LJ4Q23 Flower 4
SOP LJ4Q23 - 8-Plant SOG from Cuts
- 8 Plants - Single Colas - No Branches
- Harvest Lemon Jeffery (Narrow Leaf Phenos): 70±5 days
- Light Intensity - Ramp up from 200
- > 40 DLI, at 13 hour ScotoPeriod, will need MAX Light to Achieve
- Ramp Light Intensity to MAX ASAP (3 Weeks?)
- Lemon Jeffery handles HIGH LIGHT Well, even within 6” of Light @ ~1800 µMol/m2/
- The challenge will be achieving minimum 40 Mol/day, which in this setup requires 1000 µMol/m2/s @ 13 hour Scotoperiod
Start of Week: [ 2023-12-20, LJ4Q 29:B:3:1]
End of Week:
[ 2023-12-26, LJ4Q 35:B:3:7]
Flower Week 4 _______________________________
Environment Targets (Flower 4 - 6):
- Scotoperiod: [ 13, h] # Contiguous dark hours daily
- TemperatureMax: [ 78, °F]
- RH: [63, %]
- VPD: [ 1.0, mS]
- LightIntensityMax: [ 1000, µMol/m2/s]
- LightDistance: [ 16.5, “]
Fertigation Plan:
- RLA Hydro Chart, EC 1.8 - 2.0
- Primer A: [ 10, ml, gal]
- Primer B: [ 10, ml, gal]
- Silica Skin: [ 6.25, ml, gal]
- Build-a-Soil:
- Quillaja20 Powder: [ 0.5, tsp, gal]
- Microbelife Hydro:
- Photosynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml, gal]
- Mammoth Microbes:
- Mammoth-P: [ 0.6, ml, gal]
- Build-a-Soil:
- Quillaja20 Powder: [ 0.25, tsp, gal]
- South Cascade Organics:
- SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal]
Cease All Foliar Feeding
Wed Dec 20, 2023
LJ4Q 22:F:3:1
Monitor Runoff
- [ ] Amt: [ TBD, ml]
Thu Dec 21, 2023
LJ4Q 23:F:3:2
- [x] Amt: [ ~100, ml] # Scant 1/3” in bottom of drain bucket.
- [x] Increased Feeds 2 - 4 to 2:45 (from 2:30)
Fri Dec 22, 2023
LJ4Q 24:F:3:3
- ‘Overnight’ humidity stuck at ~70% with ACI. Blower on HIGH. Brought Humidifier into the grow room, outside the tent, set at @50% RH
- [x] Runoff Amt: [ 400, ml]
- [x] Refresh 4 Gallons, EC: 2.0
- RLA Primer A: [ 40, ml]
- RLA Primer B: [ 40 ml]
- Mammoth-P: [ 0.24, ml]
- Photosynthesis Plus: [ 24, ml]
- TerpsPlus: [ 2, ml]
- SLF-100: [ 20, ml]
Sat Dec 23, 2023
LJ4Q 25:F:3:4
- [x] Runoff Amt: [ 250, ml]
Sun Dec 24, 2023
LJ4Q 26:F:3:5
- [x] Runoff Amt: [ 100, ml]
Mon Dec 25, 2023
LJ4Q 27:F:3:6
Increase Fertigation Frequency to 6x/day from 4x/day - Adjust Fill Times to Maintain 250, < 400, ml Runoff/day.
HF IrrigationChange:
# from 2:30 duration - 4/day, to 1:50 duration - 6 Times/Day
# 13 Hour Scotoperiod
Initiate Irrigation Irrigation Complete actual duration
Event 0 18:45:00 18:46:52 1m 52s
Event 1 20:55:00 20:56:20 1m 20s
Event 2 23:05:00 23:06:20 1m 20s
Event 3 01:15:00 01:16:20 1m 20s
Event 4 03:25:00 03:26:20 1m 20s
Event 5 05:35:00 05:36:20 1m 20s
- [x] Reprogram NearPow Controller
- [x] Runoff Amt: [ 100, ml]
Tue Dec 26, 2023
LJ4Q 28:F:3:7
- [x] Runoff Amt: [ 0, ml]*
- Raised to full minute, adding 0:40 to events 1-5, and 0:10 to initial
Initiate Irrigation Irrigation Complete actual duration
Event 0 18:45:00 18:47:30 2m 30s
Event 1 20:55:00 20:57:00 2m
Event 2 23:05:00 23:07:00 2m
Event 3 01:15:00 01:17:00 2m
Event 4 03:25:00 03:27:00 2m
Event 5 05:35:00 05:37:00 2m