The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Tag 49 - Ende der 7. Woche. In dieser Woche haben die Blüten nochmal ordentlich an Volumen dazu gewonnen und produzieren eine dicke Harzschicht. Auch der Duft der Blüten wurde in dieser Woche intensiver. Da sich die Pflanze nun vollkommen auf die Produktion der Blüten konzentriert, habe ich den Dünger nochmal etwas angepasst/verändert um der Pflanze alle Nährstoffe zu liefern die sie für die Produktion der Blüten benötigt. An Tag 43 wurde die Pflanze gedüngt. Nährstofflösung: 2 ml/l - B-52 Advanced Nutrients. 4 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part A 4 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part B 2 ml/l - Bud Candy Advanced Nutrients. 2 ml/l - Big Bud Advanced Nutrients. Davon hat die Pflanze 1l an Tag 43 erhalten.
4/20 Still having trouble getting seeds to grow! 4 out of 6 seeds from the initial pop have died, so I've popped one more Chemdogging and one more Sour Diesel. Placed the popped seeds directly in the pot they'll stay in for the whole grow per suggestions. Built a 30"x36" trellis out of 3/4" PVC pipe, will install a double trellis netting on it once I set up the Blumat watering system. Also added in a smart power strip that now has built-in timers I can control from my phone. Organized all my extra grow equipment and cleaned up the room! The little pots in the photos are some random seeds I'm starting off in here to give to some friends to grow outdoors. 4/25 - sour diesel popped up today! 5/2 Still no luck getting the Chemdogging to sprout, currently waiting on C-dog and a Blackberry auto to sprout in my other two pots. Set up some random plants from seeds I found in a bag of Black Lime and Cookies, put them in a separate room to flower so I can find out if they're female.
4/20 Still having trouble getting seeds to grow! 4 out of 6 seeds from the initial pop have died, so I've popped one more Chemdogging and one more Sour Diesel. Placed the popped seeds directly in the pot they'll stay in for the whole grow per suggestions. Built a 30"x36" trellis out of 3/4" PVC pipe, will install a double trellis netting on it once I set up the Blumat watering system. Also added in a smart power strip that now has built-in timers I can control from my phone. Organized all my extra grow equipment and cleaned up the room! The little pots in the photos are some random seeds I'm starting off in here to give to some friends to grow outdoors. 4/25 - sour diesel popped up today! 5/2 Still no luck getting the Chemdogging to sprout, currently waiting on C-dog and a Blackberry auto to sprout in my other two pots. Set up some random plants from seeds I found in a bag of Black Lime and Cookies, put them in a separate room to flower so I can find out if they're female.
4/20 Still having trouble getting seeds to grow! 4 out of 6 seeds from the initial pop have died, so I've popped one more Chemdogging and one more Sour Diesel. Placed the popped seeds directly in the pot they'll stay in for the whole grow per suggestions. Built a 30"x36" trellis out of 3/4" PVC pipe, will install a double trellis netting on it once I set up the Blumat watering system. Also added in a smart power strip that now has built-in timers I can control from my phone. Organized all my extra grow equipment and cleaned up the room! The little pots in the photos are some random seeds I'm starting off in here to give to some friends to grow outdoors. 4/25 - sour diesel popped up today! 5/2 Still no luck getting the Chemdogging to sprout, currently waiting on C-dog and a Blackberry auto to sprout in my other two pots. Set up some random plants from seeds I found in a bag of Black Lime and Cookies, put them in a separate room to flower so I can find out if they're female.
4/20 Still having trouble getting seeds to grow! 4 out of 6 seeds from the initial pop have died, so I've popped one more Chemdogging and one more Sour Diesel. Placed the popped seeds directly in the pot they'll stay in for the whole grow per suggestions. Built a 30"x36" trellis out of 3/4" PVC pipe, will install a double trellis netting on it once I set up the Blumat watering system. Also added in a smart power strip that now has built-in timers I can control from my phone. Organized all my extra grow equipment and cleaned up the room! The little pots in the photos are some random seeds I'm starting off in here to give to some friends to grow outdoors. 4/25 - sour diesel popped up today! 5/2 Still no luck getting the Chemdogging to sprout, currently waiting on C-dog and a Blackberry auto to sprout in my other two pots. Set up some random plants from seeds I found in a bag of Black Lime and Cookies, put them in a separate room to flower so I can find out if they're female.
4/20 Still having trouble getting seeds to grow! 4 out of 6 seeds from the initial pop have died, so I've popped one more Chemdogging and one more Sour Diesel. Placed the popped seeds directly in the pot they'll stay in for the whole grow per suggestions. Built a 30"x36" trellis out of 3/4" PVC pipe, will install a double trellis netting on it once I set up the Blumat watering system. Also added in a smart power strip that now has built-in timers I can control from my phone. Organized all my extra grow equipment and cleaned up the room! The little pots in the photos are some random seeds I'm starting off in here to give to some friends to grow outdoors. 4/25 - sour diesel popped up today! 5/2 Still no luck getting the Chemdogging to sprout, currently waiting on C-dog and a Blackberry auto to sprout in my other two pots. Set up some random plants from seeds I found in a bag of Black Lime and Cookies, put them in a separate room to flower so I can find out if they're female.
4/20 Still having trouble getting seeds to grow! 4 out of 6 seeds from the initial pop have died, so I've popped one more Chemdogging and one more Sour Diesel. Placed the popped seeds directly in the pot they'll stay in for the whole grow per suggestions. Built a 30"x36" trellis out of 3/4" PVC pipe, will install a double trellis netting on it once I set up the Blumat watering system. Also added in a smart power strip that now has built-in timers I can control from my phone. Organized all my extra grow equipment and cleaned up the room! The little pots in the photos are some random seeds I'm starting off in here to give to some friends to grow outdoors. 4/25 - sour diesel popped up today! 5/2 Still no luck getting the Chemdogging to sprout, currently waiting on C-dog and a Blackberry auto to sprout in my other two pots. Set up some random plants from seeds I found in a bag of Black Lime and Cookies, put them in a separate room to flower so I can find out if they're female.
4/20 Still having trouble getting seeds to grow! 4 out of 6 seeds from the initial pop have died, so I've popped one more Chemdogging and one more Sour Diesel. Placed the popped seeds directly in the pot they'll stay in for the whole grow per suggestions. Built a 30"x36" trellis out of 3/4" PVC pipe, will install a double trellis netting on it once I set up the Blumat watering system. Also added in a smart power strip that now has built-in timers I can control from my phone. Organized all my extra grow equipment and cleaned up the room! The little pots in the photos are some random seeds I'm starting off in here to give to some friends to grow outdoors. 4/25 - sour diesel popped up today! 5/2 Still no luck getting the Chemdogging to sprout, currently waiting on C-dog and a Blackberry auto to sprout in my other two pots. Set up some random plants from seeds I found in a bag of Black Lime and Cookies, put them in a separate room to flower so I can find out if they're female.
Esa familia, buenas noches , pues vuelvo de nuevo a actualizaros la semana, traigo novedades, primera semana en floración, todo va de vicio, ya han marcado su sexo, y no veáis que color y vigor. Ph en 6,2 temperatura y humedad están dentro de los parámetros correctos. Menos de 50% y temperatura inferior a 27 grados. Solo tenéis que ver las fotos y los vídeos y apreciar su salud. Agradecer a marshydro la confianza puesta para poder ofrecer estos proyectos, y a agrobeta por su gama de nutrientes que probaremos en futuros proyectos. Un saludo fumetillas , la semana que viene vuelvo con más.
