July 21, 2024 Day 92 This week may be a little weird with pictures. My phone's screen died, so pictures may be a little messy if any at all. I'll do my best to get as good as I can. Anyway, I managed to get these 4 before the screen went black again. I'll update as I can. So the focus this week will be flushing and flushing only. I don't have enough flawless finish so I have to flush with plain water. Sour Diesel A is looking pretty good. Her branches are getting heavier and heavier. Some are starting to lean a bit too much and will pull down other branches as anchors. A good and a bad thing. Not too bad though. Sour Diesel B is just doing her thing now. Her buds are huge and solid. Her leaves are starting to show more color and some are yellowing out. She's getting there. Sour Diesel C is looking great and is definitely thirsty. She's already getting light. It's a good thing I'm flushing tomorrow. After that, it will be just bottom feed of plain water for the rest of the week or 2. Sour Diesel D is still bulking up. Her leaves still aren't showing color, but they are starting to show signs of hunger. Just barely around the edges. The environment is actually not that bad today. The humidity is below 60% and the temp is just at 75 degrees. Grow System Environment: Temp: 76 RH: 58% VPD: 1.25 kPa July 22, 2024 Not much going on today. I managed to get a daily pic, but that's it. I will be flushing tomorrow I think. They are still a bit heavy. Sour Diesel A is looking really good. She has super frosty buds and they are nice and heavy. The fade is starting to pick up the pace. It is to be expected now. Soon enough we will have some beautiful colors. Sour Diesel B looks great! Her buds are nice and fat as well as getting even more frosty. I cant get trichome pics for now because my phone is broken. However, I can Still look through a loupe. Currently they are half clean and half cloudy. Definitely looking at another week. Which makes total sense for the time frame. Perfect. Sour Diesel C is looking amazing with her bright green leaves and tight buds. She's starting to fade a bit more now. It's looking like we will see some yellows and maybe some pink. no purple though. I don't expect this strain to give purple anyway. Sour Diesel D has this stupid looking fat cola that's more like the end of a club than a plant top. Its about as hard as one too. Too bad I don't have a baseball bat. I'd love to see if its actually fatter than the end. The environment is about the same as it was yesterday. The humidity is just below 60% and the temp is around 76 degrees. ( cant find the degree symbol lol.) I cant really say much for the averages. i cant see the app on my phone. I will update everything when I get a new phone. For now it will be just an average from what I've seen throughout the day on the display at the tent. Grow System Environment: Temp: 76 RH: 59% VPD: 1.20 July 23, 2024 Flushing day and picture day! I flushed each plant with 3 gallons of water PHed to 6.5. Sour Diesel A has this kind of wind swept look about her now. I just noticed it today when I was flushing her out. The branches all seem to be bending toward one side. Like they are bending toward the center of the plant. Sour Diesel B is looking marvelous. Her buds are fat and the foxtails seem to be stopping now. However I did notice the lower buds have much more pronounced foxtailing. I believe it's due to the smaller size of the lowers. Sour Diesel C is fantastic. Her buds are solid and frosty. Definitely packing on more weight too. Sour Diesel D is just ridiculous. Her main cola is like a football. Super solid cola. Can't wait for the harvest. Soon enough. The environment is still like yesterday. Just under 60% and 76°. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.7° RH: 59.9% VPD: 1.20 kPa July 24, 2024 Nothing going on today. Just the daily pic and a quick check of the plants. Sour Diesel A looks great as always. Her leaves are still pretty green, but I can see more purple coming through. No other colors yet. The smell is great too. Sour Diesel B is also looking great. Her buds are big and fat. Her frost is frosty sweet. I can't wait to see how she turns out. Sour Diesel C is smelling sweet and gassy. Her buds are really frosty now. The buds are still putting on weight and are getting tighter. Sour Diesel D is getting frosty now. She was frosty before but now it's getting more noticeable. I can't express enough how solid this massive cola is. Its SOLID. The environment is the same as it has been for the last few days. Humidity below 60% and the tempmis around 76°. It will, of course, drop down to the low 50's% when the AC kicks on. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.7° RH: 59.4% VPD: 1.16 kPa July 25, 2024 A first thing update: So it's before my actual diary writing time and I need to address this. A friend of mine saw heat stress in my plants and I was really confused as to how it could be. Well, it was getting hot in the tent before I woke up in the morning. So 2 to 3 hours of 80° everyday for the last week if not longer. I fixed the issue today with mu AC. I'll just keep it on 24/7. It's picture day! No watering needed. I'll be doing one last flush I think. Theblast one didn't show clear water. So one more time should do it. Sour Diesel A is showing signs of heat stress now. Although, as I said earlier today, I have fixed it. But the humidity is really high. The back branches are leaning hard with one falling over flat. It's a good and a bad thing. Lots of weight, but not as good of light. Sour Diesel B is under a lot of stress. I didn't realize it was heat stress as I thought the temp in the tent was 76°. Her buds are still really nice, but I think the heat stress is causing lower foxtailing. Sour Diesel C needs nothing. She is also showing signs of heat stress. Not as bad as Sour Diesel B, but still there. It should be fine now. I'm not sure what the humidity is going to do, but it's high. Buds are tight, frost is on point. Sour Diesel D is showing the least amount of heat stress, but is also the only one not showing signs of fading yet. She is still beautiful and huge buds. The environment is back to really high humidity and good temp. So I'm trading heat stress for humidity stress. Great. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.7° RH: 62.8% VPD: 1.04 kPa July 26, 2024 Nothing going on today. Just the daily pic and observation. Sour Diesel A is looking super good. I don't know if she is suffering from much heat stress, but she should be fine now. I took care of it. Her branchesbare leaning more and more. I can tell she will be a decent harvest. Sour Diesel B is by far the worst with the heat stress. It must be the location of the plant and the airflow. Maybe there is an empty air pocket. Interesting. I'll have to look for it. Sour Diesel C looks great! Just a little bit of heat stress and that's about it. Her buds are nice and tight. No leaning, butni have a feeling we will run into thar with her. Sour Diesel D is showing a slight sign of heat stress, but nothing serious. It should be fine with the temp fix. One of her side branches is starting to lean a bit. Not a lot, but enough. Otherwise, she looks great! I really wonder what the main cola will weigh. 2 Oz? We will see. The environment was giving me trouble for the last week and last night I left my AC on. It was chilly when I woke up, but the tent was at a comfortable 74°. The humidity is also a bit lower, down to 57%. Not too bad. I would like it to be at 50%, but this is what I got. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.8° RH: 58.7% VPD: 1.11 kPa July 27, 2024 It's picture day! And video day! I was going to do another flush today, but tomorrow is the start of a new week, so I'll wait for then. I'll also start taking trichoke pics starting next week. I think I was supposed to start this week, but there's no point in looking at clear trichomes. Sour Diesel A needed some support for the rear branches. They were leaning super hard. So I propped one up that's now holding the rest ofbthe branches up. Let's hope it holds. Everything else looks good. Sour Diesel B is still showing signs of heat stress. I'm guessing it'll take a few days to recover. Not good for the last week of life though. We shall see how she turns out. Sour Diesel C is looking great! Her branches are starting to pull out a bit from the weight. We shall see how she looks at the end of the week. Sour Diesel D needed 1 branch propped up. It was one of the lowers, but it has a nice big bud on it. Other than that, she's looking pretty good. The environment is better. I kept my AC on all night and shut it off this morning. I'll have to turn it back on in a little bit, but yah, it worked. The humidity was also below 60%. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.1° RH: 57.4% VPD: 1.12 kPa
Wow! Super fun strain to grow. Smells like stawberries and cream. For real. It is mindblowing. I hope fresh frozen live rosin will be fire when I'll make it in a week. Very sturdy plant, but not very resistant to high temperatures - some phenos tend to foxtail then. But apart from that it is one of the best I've ever grown - up to par with MAC1 👽 or Grandpa's Cookies 🍪 Top tier terpenes and resin production. I love it 😍 It is my personal record - 3064g (wet) from 3 plants from 4x4ft tent 😎💪 Should be ~800-900g of dry flower if I'd ever dry it (but 99% of it is ment for fresh frozen bubble hash and rosin pressing - flowers are already in deep freeze apart from small 10g sample I'm drying normally). Seeds are not cheap - you have to but 20, but I highly recommend this cultivar. Yield blown my mind. I hope it'll taste and wash as good as it smells 🙏
I almost stripped them naked kinda but I need to get more light to the lower bud sites otherwise they are pretty much popcorn. The Green Gelato is happily starting to produce flowers while the Lemon Cherrys are taking their time to stretch one of them is almost 130cm tall and that was the 1 that was the most behind in the early weeks ahhahaha. Date: 26.08.2024
I almost stripped them naked kinda but I need to get more light to the lower bud sites otherwise they are pretty much popcorn. The Green Gelato is happily starting to produce flowers while the Lemon Cherrys are taking their time to stretch one of them is almost 130cm tall and that was the 1 that was the most behind in the early weeks ahhahaha. Date: 26.08.2024
They got so tall over the last few weeks im hoping for the best :D Also did some defoliation to get the lower bud sites off and to help the air flow Date: 20.8.2024
Note : + jegliches Zubehör wird in der GermniationsWoche aufgelistet . Zeitraffer Videos folgen immer nachträglich. + videos werden so geschnitten das nur ein geschlossenes Zelt erscheint , ergo Fehlen paar reale Minuten (ca 1 Std) . ++ nur probleme mit der Zeitrafferkamera . Sorry für die Schrägen und halben Aufnahmen . Vielleicht schaff ich beim nächsten Grow da abhilfe zu leisten. Day 50: Wachstumstillstand bei 68cm . Day 51: + Höhe : 68cm + 2 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ Day 52: Kleine Entlaubung . Test MAX Licht : Main-Cola PPFD 1000 (16h) , sekundär Colas PPFD 750 (16h). Das wird mächtige Mangelerscheinungen geben . LED und Cal-Mag Probleme sind ja ein Standard Problem :)) Schauen wir mal was passiert bei so einer Autoflower. Day 53: + Höhe : 68cm + 1.5 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 5.81 Wegen Wetter Test verschiebung um ein paar Tage . Es wird hier einfach zu heiss im Zelt. Day 54: Weltuntergangsstimmung für meine Zoe . Dank des Super Wetters hab ich hier 77%-80% Luftfeuchtigkeit (draussen ist es noch höher ) und es wird auch noch warm . Ergo, schon gestern hat meine Pflanze extreme Probleme mit der Wurzeltemperatur bekommen und hat die Blätter hängen lassen . Ich hab das Licht runtergeschraubt und Abluft extrem erhöht. Ventilation direkt in die Pflanze sonst gibts Schimmel . Aber hilft halt nicht wirklich . Luftentfeuchter läuft auf Dauerschaltung und produziert dann auch noch Wärme, die ich überhaupt nicht gebrauchen kann bei den Temperaturen draussen lol. Ein Teufelskreis :(((((( Day 55: + 1.75 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 5.88 Draussen sind 31 Grad , ich hab den ganzen Growroom + Vorraum (meine Wohnung ) über Nacht runtergekühlt so weit es ging (23°C und 22°C). Das Licht noch weiter reduziert dafür näher an die Planze gemacht. Das ist wirklich das mindeste was noch geht. Liegt ca bei PPFD 600 an der Spitze . Wenigstens ist hier die Luftfeuchtigkeit im Rahmen , zwar immer noch zuviel (67% im Zelt) aber besser so als das hier die Hitze in die Höhe schießt . Nach 12h Licht (19:00 Uhr) wird dann wieder aufgedreht und die letzen Stunden mit mehr intensität nachgeholt was nachzuholen geht , denn dann gehen hier erst wieder die Temperaturen runter . Day 56: Läuft wie gestern ab 19:00 wurde das Licht aufgedreht und DLI nachgeholt . Day 57: + 2.0 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 5.91 Da es heute heiss ist , wird wie Gestern laufen . Bis 19:00 Uhr wird das Licht reduziert und dann DLI nachgeholt.
Plants look good, getting super bushy. Still quite hot, cant go full power, also not able to use under canopy because if it. Waiting for colder weather :) Lights running: 55% Added a timelaps, hope you like it. If yes, I will try to make even better ones :)
Note : + jegliches Zubehör wird in der GermniationsWoche aufgelistet . Zeitraffer Videos folgen immer nachträglich. + videos werden so geschnitten das nur ein geschlossenes Zelt erscheint , ergo Fehlen paar reale Minuten (ca 1 Std) . + + leider ist die Halterung defekt und die Videos etwas schief . Vielleicht mach ich mich irgendwann mal daran und korrigiere das. Sorry Day 43: + Höhe : 64cm Es wächst und wächst :)) Day 44: + Höhe : 65cm + 2 Liter Flaschenwasser , kein Dünger . + + PH 6.5 + Drain : PH 7.0 Höhe ist bei 63cm , das ist 3 cm mehr als die Vorgabe ausweisst :)) Day 45: + 66cm höhe. + 2 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ Jetzt säuft sie wie wilde , keine 24h und die 2Liter sind komplett wech . Mehr geht aber nicht in den Topf , ergo muss ich mir langsam mal überlegen ob ich Tropfbewässerung nutze . Und es treten duch das nur Wasser extreme "Calzium" Probleme auf . Hihi , aber so hab ich mal das ganze auf Startsequenze gesetzt . Ich arbeite also noch daran diese Mischung aus BioBizz Light und Urgesteinmehl nach Schätzung zu meistern :)) Den Fakt ist , da ist viel zu viel Urgesteinmehl drinne , was auch die Vegiphase schon gezeigt hat. Day 46: + 1.5 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ Day 47: Draussen zu heiss , drinnen zu feucht ... Ja genau was ich nicht brauch lol ... GoPro aus der Halterung gefallen :)) Day 48: + Höhe : 68cm + 2 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ Draussen zu heiss , drinnen naja ... Der Entfeuchter arbeitet weil ich sonst hier Tropenstimmung bekomme :)) Ein wenig Entlaubung . Day 49: + Höhe : 68cm + 2 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ + + + PH 5.8 + + Drain PH 6.5 Läuft bei der Lady , sie trinkt , liebt das Licht (auch wenn die Spitze etwas zuviel bekommt , sie betet halt etwas ) , Mangelerscheinungen sind echt gering . Hat die heissen Tage (27° im Zelt bei 60%-57% ) hat sie super überstanden . Ich werde immer besser im Gießen . 75% von oben , 25% lass ich von unten aufsaugen .
SEA OF GREEN CLONI fatti dalla settimana 24/6 a 2/7 25 cloni in 80x80 STRAIN Studio 54 Deep East Farms x Doja the keeper ZOAP X RS11 #1 & #2 Cookies RS11 X HOLLIWOOD #1 #4 #6 nine weeks harvest -Frenzy -#1
The temperatures, humidity, height, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil spread evenly across the top of the soil. Daylight hours this week will be below 13.5. I can't use halves in the grow conditions, so I'm noting here. Day 1 we had a high temperature of 78°F. Skies were overcast with all day rain and mist. It's about as bad of weather as u can get for cannabis in flower. Let's see how these fastbuds hold up to 💯 fu weather. Day 2 we had a high temperature of 88°F with clear sunny skies. I watered about 5 gallons per pot with well water. Day 3 we had a high temperature of 74°F with sunny skies. I watered about 5 gallons Day 4 we had a high temperature of 79°F with partly cloudy skies. I watered about 5 gallons of well water. These girls are getting close to mid flower, but for now seem to be happy with the nutrients I top dressed with. Day 5 Week had a high temperature of 85°F with sunny skies. I watered about 5 gallons of well water per pot. Day 6 I didn't get photos but it was a normal day. Lots of sunshine highs about 80°F. I watered about 5 gallons. Day 7 we had a high temperature of 79° F. These girls haven't shown any signs of hunger. I think I'll feed some tomorrow. Today I watered about 5 gallons and treated with Growers Ally fungicide. Overall this week was a success. Their growth height has been achieved. They are in full flower and kicking up a nice citrus smell.
Gracias al equipo de Anesia Seeds y Marshydro, sin ellos esto no seria posible. 🍁💐 Indigo Sapphire: Entra en el reino de la potencia sin igual con Indigo Sapphire. Esta belleza celestial es el vástago de la poderosa Imperium X y la encantadora Violet Fog, creando una cepa feminizada que está realmente fuera de este mundo. Con una composición genética 60% Indica y 40% Sativa, Indigo Sapphire es tu billete a una galaxia de felicidad y creatividad sin límites. Su linaje de Imperium X aporta una serie de efectos positivos, eufóricos y de expansión sensorial, junto con una intensa relajación y una inyección de energía creativa. Por su parte, Violet Fog aporta un subidón brumoso y embriagador, perfecto para relajarse en una profunda sedación física y mental. Prepárate para una cosecha abundante con la Indigo Sapphire, que produce hasta 600g/m² en interior y unos astronómicos 900 - 1200 g/planta en exterior. Esta cepa se dispara desde la germinación hasta la floración en sólo 60 - 65 días, con un tiempo de cosecha al aire libre a principios de octubre. Tanto si cultivas en interior como en exterior, la Indigo Sapphire alcanza alturas impresionantes de 100-140 cm en interior y 160-220 cm en exterior, lo que la convierte en una opción versátil para cualquier espacio de cultivo. 🚀🌻 Consigue aquí tus semillas: 💡FC6500: Eficiencia líder en el mercado: la lámpara de cultivo LED FC-E6500, que ostenta un estatus líder en el mercado, es una solución rentable con un PPE de 2,8 µmol/J y un rendimiento máximo de 2,5 g/vatio. Ofrece un PPF alto de 2026 umol/S y es adecuada para una cobertura de vegetación de 1,50 m x 1,50 m y una cobertura de flores de 1,20 m x 1,20 m. Iluminación versátil y uniforme. https://marshydro.eu/products/mars-hydro-fc-e-6500-730w-commercial-led-grow-light/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1qO0BhDwARIsANfnkv9IIrYSbmJqz8PqpJOIyWwJfp5bc3SGJgUV68USLQ4tjmXDYwoBuAsaAue3EALw_wcB 🚥 MarsHydro ADLITE UV/IR/RED: Para lograr un crecimiento óptimo de las plantas y maximizar los rendimientos es un arte simple que depende en gran medida de las condiciones ambientales adecuadas. Reconociendo las limitaciones de la iluminación natural y las soluciones de iluminación tradicionales para satisfacer estas necesidades únicas, lanzamos ADLITE. Estas luces especiales UV, IR y roja están diseñadas para llenar áreas del espectro, proporcionando las altas longitudes de onda que las plantas necesitan para un crecimiento y desarrollo óptimos. Consigue aqui tu Adlite: https://marshydro.eu/collections/adlite-supplemental-lights/ 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow https://marshydro.eu/products/diy-150x150x200cm-grow-tent-kit 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. https://marshydro.eu/products/ifresh-smart-6inch-filter-kits/ 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: https://xpertnutrients.com/es/shop/ 📆 Semana 5: Una vez terminada la fase de estiramiento dedican todo su esfuerzo a crear nuevos pistilos y resina, es hora de engordar estos futuros cogollos. La carpa esta totalmente cubierta gracias al FC-6500 y los Adlite de Marshydro, se nota la floración mas avanzada que otras veces y con una mayor densidad. Continuo con las dosis de nutrientes recomendadas por XpertNutrients
-05.09.2024 The twelfth week if you count the seedling phase has begun. The plants look good and are getting nice and frosty. The pistils are mostly amber-colored. The small trichomes are observed once a day with a jeweler's loupe. So far most of them are still quite transparent for me, occasionally you can see milky and amber colored trichomes. But I think this will be the last week for the ladies. They are only washed with clear water. The lamp is running at 75% (225 watts) the PPFD value according to the Photone app is around 900. During the week i will turn the light off for 2 days and then they get chopped
The Fruity Donutz are doing great! Still stretching but not as much as last week. I turned on the airco in the growroom at a constant 21 degrees to keep the temperature under 25 in the GTools. Heat can also cause the plant to stretch more, and it has another advantage because it helps to keep the humidity down. The Sanlight is now fully raised to the ceiling and the plants have enough space to build those colas. Removing the suspension cords all together and just attaching the clips to the ceiling was a great solution. Silly that I never thought of this before. Now I don't have to supercrop! Supercropping is HST for the plant, but also High Stress for the grower (at least for me 😅). Not much more to say at this point, but I will post more pics of the developing buds later this week ✌️. Cheers and happy growing!
So this plant just got flushed, Final week and what a dense fat budz and a true blue dream smell she got
One of the Lemon Cherrys is falling behind the other then that they look pretty good Date : 19.06.2024