After Last weeks nutrient burn there have been no further problems other than a few gnats eating some leaves but all good. Next week will feed with growers recharge ! Successful transplant of the Chocolate Thai 1 gallon into its final 2 gallon Pot. - Gelato X Purple Punch (3 Gal) - Northern Lights (3 & 5 Gal) - Chocolate Thai (3 & 2 Gal)
Das Wetter wird endlich sommerlich / heiß und die Ladys danken dafür. Der Stretch ist trotz toppen gewaltig :) Eine kleine Portion Nährstoffe wird es die kommenden Tage nochmal geben und dann schauen wir in 4-6 Wochen wieder vorbei.
Die LSD ist am BT 69 geerntet. Sie wird die nächsten 1-2 Wochen im Zelt trocknen. Die Pflanze an sich sieht cool aus und riecht gut, mal gespannt was die auf die Wage bringt. In der Blüte war sie ein paar Wochen unterdüngt. Kann man in der Blüte noch viel Stickstoff geben. Update:26g Topbud und 17g b flower. Minus ~3g zur verköstigung. Also kommen wir auf ca. 46g grob getrimmt.
The Mandarine Cream is in its second week of flowering and is stretching incredibly. The plant is growing nonstop, and the buds are swelling beautifully. The aroma is becoming extremely strong, shifting to a more citrusy scent, reminiscent of grapefruit. The plant is healthy and looking great. Ambient Conditions: This week started off warm (with a minimum of 23ºC and a maximum of 30ºC), but a cold front has brought the temperatures down again (with a minimum of 11ºC and a maximum of 20ºC). Humidity remains quite low, around 30-35%. Training: I’ve kept the main apical tied down, which has resulted in 12 colas. Other than that, I haven’t done any additional training or defoliation. Fertilization: I applied one final dose of nitrogen this week and nothing else. Pest Control: The Beauveria treatments continue, and I no longer have any issues with the fungus gnats that had appeared. Watering: I’ve been watering the plant very minimally, as the substrate has been staying moist on its own. Looking Forward: From here on, there’s not much left to do except let the flowering progress and enjoy the results.
The Olympia Auto has just entered flowering. The plant has remained quite small, likely due to the intense cold stress (temperatures below 10ºC) it experienced—similar to other autos I'm cultivating this season. Despite its size, I'm impressed by how much it’s stretching in this phase; it just keeps growing. The aroma is still weak but gradually increasing each day. Health: The plant looks healthy and beautiful. It’s a shame that only one plant emerged from the seed pack, but even though I haven’t harvested yet, I’m eager to grow this strain again! Ambient Conditions: This week started off hot (with a minimum of 23ºC and a maximum of 30ºC), but a cold front has now brought temperatures back down (with a minimum of 11ºC and a maximum of 20ºC). Humidity remains quite low, around 30-35%. Training: I haven’t done any training or defoliation on this plant. Fertilization: I applied Ekosil (silica + potassium), another dose of bokashi, and a dose of nitrogen, with one more nitrogen application planned for the end of this week. Pest Control: I'm continuing with Beauveria treatments, and I no longer have issues with the fungus gnats that had appeared earlier. Watering: I’ve been watering the plant very minimally, as the substrate has been staying moist on its own. Looking Forward: From this point on, there’s not much left to do except watch the flowering progress.
Buenas cultivadores.🤘 Esta semana corresponde al día 22/08/2024, por acumulación de trabajo chicos me ha resultado imposible poneros la semana antes pero ya vamos normalizando las cosas, pronto pondremos la 1 semana de floración ya que las pusimos antes de completar la semana 4 de crecimiento debido a un crecimiento salvaje de las oreoz🤪🤪. Hemos regado con 1l en dos oreoz y en una 600ml, el resto de plantas se han regado con 500ml todas, se ha fertilizado con 10 ml de crecimiento boom, 10 ml de ezym boom y 5 ml de silic boom con una EC:1.4 y PH:6.00. Este 28/08/2024 será su primera semana de floración y veremos a ver que tal están y cuanto han estirado, en la semana 2 aremos una defoliación y si es necesario una poda de bajos, hasta la siguiente growers🤘
Buds & frost stacking and fattening, See a little purple hue coming in. Vibranium enriching everything, terp profile already biting deep 🤯 I take these pictures and made the video with my iPhone, saving till holiday season & will get a nice camera + software to step the media quality up significantly
Buenas cultivadores.🤘 Esta semana corresponde al día 22/08/2024, por acumulación de trabajo chicos me ha resultado imposible poneros la semana antes pero ya vamos normalizando las cosas, pronto pondremos la 1 semana de floración ya que las pusimos antes de completar la semana 4 de crecimiento debido a un crecimiento salvaje de las oreoz🤪🤪. Hemos regado con 1l en dos oreoz y en una 600ml, el resto de plantas se han regado con 500ml todas, se ha fertilizado con 10 ml de crecimiento boom, 10 ml de ezym boom y 5 ml de silic boom con una EC:1.4 y PH:6.00. Este 28/08/2024 será su primera semana de floración y veremos a ver que tal están y cuanto han estirado, en la semana 2 aremos una defoliación y si es necesario una poda de bajos, hasta la siguiente growers🤘
