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I didn't use the Bio-Grow and Bio-Bloom the whole week because of slight nutrient burn in the tips of the leaves on the upper part of the plant. I asked on a forum ( what it might be, and they said it probably is too much potassium. I really do hope it will get better with time, but right now it has gotten a little bit worse, although it still is a minor inconvenience. I really thought that it is very hard to feed too many nutrients with biological fertilizer, but I had not thought about the soil. It seems that the prefertilized soil must be the problem here. Next week, I'll use just the Bio-Bloom at 50% of the recommendation and won't use Bio-Grow anymore. I do hope that it won't get worse. She is in bloom and needs nutrients. There seems to be a little lack of them since one leaf on the bottom is turning slightly yellow, so she is redistributing nutrients. I need to look for new soil, and also I'm going to change my approach to fertilizing in the upcoming grow. Other than that, she is now too tall with her 118 cm to keep her on my window, so she hasn't and won't see the real sun again. She got a lot more buds this week, and I really enjoy looking at her beautiful flowers. She has a very nice and sweet smell too. I am really thinking about setting up the grow tent in my apartment and not in my basement, just to take a look at how the plants are doing. I love plants, always have, but cannabis is just the most fascinating one.
[DAY 78] - 12/12/2022 - TS1000 40 cm distance - 100% dimmer: 144 watt; - Light cycle 20/4; - Height: 74 cm from clay (the other one is 83 cm from clay); - 24° C - 60% RH during light - 19° C - 70% RH during night; - EC 1.7- PH 5.9. [DAY 79] - 13/12/2022 - 24° C - 60% RH during light - 19° C - 70% RH during night; - EC 1.5- PH 5.9. [DAY 80] - 14/12/2022 - 24° C - 65% RH during light - 19° C - 80% RH during night; - EC 1.4 - PH 6. [DAY 81] - 15/12/2022 - 22.5° C - 73% RH during light - 19° C - 80% RH during night; - EC 1.4 - PH 6.1; - Defoliation. [DAY 82] - 16/12/2022 - 22.5° C - 70% RH during light - 20° C - 80% RH during night; - EC 1.4 - PH 5.9; - Pretty fine, some spots here and there on the leaves. [DAY 83] - 17/12/2022 - 22.5° C - 70% RH during light - 20° C - 80% RH during night; - FLUSH EC 0.3 for 24 h. [DAY 84] - 18/12/2022 - 22.5° C - 70% RH during light - 20° C - 80% RH during night; - EC 1 - PH 6.
[DAY 78] - 12/12/2022 - TS1000 30 cm distance - 100% dimmer: 144 watt; - Light cycle 20/4; - Height: 83 cm from clay (the other one is 74 cm from clay); - 24° C - 60% RH during light - 19° C - 70% RH during night; - EC 1.4- PH 5.7. [DAY 79] - 13/12/2022 - 24° C - 60% RH during light - 19° C - 70% RH during night; - EC 1.6- PH 5.7 - Resin everywhere! [DAY 80] - 14/12/2022 - 24° C - 65% RH during light - 19° C - 80% RH during night; - EC 1.2 - PH 6. [DAY 81] - 15/12/2022 - 22.5° C - 73% RH during light - 19° C - 80% RH during night; - EC 1.3 - PH 5.7; - Defoliation; - I've never seen such beautiful buds, it's awesome. [DAY 82] - 16/12/2022 - 22.5° C - 70% RH during light - 20° C - 80% RH during night; - EC 1.5 - PH 5.5. [DAY 83] - 17/12/2022 - 22.5° C - 70% RH during light - 20° C - 80% RH during night; - EC 1.6 - PH 5.7. [DAY 84] - 18/12/2022 - 22.5° C - 70% RH during light - 20° C - 80% RH during night; - EC 1.6 - PH 5.5; - Buds becoming huge.
Chopped the Gorilla Glue. I definitely think I stunted it a bit with the HST, which cracked the main stem open. Also, while learning how to water properly. I couldn’t be happier with myself and results though. Will have more photos and details to come after drying process. Thanks again to everyone who has help me getting to this point. 🤘💚
Auto creeper has grown really well. I probably could of harvested her a week ago. She has about 40 percent amber trichromes on tops. Mis judgement on my part. Plus just been super busy. Smells really strong. Heavy frost. Pretty purple hue to buds. I will be back for the smoke report in a few months once it has dried, and cured some. The Mars Hydro light worked great for the grow. Thank you Mars Hydro, and Super Sativa Club 🤜🤛🌱🌱🌱 I tried to upload my harvest video, and it won't let me. 😔 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Gave her a haircut at the beginning of the week, buds are fattening up quick. Im seeing noticeable changes daily. Increased light on time by 3 hours to 23 hours on. Feed has changed with the addition of Cycos swell (2.5ml/L) and Supa Stiky (2ml/L) and removal of potash plus. All to aid in the development of the phattest buds possible 😁 End of Week: Noticed rust spots on some fan leaves ref grow question. Gave her a flush of PH'D water and Kleanse as it was time to anyway dialed the Bloom A + B back a little to 2ml/L. Let's see how she picks up. Just starting to notice frosting on some of the sugar leaves.
12/13/22 Day 56: Start of the 8th week and she is doing awesome really stretching out I think roots are getting bound though really think i should have put her in 5 gal pot instead of 3 gal but o well hopefully it won't get to bad.. she is already starting to stink 😳 that's for sure.. I have never had so much trouble keeping the ph right I think its because my soil and nutrients were old 😅 😔 will be getting new stuff for next grow I think the nutes are almost 2 years old..Temps have stayed at around 74 for daytime 70 at night hoping to see some colors change but who knows with this strain.. Stay tuned!
