So, eventful week.
Prior to putting my seeds into my system, my light and rdwc system was left on as I was dialling in the growing environment before placing the seeds as a final home. My only issue was I had a light leak BEFORE putting the foil top covers on the clay pebbles. Long story short, I got algae which ended up turning to root rot.
I spotted it very swiftly and did a res change adding beneficial bacteria to the system along with the base products of remo nutrients. A few days later new growth and recovery is taking place.
Day 16- Fully back on track, new roots shooting out into the water and the growth rate has picked up as it should.
Foliar feeding twice a day for a little boost until the root system establishes a bit more. Huge changes in just a day. Can't wait to see what a week's growth looks like.
Really loving the sunset/sunrise feature on the trolmaster, something I got to experience watching recently!
Watching by closely to make sure everything stays in track.
Stay tuned for the next one 😉