice.