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27.07.: Zu Beginn von Woche 6 habe ich mich dazu entschieden die G41 an dem Großteil der Triebe zu topen. Dadurch erhoffe ich mir einen buschigeren Wuchs mit mehr Trieben und mehr Zeit für die PBB in Größe aufzuholen. An den Schnittstellen, wo die Pflanze getopt wurde ist an einigen Stellen ein roter fast blutähnlicher Saft ausgetreten. Ich hab vorher noch nie gehört oder gesehen, dass das passieren kann und weiß auch nicht woher das kommt. Die PBB brauche ich nur kaum zu trainieren, da benötigt die G41 mehr Zuwendung. Da die Pflanzen größer und die Töpfe mit der Zeit immer trockener werden, verlängere ich die Gießzeit auf 5 min. 28.07.: Heute sind mir zum ersten Mal die Stempelhaare an der PBB aufgefallen. Sie ist also schon bereit für die Blüte. Ich denke, das liegt daran, dass die PBB eine fast flowering Sorte ist. Sie muss aber noch warten, bis sie ihren Platz vollständig ausgefüllt hat. 30.07.: Beide sind gut gewachsen. Die PBB konnte gut gegenüber der G41 an Höhe aufholen. Jetzt sind sie fast gleich groß. Ansonsten gibt es nicht viel zu machen oder bemerken. 01.08.: Zum Ende von Woche 6 habe ich das Scrog Netz installiert. Die kommende Woche werde ich die Triebe immer wieder unter das Netz stecken, damit niedrigere Triebe aufholen können und ein möglichst einheitlicher Wuchs entsteht. Bei der G41 gefällt mir die Anzahl der Triebe schon sehr gut, bei der PBB ist noch Luft nach oben. Ich befürchte allerdings, dass bei der PBB nicht mehr sonderlich viel passieren wird. Nächstes Update ist dann in Woche 7.
I am feeding with tps one and CalMag oac one time, then it’s back to regular tap water (well water) that comes at 8.5 pH with 156ppm of tds. The feed was approx a pH of 6.5. More importantly is the consistent soil pH which appears fixed at 6.8 I know it’s lazy! However…. I have noticed doing this to reveal to me that the soil pH is very stubborn and not easily changed by the pH of the water alone. Stuff in the water can definitely have an impact. But still, most feed waters I use don’t change the soil ph. I do make sure the pH is within a healthy range for soil, something between 6 and 7 I figure is ideal. I’ve found if there is enough lime in the mix, and as long as I don’t over feed soluble nutes, then the soil pH appears stable and fixed. With enough lime in the mix, I can ultimately arrest the soil pH at 7. It’s really cool. I thought adding too much lime would give me something potentially alkaline, and maybe it will. But I’ve added lots of lime before and still haven’t gotten past 7 pH. Maybe I didn’t add enough to go further? Nevertheless I’m not interested in going past 7. I haven’t seen any issues with the speed of growth watering with 8.5 tap water, surprisingly. As I’ve said the soil pH would read 6.8 before and immediately after watering with the 8.5 tap. So….. I’m thinking the stability of the soil pH is a positive indication that the microbes are not being subjected to pH shifts, or at least nothing substantial. I mean, at the end of the day when things are looking good, I feel like I must have something right.
Corrected the nutrient ratio to 120-20-100 ppm. Plant is still stretching and I'm waiting she start fattening. Two sanlight are going to be implemented for a CO2 heavy growing
Una planta espectacular , le di 20 litros de sustrato 30 días de crecimiento y 60 de flora . 8 semanas de flora
July 4th - safely into week 7. Solid growth and development to this point. Lets see how she stands up now that the pattern is laid-out - last fed on the 30th; 1gal - next meal is from the Water part of the food cycle; nute - nute - water - amended the soil with 2” Worm Castings, scratched it in to the soils surface - pulled a set of leaves off of each branch, exposing the middle nodes. New growth on each branch. Here we go! July 5th - rain has fallen, and the plant was partially protected. Wait and see if it has affected tonights Dinner. We are in the water portion of the Meal cycle; Nute-Nute-Water. Posted above - compost is ready after months. Leaf / Soil mix added to the pot at dark. July 7 - fed 1 gal of a Grow Microbe, Enzyme and Molasses-based dinner. Full list of ingredients Posted above - this week is proving to be instrumental in Establishing the shape and kicking the growth into Gear !!! Chunky dinner had to be diluted… lol grow buddy grow - someone asked about the LST techniques I use: wire, branch bending etc. Inposted 2 quik videos on how the Cali Crasher had acquired and held those curves 9th - I saw an opportunity to make one more similar move on the plant, with the same style of LST training. Once again I extended the 6 upward facing branches, straight outward; first thing this morning. 10th - fed 2.5 Litres of Nute cycle. With Grow Microbes oops, looks like we make the water-meal, Next
Le dimming et LST et supercropping toute différentes mais intéressant
