Days 92 - 98 (from sprout)
8/23/24 - 8/29/24
Loompa's Headband x TK fading hard this week - checking trichome color through a 15x loupe, needs more time
The Good Shit drinking a gallon of water a day but slowly backed off near end of week - my guess would be a 14-week flowering period for this genotype before harvest quality
I'm pretty much watering daily a 1/4 gallon to Blue Nose Pit or less to keep mulch layer from drying out
Sweet 16 S1 takes the win for most trichome coverage out of the garden, has the most up-front aroma out of the geno hunt
PAR is all over the place on this one and totally messed up, after this week I'll raise the light and focus on the appropriate PAR for canopy of The Good Shit
Pest Management slipping too, fungus gnats are repopulating and it seems the ecosystem has encountered a serious imbalance of beneficials and predators that normally kept soil/mulch in-check
Plan on short-term remedying this with a top-dress of remaining compost + em bokashi and a moderate drench of EM5 following with repeated treatments of enzymes (tweetmint)
Long term solution may need a predator/beneficials kit and/or higher quality vermicompost after knocking them back with enzymes