8/21/2024 Added two fresh gallons with week 4 nutrients to bring the reservoir up to 750ppm. Will plan to do a more substantial water change in the next few days. Both plants are booming! Added the trellis netting to begin training the plants to fill the tent! This week should be interesting. 8/24/2024 Both plants are looking good up to this point. Have continued to add fresh nutrient water as they are drinking much more now. I have a second trellis net on hand as I believe it will be required for an aditional layer of support as they stretch into pre-flower. Looking like a 4.5 or 5 week veg before flipping. 8/25/2024 Noticed Plant B water level was only a few inches in the bottom of the bucket. Had a pump flow rate issue with most of the feed from the reservoir diverting to the closer bucket. Working to rectify the issue, but Plant B is definitely stunted, unfortunately. 8/27/2024 The water level issue was remedied by putting a separate pump and feed line in place for each plant. Continuing to defoliate as I prepare to take clones. I will likely run this week of veg a few extra days to allow Plant B to recover a bit from the water issues. Additionally, after taking clones I will give 1-2 days of recovery for the plants before switching to 12-12 and starting pre-flower! 8/29/2024 Raised the lights to drop DLI to about 30. Continuing to monitor water level issues. 8/30/2024 Did a final pruning on both plants before flipping to flower tomorrow. Started topping reservoir with bloom nutrient blend. Shortened light cycle by 2 hours to not shock the plants into flower. Added a second layer of trellis netting. Plant A (larger of the two) is absolutely thriving, plant B (smaller of the two) is bouncing back from the water level issues earlier this week! Both plants are looking ready for flower.
growing this one for a few months, but I dont know how to do the cure correctly - any help please ?
Grew like an animal I reccomend giving it a shot. The high is similar to the northern express strain but a little more potent. Calms you down relaxes but doesnt lock you in to the couch. Taste like hashish. Updated with a video of some nugs I still have left. After the cure this has become a crowd favorite from my indica selection. Feedback has been hard hitting and long lasting, for most good for any time of day. Impressed mostly by the denseness of the nugs. The smell remained earthy and woody with notes of citrus. All around great producer and a quality product.
Absoulutty banging bud , not as much weight as i wanted but I think that was down to a low veg time. I love this strain , it’s one of them flowers that you only need to smell it to know it’s gonna fuck you up😂 the bud is all Jarred up now curing and I gotta say the taste is nice , it’s not sweet as I like ,but a taste within its self . Phantom og coming next gonna try my best to keep stepping it up 🙌🌱👍🏽
This girl grew for 72 days. She shared a bed with 2 other plants and only used one of the lights in the darkroom (180 watt electric sky). She produced beautiful dark buds that smell insanely sweet. I have only vaporized 1 decent sized bowl through my mighty vaporizer and I must say it tastes pretty good even without a cure. No green earth taste and it tastes just like it smells. Doesn't produce any dry mouth or eyes so that's nice. I Vaped it right before I left for work and I didn't even get chinky eyed when I walked outside into the light. So it's a great daytime smoke. I definitely feel high, I just don't feel like other people can tell :). She grew in living soil And I am convinced that it's the way to be 💪0
This is my second grow and first soil grow and @Apotforpot came in clutch with the super soil, all I had to do was add water no nutes. The strain is Exotic Seeds Black Haze and took 12 weeks from germination, the plant took a lot of abuse too with cold,high humidity, ect and it grew perfectly so thank you exotic seeds!!! I will be growing again I love this strain and everyone else does too. I want to thank everyone that commented and helped along the way I truly appreciate it! I hope everyone enjoys my journal
The plants hung in the grow tent with the exhaust fan running low for 10 days with an RH between 45-50%. 80 grams at trim from 3 Blueberry Autos. For a first time grower, I tried to let the plants do their own thing mostly, aside from some lite defoliation and tucking. In doing this I see ways I can improve. After curing for 10 days, first sample was not disappointing. (I intend to cure it at least 1-2 months.) Sweet berry aroma when chopping up the bud. Smooth burn with white ash. Can get a hint of berry flavor in the smoke however it also is not ready yet. But I can almost predict the possible flavors after curing. I believe a strain like Blueberry benefits from longer cures of a few months or more. I will attempt to give it as long as possible. Overall impressed with the grow and look forward to the final smoke. Ready to apply what I've learned and improve on my next grow.
Una cepa muy fácil de cultivar y con buena estructura y vigorosidad y resistente al clima variante y ataque de plagas, cogollos súper resinosos, lo intentaré de nuevo sin duda, esta la deje crecer normal para conocer su estructura y sus tiempos
Alright! final thoughts I pulled 93.7gs I think I could have pulled more. Ill do a couple things different next time, better soil, maybe coco and better feeding schedule! I think I couldve fed her more with no problems! super strong strain! 100x100 recomended and ill definetly will get a higher tent and a better light for sure!0
all in all it was an ok grow... it was the 1st time using kind soil. i have now upgraded to 1000w light and another tent ... so i will see how my next grow goes
closing out this harvest with the best yield yet, and excited to put round five in the dirt mid january. this harvest was focused on trying to split the grow types to maximize yield and get one more plant in the box. very excited to get wet weight friday night!
ENGLISH BELOW ESP: Estas dos mangos fueron preciosas de cultivar. Cogieron un tono azulado y algunos pétalos se volvieron de un color rosa muy fuerte. No fue difícil de cultivar aunque la empezara en octubre, tuvo la visita de algunas orugas pero no causaron casi ningún daño. -Empecé el cultivo en octubre, esto y la falta de luz hizo que mis plantas no llegaran a la altura deseada, no tuvieron todo el sol que necesitaban y se espigaron. Les hice un corte FIM a una planta y apical a la otra, lo cual hizo que las puntas desarrollaran una forma curiosa. - El producto final son 23,3 gramos de cogollos no demasiado prietos pero muy resinosos y con unos colores preciosos. - El sabor es algo difícil de definir. En el sabor no he encontrado el coco, pero sí las frutas tropicales, mango y cítrico. Y me parece haber saboreado algo de hierbas. Es un sabor agradable aunque solo lo haya curado durante tres semanas. -El colocón es indico, pero empieza como algo cerebral y se va extendiendo por el cuerpo pero sin dejarte k.o. A mí me ha convencido, he disfrutado cultivándola, la recomiendo a quien esté pensando en probarla These mangos are amazingly gorgeous. They took a bluish tone and some petals turned a very strong pink color. It was not difficult to grow considering that I planted it a little late, I only had the visit of some caterpillars. There are some pics of one of them. -I started cultivation in October, this and the lack of light caused my plants not to reach the desired height, they did not have all the sun they needed and they sprouted. I made a FIM cut to one plant and apical to the other, which caused the tips to develop a curious shape. - The final product is 23.3 grams of buds not too tight but very resinous and with beautiful colors. - The taste is something difficult to define. In the flavor I have not found the coconut, but the tropical fruits, mango and citrus. And i think i tasted something herbal. It's a nice taste even if I only cured it for three weeks. -The high is indicated, but starts as something cerebral and is extending through the body but without leaving k.o. It has convinced me, I have enjoyed cultivating it, I recommend it to anyone who is thinking of trying it00