So, eventful week.
Prior to putting my seeds into my system, my light and rdwc system was left on as I was dialling in the growing environment before placing the seeds as a final home. My only issue was I had a light leak BEFORE putting the foil top covers on the clay pebbles. Long story short, I got algae which ended up turning to root rot.
I spotted it very swiftly and did a res change adding beneficial bacteria to the system along with the base products of remo nutrients. A few days later new growth and recovery is taking place.
Day 16- Fully back on track, new roots shooting out into the water and the growth rate has picked up as it should.
Foliar feeding twice a day for a little boost until the root system establishes a bit more. Huge changes in just a day. Can't wait to see what a week's growth looks like.
Really loving the sunset/sunrise feature on the trolmaster, something I got to experience watching recently!
Watching by closely to make sure everything stays in track.
Stay tuned for the next one 😉
@TrolMaster_Europe, Thank you, means a lot to have my hard work and effort appreciated! Do check the updates as the plants are even better now. Loving the sunset and sunrise feature, GAME CHANGER 💚
Hej growmie kan du sætte andre lamper end trolmaster til dit trolmaster upsæt spørger da jeg har et magen til dit PS fedt set up ser seriøst godt ud RESPEKT FOR DET held og lykke med grow til dig growmie 😉 looking good just love the roots shiit some mother fucker plants you gonna get growmie 😉