Buenas cultivadores.🤘 Esta semana corresponde al día 22/08/2024, por acumulación de trabajo chicos me ha resultado imposible poneros la semana antes pero ya vamos normalizando las cosas, pronto pondremos la 1 semana de floración ya que las pusimos antes de completar la semana 4 de crecimiento debido a un crecimiento salvaje de las oreoz🤪🤪. Hemos regado con 1l en dos oreoz y en una 600ml, el resto de plantas se han regado con 500ml todas, se ha fertilizado con 10 ml de crecimiento boom, 10 ml de ezym boom y 5 ml de silic boom con una EC:1.4 y PH:6.00. Este 28/08/2024 será su primera semana de floración y veremos a ver que tal están y cuanto han estirado, en la semana 2 aremos una defoliación y si es necesario una poda de bajos, hasta la siguiente growers🤘
Buenas cultivadores.🤘 Esta semana corresponde al día 22/08/2024, por acumulación de trabajo chicos me ha resultado imposible poneros la semana antes pero ya vamos normalizando las cosas, pronto pondremos la 1 semana de floración ya que las pusimos antes de completar la semana 4 de crecimiento debido a un crecimiento salvaje de las oreoz🤪🤪. Hemos regado con 1l en dos oreoz y en una 600ml, el resto de plantas se han regado con 500ml todas, se ha fertilizado con 10 ml de crecimiento boom, 10 ml de ezym boom y 5 ml de silic boom con una EC:1.4 y PH:6.00. Este 28/08/2024 será su primera semana de floración y veremos a ver que tal están y cuanto han estirado, en la semana 2 aremos una defoliación y si es necesario una poda de bajos, hasta la siguiente growers🤘
Buenas cultivadores.🤘 Esta semana corresponde al día 22/08/2024, por acumulación de trabajo chicos me ha resultado imposible poneros la semana antes pero ya vamos normalizando las cosas, pronto pondremos la 1 semana de floración ya que las pusimos antes de completar la semana 4 de crecimiento debido a un crecimiento salvaje de las oreoz🤪🤪. Hemos regado con 1l en dos oreoz y en una 600ml, el resto de plantas se han regado con 500ml todas, se ha fertilizado con 10 ml de crecimiento boom, 10 ml de ezym boom y 5 ml de silic boom con una EC:1.4 y PH:6.00. Este 28/08/2024 será su primera semana de floración y veremos a ver que tal están y cuanto han estirado, en la semana 2 aremos una defoliación y si es necesario una poda de bajos, hasta la siguiente growers🤘
It was week 13 2 days ago iv just not had much spare time but here is a small video that will make you feel drunk. things are going as good as i can get for now they all just had a quick water. untill next time take it easy peeps... Ps does anyone know who has a good dawg not the nast horrible types that tast mouldy lol thanks
🌱 Day 29 - First Day of Flowering Phase 🌱 Hey everyone! 🌿 I'm super excited to finally enter the flowering phase of my first grow! I have to admit, I was quite surprised to see that the plants had already been in pre-flower for three days and are developing really well. 🌸 Current Conditions for the Flowering Phase: Watered today with 800ml + 1ml/L BioBizz Bloom 💧🌿 Humidity: 50-55% 💧 Light: 100% intensity, 50cm distance, 16 hours light, 8 hours dark 💡🌙 Current Issues: I'm dealing with a few small yellow spots on the leaves, which seem to be caused by a calcium and magnesium deficiency.
The temperatures, humidity, height, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil spread evenly across the top of the soil. Daylight hours this week will be below 13.5. I can't use halves in the grow conditions, so I'm noting here. Day 1 we had a high temperature of 90°F. Skies were sunny and it wasn't as humid as it's been. I watered about 5 gallons per pot ,once, from the well. Day 2 we had a high temperature of 83° F with partly cloudy skies. I watered each pot about 5 gallons once. I treated twice with Growers Ally fungicide. Day 3 we had a high temperature of 81°F. There was plenty of sun and I watered about 5 gallons per pot. Even though the girls are drinking more the cool weather and them rooting into the soil through the fabric pots has kept me from watering twice a day. The girls cleaned up nice after the fungicide treatment. They look great. Day 4 we had a high temperature of 78°F. Skies were clear and sunny. I watered about 5 gallons per pot with well water. The air has been a little drier with this cool from and the girls are loving it. Day 5 we had a high temperature of 77°, clear sunny skies, and humidity at 66%. This weather is very fall like and the plants are loving it. We've got rain in the weekend forecast though. I hope we miss it. Day 6 we had a high temperature of 77°. Skies were partly cloudy to mostly sunny. The humidity dropped into the 40%'s today. The plants are loving this weather. I watered about 5 gallons of well water. These girls are starting to smell like lemon cleaner with a sweet note. Day 7 we had a high temperature of 86°F. Skies were partly cloudy and we had just a few minutes of very lite rain. I watered about 5 gallons per pot with well water. This week was a success. The powdery mildew is an ongoing issue but it's controlled by spraying weekly with Growers Ally fungicide. The weekly rain is what's making it so troublesome. These girls have slowed their stretch and seem to be leveling off. They are smelling like lemon cleaner, with a sweet note. Daylight hours finished up the week at 13 hours and 20 minutes.