Note : jegliches Zubehör wird in der GermniationsWoche aufgelistet . Zeitraffer Videos folgen immer nachträglich. Day 36: + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Büte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + Final : PH 6.2 EC 0.43 Nach dem die Mangelerscheinungen wie gewünscht aufgetreten sind, gehts jetzt mit Blütedünger weiter . Sie hat sich prächtig in die neue Umgebung eingelebt. Wetter werte sind hier Super , also ist auch im Zelt super Stimmung :)) Videos folgen in den Tagen . Day 37: Sie wächst gerade noch paar Zentimeter :)) Blühten werden mehr . Day 38 : Und wieder das Licht etwas höher händen , den Sie wächst noch immer !!! Day 39 : + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Büte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ + Final : PH 5.5 (das Urgesteinsmehl zieht das sowieso auf mindestens PH 6.5) + etwas Entlaubung der defiziet Blätter.
Had a few family issues to contend with so sorry for not updating.. Tbh lost the week am on but she's growing very very well for my first attempt
Conclusion and a plant that grows quite slender in bloom doubles if it does not treble its size, responds well to defoliation, it is usually harvested in 8-9 weeks but if it is left a week more mature to perfection. on a scale of 1/10 my vote for this variety is 8.
Gelato got good yield about 30 g per plant Got some problems with mold on gelato Because the form of the buds , could not handle it Some colas are over 30 cm Don’t like the creamy taste ( banana was better) It’s definitely day stuff Density 7 out of 10 fluffy0
That's it ! Plant #1 :45.52 G Plant #2 : 32.68 G Plant #3 : 43.12 G Sample before harvest : 4.16 G Total 125,48 G I'm happy with the quantity, i know it's not a lot for 250W, but with my setup, and my knowledge, i'm pretty happy with that, i am especially happy cause of the quality, it's dope ! the plant #2 gave me a bad yield. Buds was a but aery, not compact like the 2 others. I don't think it's a genetic problem, i've made mistake on her, and she was the one with the less light, a bit late since the beginning, etc etc.. but she is good ! she is like the #3 but not compact. For the cut i removed big leaves and big sugar leaves, and head down. It was ready to cure after 8 days, i'd like it to be slower but they are already wonderfull after almost 1 week into curing, so it's great 😎 I'm pretty lucky to have 2 realy differents phenotypes, this is so good ! Pheno #1 is realy like a concentrate of lemon, and realy sweet, sugary. She is strong ! Like a 50% High / Stone, totaly stunted. Pheno #2 smells like strawberry, like a strawberry yogurt. She taste more like sugary / fruits and earthy. She is my favorite, best looking, best smoking, best smell, best everything ! This is a plant to try, for sure ! Thanks to anyone who helped me ! Gonna enjoy now 😎0000
The plant got harvested at day 56 of flowering. too early bit was my first grow and had no idea about the harvest window.
Sooooo Still flushing this bad bish, tricomes are still devolpoing from what I've seen and the plant look relatively healthy still. Have flushed 3 times with just water and again added 2ml flawless finish with 1 litre and watered waiting a couple days and will flush with water again. Patiently waiting....
So here they are after the long wait, they got soooooo big!! 😍 her massive indica leaves are soaking up all that sun 🌞 she looks really healthy & she's the biggest out the whole plot, that was lucky lol i think next visit will require a little hair cut to allow the light to hit the lower banches 👌 All got a good feed with the Bio Bizz Grow, all got 2ml per/L in 5 Litres of water 💧💧She has a slight aphid problem, my fault i didn't protect her with pesticides before i left but i have sprayed her down with diluted washing up liquid for the minute, until i grab some good shit 😂 i hope you enjoy the tour of the garden, we have Barney's Farm, Fast Buds, RQS & Dutch Passion in there 😍 it's gonna be an epic year! Stay safe 💚
in the passport of the variety itself, exactly 63 days of color are written, but still look transparent, I’ll wait until the end of the week;