July 4th - safely into week 7. Solid growth and development to this point. Lets see how she stands up now that the pattern is laid-out - last fed on the 30th; 1gal - next meal is from the Water part of the food cycle; nute - nute - water - amended the soil with 2” Worm Castings, scratched it in to the soils surface - pulled a set of leaves off of each branch, exposing the middle nodes. New growth on each branch. Here we go! July 5th - rain has fallen, and the plant was partially protected. Wait and see if it has affected tonights Dinner. We are in the water portion of the Meal cycle; Nute-Nute-Water. Posted above - compost is ready after months. Leaf / Soil mix added to the pot at dark. July 7 - fed 1 gal of a Grow Microbe, Enzyme and Molasses-based dinner. Full list of ingredients Posted above - this week is proving to be instrumental in Establishing the shape and kicking the growth into Gear !!! Chunky dinner had to be diluted… lol grow buddy grow - someone asked about the LST techniques I use: wire, branch bending etc. Inposted 2 quik videos on how the Cali Crasher had acquired and held those curves 9th - I saw an opportunity to make one more similar move on the plant, with the same style of LST training. Once again I extended the 6 upward facing branches, straight outward; first thing this morning. 10th - fed 2.5 Litres of Nute cycle. With Grow Microbes oops, looks like we make the water-meal, Next
So after topping all single heads into doubles she outgrew her space for me to continue the autos and other young plants in there so as the weather is aiding I took her out and out her in my room near the window and she is loving it! She’ll remain there for now as the females in bloom finish and then I’ll trim her down a little and place her in with the clones by then and bloom all together is the plan! And the clones are an amazing size so should be like 3-4 weeks ahead with them when they root and I’ll transfer them into 12l pots too! Even the outside other plant has set in and started to really grow! Even after her trim she has so much re growth
I am feeding with tps one and CalMag oac one time, then it’s back to regular tap water (well water) that comes at 8.5 pH with 156ppm of tds. The feed was approx a pH of 6.5. More importantly is the consistent soil pH which appears fixed at 6.8 I know it’s lazy! However…. I have noticed doing this to reveal to me that the soil pH is very stubborn and not easily changed by the pH of the water alone. Stuff in the water can definitely have an impact. But still, most feed waters I use don’t change the soil ph. I do make sure the pH is within a healthy range for soil, something between 6 and 7 I figure is ideal. I’ve found if there is enough lime in the mix, and as long as I don’t over feed soluble nutes, then the soil pH appears stable and fixed. With enough lime in the mix, I can ultimately arrest the soil pH at 7. It’s really cool. I thought adding too much lime would give me something potentially alkaline, and maybe it will. But I’ve added lots of lime before and still haven’t gotten past 7 pH. Maybe I didn’t add enough to go further? Nevertheless I’m not interested in going past 7. I haven’t seen any issues with the speed of growth watering with 8.5 tap water, surprisingly. As I’ve said the soil pH would read 6.8 before and immediately after watering with the 8.5 tap. So….. I’m thinking the stability of the soil pH is a positive indication that the microbes are not being subjected to pH shifts, or at least nothing substantial. I mean, at the end of the day when things are looking good, I feel like I must have something right.
So clones are hopefully nearly ready to form roots to allow me to put into their final pots! The main I put into the garden has started thriving, I knew she would as the soil she was in is very dense and holds water for longer of which I hate so once it got to root out it started to grow immediately stronger and bigger even after the whole trim down!
Got the guy separated and hopefully the other three are female so I can still flower two of them. Will be doing small pheno hunts with this strain in the future so ill be needing the seeds.
Got the guy separated and hopefully the other three are female so I can still flower two of them. Will be doing small pheno hunts with this strain in the future so ill be needing the seeds.
The plants are doing great! Nice, strong aroma. Having a hard time keeping the humidity down due to the outside temperature. We’ve had a lot of rain and humid weather lately. Each strain is growing at its own pace. Almost ready to start Harvesting the Colombian Gold plants.
The girls have grown so much and they already smell pretty good. I'm trying to decide if I should SCROG. I have a trellis net but it's just a net, not the boxy thing that I've seen others with. What do yall think, should I SCROG? GDP2 is in her 5th week. If she were the same age as GDP1 and BK, I'd flip them next week but I'll try waiting at least another couple of weeks to give her some time to grow a little more although she's catching up with the other 2 height. I'll be posting more throughout the week. 7/4/22: Defoliation... I know it's needed but they're my babies.... lololol 7/7/22: Look at my girls... they don't look like they've recently been defoliated. You can tell which ones are the Granddaddy Purples... they have a purple tint to them. The Bubba Kush is super green... 😍😘😍