So, I have fought PH and phosphorus deficiencies. Starting to come back around. She is budding and getting happier every day. Lowered my water ph to 5.8 and it has been doing the trick. Upped the bloom mutes lowered the veg mutes. Only giving grow because of such little dirt. Feeding every other day now and watching for it to get too hot. Flushing weekly for salt build up. Hopefully next week we see some better results. She is perking up every day.
This diary should have been updated a long time ago but the lack of time and mine reluctance to actually go back to the time of harvest, I did delete most of photographs of the harvest in rage as it was not a nice memory for me, here is why. So the last update i made to the diary was on 19 September and already then i knew something was brewing because we had a week long rain spell and it did not look like it was about to stop at that and the weather forecast showed a month more of rain. Without that rain and high RH i would probably give them girls one more week under the SE 7000 :/ The weather forecast was unfortunately right, so all in all we had around six week of relentless rain...outside it was from 90 to 95% RH in my house it was mostly 85%RH and in my grow room which is located in a basement i had from 60 to 63%RH with lights and dehumidifier on and around 70% with lights off. And that was a killer for my tightly packt grow room. What i did was to open all the walls from the grow room at dark time and had two big external fans blowing air at my plants but it did not help much... My first observation of bud rot was on 24 of September while making photographs of the beautiful buds. That week i lost to bud rot 4 bud stems, after the chop while drying i found another 5 infected stems, and by final trim just before jaring them i removed one more. So all together i lost to bud rot 10 bud stems, four of them were really big ones. I had made some pictures of the buds with bud rot and of the buds hangin in drying room but they did not survive my dark mood :( Sot thats the reason i got only few photographs to show for it. The final weighing was actually not as bad and lightened my mood a bit, that and that that i did not found any more mold on my cured Killer Kush :) So the dry weight after curing was 720 gram of dry bud I still till today did not make # from all the trimmings...but the trimmings are properly dried and waiting for bubble bugs in my freezer. After this learning experience i decided to add at least one more 30W air mixing internal fan, and i did get to know one of my relatives possess a 300W dehumidifier so next time i will be better prepared. Maintenance wise i will try to defoliate and lollipop my plants more aggressively to let in more air penetration.
Ok I finally see pistils coming in on this lil lady she is coming along slowly but surely hopefully she will fill up a little bit more over the next few weeks
🔸Davvero una grande notizia! Una nuova collaborazione con @Spiderfarmer è iniziata e sono felice di poter creare dei contenuti per una azienda seria come la loro!!! Questa mattina è stata montata questa bellissima #SF2000 nella tenda da coltivazione più grande dove dovrà lavorare per far fiorire tutte le signorine che passeranno di qui prossimamente 😁😎🔥 Voglio fare i complimenti perché siete riusciti a creare veramente una luce bellissima con materiali super leggeri ed esteticamente geniali ❤️‍🔥oltre che consumare veramente poco (2.7 Umol/J)per il raggio di copertura ( 4x3 in crescita )(4x2 in fioritura ) e intensità uniforme in PPFD Mi piace molto anche il fatto che monta anche diodi IR utili per accelerare la fase di fioritura e aumentare la resa 💡 Ci saranno diversi aggiornamenti rimanete connessi e grazie ancora per essere passati a trovarmi 😃 Funzionalità principali 2022 NUOVA VERSIONE COSTI DI ESERCIZIO INFERIORI E RENDIMENTI DI QUALITÀ SUPERIORE: Le luci progressive a LED SPIDER FARMER SF2000 utilizzano la più recente tecnologia LED ad alto rendimento oggi: diodi Samsung LM301B, alta efficienza energetica con 2,7 umol/J, creano la migliore penetrazione della luce del baldacchino. Copertura vegetale 3 x 4 piedi, fiore 2 x 4 piedi. Potenza estremamente elevata ma consuma solo 200 W di elettricità, rendendola più efficiente delle tradizionali lampade HID e di altre lampade per piante sul mercato. NUOVO DISPOSIZIONE DEI DIODI E DESIGN DIMMERANTE: Luci crescenti SF2000 aggiornate. Più perline leggere ai bordi, meno al centro. Aiuta a ottenere una PPFD più uniforme. e la manopola di regolazione della luminosità regola liberamente l'intensità della luce. Connessione multi-luce con regolazione unificata particolarmente vantaggiosa per un'ampia area di coltivazione indoor e piantagione commerciale. IDEALE PER TUTTE LE FASI DI CRESCITA: Eccellente spettro completo: bianco, blu, rosso e IR (3000K, 5000K, 660nm e IR 760nm). Diodi 3000K che forniscono più luce rossastra e 5000K che forniscono più luce bluastra. La luce rossa e IR da 660 nm è particolarmente utile durante la fioritura, dove accelera i tempi di fioritura e aumenta i raccolti. Trasforma i tuoi semi nella tua scorta. E la luce sembra abbastanza naturale, quindi è utile per monitorare accuratamente la salute delle piante. COSTRUZIONE BEN FATTA E SOLIDA: nessuna ventola senza rumore. Il driver ad alta efficienza, affidabile e staccabile ha un'ottima dissipazione del calore. Il dissipatore di calore in alluminio è spesso e robusto, coperture protettive per i cavi; Imballaggio intuitivo. Componenti di qualità significano che la luce dura più a lungo, SF Light si prende cura di te con un design più attento, puoi facilmente risparmiare denaro senza acquistare frequentemente luci. In qualità di produttore professionale di luci di coltivazione a LED da oltre 10 anni. Spider Farmer ha sempre insistito per creare attrezzature per la semina domestica più efficienti, adatte e di alta qualità per la crescita delle piante e si impegna a diventare un partner fidato per ogni coltivatore! Riceverai una lampada da coltivazione Spider Farmer SF2000, un manuale di istruzioni, un paio di ganci d'argento, un paio di ganci neri.