Esa familia, buenas noches , pues vuelvo de nuevo a actualizaros la semana, traigo novedades, primera semana en floración, todo va de vicio, ya han marcado su sexo, y no veáis que color y vigor. Ph en 6,2 temperatura y humedad están dentro de los parámetros correctos. Menos de 50% y temperatura inferior a 27 grados. Solo tenéis que ver las fotos y los vídeos y apreciar su salud. Agradecer a marshydro la confianza puesta para poder ofrecer estos proyectos, y a agrobeta por su gama de nutrientes que probaremos en futuros proyectos. Un saludo fumetillas , la semana que viene vuelvo con más.
Day #31: As I was a little bit busy with other things the last few days, I didn't have the time to update my diarie on day #30. Tuesday I got a nice surprise delivered from Lientec LED lights, they sent me three led strips as addition for my growroom. Two led strips have 660nm red leds an one led strip has 385-405nm UVA leds on it. Which means in blooming phase I can add more red light, which is positive for bud development. But also the UVA light is positive for THC development. Research has found out that UVA led light, in the right wavelength, is capable if uplifting the THC development with max 5%. That is in very optimized conditions. If all goes well a little bit, I might be investing in two more led bars with red and UVA light in the future... In the meantime the little buds are growing nicely, all plants show signs of good growth, so this week I will be slowly adding some bloom nutrients towards the end of the week. In week 6 I want to start with only bloom nutrients beside the FloraMicro nutrients. Also I'm adding CalMag once a week... Day #33: I added some FloraBloom nutrients, but forgot to mention last update. I'm going to change slowly from only FloraGrow as second nutrient, to FloraBloom as second nutrient next to FloraMicro. This weekend, I'm going to change the Fan, because the fan I'm using right now isn't capable of keeping temperature as I like it. But further one, everything is going very good. Flowers are growing pretty nice, I think the extra red LED light is doing it's job perfectly. After this week, I still got about five weeks to go until harvest. UVA light will be added slowly around the end of week 7. I need to build that up slowly, because the plants are not used to the UV light and if I start with 18 hours UV light right away, they probably will get overstressed and my harvest will be killed... All electric has been reset, so I can use an extra timer within the 18 hours of light for the UVA led strip. Day #35: I decided to start using the UVA light tomorrow, at the start of week 6. Slowly building up the hours of usage. First days I will be adding 1 hour ov UVA light, and then I will start multiplying the hours, until I'm at 12 hours a day. The plants are flowering pretty well in the meantime, next week I will be adding more bloom nutrients and less grow nutrients, but I will still be adding some grow nutrients, to make sure some nutrients still will be available for the plants. Als I will be starting to add Silicium once a week, as the temperature is getting a bit high and the new fan is still not here... So to avoid heat stress, Silicium will be added onze a week until the new fan will get temperature as I want it to be...
Que pasa familia, ya estamos de vuelta y empezamos la primera semana de floración, ya cambiamos el ciclo a 12/12 , y ya marco su sexo, es hembra. Pues seguimos controlando ph, lo bajamos un poco a 6,2 a ver si chupan mejor los nutrientes, temperatura y humedad controlados, siempre dentro de los parámetros correctos, hemos bajado un poco la distancia del foco, ahora en floración lo agradecerán. Así que esto es todo, ya veis que va bien tiene buen color y no hay problema ninguno, nos vemos la semana que viene fumetillas.
Que pasa familia, ya estamos de vuelta y empezamos la primera semana de floración, ya cambiamos el ciclo a 12/12 , y ya marco su sexo, es hembra. Pues seguimos controlando ph, lo bajamos un poco a 6,2 a ver si chupan mejor los nutrientes, temperatura y humedad controlados, siempre dentro de los parámetros correctos, hemos bajado un poco la distancia del foco, ahora en floración lo agradecerán. Así que esto es todo, ya veis que va bien tiene buen color y no hay problema ninguno, nos vemos la semana que viene fumetillas.
Que pasa familia, ya estamos de vuelta y empezamos la primera semana de floración, ya cambiamos el ciclo a 12/12 , y ya marco su sexo, es hembra. Pues seguimos controlando ph, lo bajamos un poco a 6,2 a ver si chupan mejor los nutrientes, temperatura y humedad controlados, siempre dentro de los parámetros correctos, hemos bajado un poco la distancia del foco, ahora en floración lo agradecerán. Así que esto es todo, ya veis que va bien tiene buen color y no hay problema ninguno, nos vemos la semana que viene fumetillas.
Esa familia, buenas noches , pues vuelvo de nuevo a actualizaros la semana, traigo novedades, primera semana en floración, todo va de vicio, ya han marcado su sexo, y no veáis que color y vigor. Ph en 6,2 temperatura y humedad están dentro de los parámetros correctos. Menos de 50% y temperatura inferior a 27 grados. Solo tenéis que ver las fotos y los vídeos y apreciar su salud. Agradecer a marshydro la confianza puesta para poder ofrecer estos proyectos, y a agrobeta por su gama de nutrientes que probaremos en futuros proyectos. Un saludo fumetillas , la semana que viene vuelvo con más.
This week they proceed quickly apart from some small external climate problems still a little too cold but generally everything is ok, no problems neither with water nor with too much ferlizing .. So I can say that everything is going in the right direction! How about?
Both Barbarian (=AK-47 x Barbara Bud) plants have developed well and carry hefty top buds on each side branch and also the main cola. The lower regions also carry buds, but those are a little more fluffy and not so big and dense as the top buds. In total the two plants harvested 91,3 grams. Every bud is COVERED IN TRICHOMES and the plants glisten in the light, they are FROSTY AS HELL! The plants have a STRONG AROMA now, which is sweet and peachy with hints of sandalwood. They smell ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS and the dried weed carries the flavor of this aroma also in the smoke! VERY PEACHY! All in all I can only recommend this strain, its not the biggest yielder, but definitely delivers connoisseur grade weed. Hats off to Mat from House of the Great Gardener in Canada, he has made another GREAT cross and I hope he will release this variety soon! 👍😍😎.
Три четверти пути позади. Растение стало сильно липким, в остальном все хорошо. 22/04 PH6,0 PPM850 24/04 PH6,1 PPM930 👉Планирую сделать интересный досвет низов по периметру, оставайтесь на связи. Спасибо, что заглянули, и будьте здоровы! 🙏 Продолжение следует ...😶
Both Barbarian (=AK-47 x Barbara Bud) plants have developed well and carry hefty top buds on each side branch and also the main cola. The lower regions also carry buds, but those are a little more fluffy and not so big and dense as the top buds. In total the two plants harvested 91,3 grams. Every bud is COVERED IN TRICHOMES and the plants glisten in the light, they are FROSTY AS HELL! The plants have a STRONG AROMA now, which is sweet and peachy with hints of sandalwood. They smell ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS and the dried weed carries the flavor of this aroma also in the smoke! VERY PEACHY! All in all I can only recommend this strain, its not the biggest yielder, but definitely delivers connoisseur grade weed. Hats off to Mat from House of the Great Gardener in Canada, he has made another GREAT cross and I hope he will release this variety soon! 👍😍😎.
Overview of my grow: Tent: Secret Jardin DS120 4 x 4 (120 cm by 120 cm) Lights: 2 x 120 Watt CTlite c4 clusterled Climat: Trotec Dehumidifyer 240 watt- 10L/24h Filter: Prima Klima carbon filter PK2600 fan: 2 x Secret Jardin 20watt osc. fan Pots: Gronest 4 x 11 liter airpots Water : automated water system PH: bluelab Nutrients: Plagron cocos A + B Plagron PK 13/14 ATA cal/mag Epsom salt no rights to music in the videos Week 7 She is doing great, She has grown another 4 cm in height and she is almost one meter tall with buds long as 50 cm. This is a big nice plant and her buds did really pack some weight this week. I hope i can still take her out next week without breaking her stems. The smell coming from this plants is not so strong but, it smells really freaking amazing. It reminded me of some oldschool weed (we called it skunk) i did back in the 80's very nice and very promising this strain Thanks for checking 😋