Über die letzten Tage habe ich die einzelnen Nährstoffe aus der NL gerechnet und in 3 Schritten "ausgeschlichen". 1: Tag 56 Zuerst habe ich den Phosphor rausgenommen, indem ich das PK13/14 gegen Mono-Kalium getauscht habe. EC von 3,3 auf 3,0 gesenkt. 2: Tag 66 Etwa 10 Tage später habe ich das Kalium weggelassen und bin auf das normale Schema ohne PK13/14 zurück gewechselt. Zusätzlich habe ich das Magnesium rausgenommen, indem ich den Calmag-Agent durch Mono-Calcium getauscht habe. EC von 3,0 auf 2,8 gesenkt. 3: Tag 70 4 Tage später habe ich dann den Stickstoff rausgenommen und das Calcium minimal reduziert, um die Verhältnisse aufeinander abzustimmen. Ec von 2,8 auf 2,0 gesenkt. Außerdem trinkt die OG Kush den Tank ja in einem Tag leer, also gebe ich ihr am Morgen kein zusätzliches Wasser mehr. Sie leidet also am Abend ein wenig an Trockenstress, bevor sie neue NL bekommt. Die Chemdawg schafft das nicht, also lasse ich sie "normal" laufen als kleinen Vergleich. Sie bekommt alle 3 Tage neue NL, da sie höchstens 1 Liter am Tag trinkt. Für den anfallenden Trim hab ich mich schonmal mit einer Waschmaschine vorbereitet, da mir die letzten Male von Hand rühren oder in der Box schütteln zu anstrengend und zeitaufwändig war. Ich werde nur 2 Siebungen machen und zwar 160er micron und 45er micron, da mein Anspruch da nicht übertrieben hoch ist, was die einzelnen Stufen angeht. Alles von 45 bis 120 war immer ok für mich. Die ersten Übungen mach ich mit den Resten aus dem Outdoor-Run, das ist eh nicht gerade der Hit und kann deshalb für sowas gut herhalten.
I will say I stressed out this darling pretty bad in the beginning of veg. Sadly my furnace went out for two weeks while I was trying to veg her and so she wasn't as big as I intended before I had to put her in the flowering tent just cuz it was much warmer. So I don't have as much I intended when I popped that bean. But I'm glad that at least she didn't die on me and I didn't get anything at all. Getting more of these beans when I make my next order for sure and I'll do right by those girls lol. I loved the structure of the plant though she had very tight internodes with nice beautiful buds
Week 5 and all 6 Autos are kicking out white hairs Auto ultimate still the biggest out the lot tallest being just over 3ft tall the rest are around 2/2.5ft tall and still stretching
the smell now is unreal! this pheno is going to be labelled #ScrewballPheno as the smells of raspberry ripple ice cream, cherry & fruits with a pungent undertone really gets the senses going..... big plans for this girl in the future!!
64 days since switched to 12/12.Time passed really quick. I decided to keep these for 1 more week since they just bloomed for one more time.Trichomes are showing mostly cloudy with a little clear left.Looking for %90 cloudy %10 amber.Hopefully will get it this week.Size of the buds are getting bigger everyday.Buds are really dense and smelly .Expecting to harvest on friday.Plant will spend his last 24 hours in complete darkness and will be cut down before light come up.I will flush on last watering.Hoping for it to be enough.Since l have to dry in the room that i grow,i will cut them all at the same time.
The buds are looking really nice and frosty I hope they really start to fill in and bulk up these last 3 to 4 weeks
The soil was still feeding them strong no nutirents but they were added very soon.
I would highly recommend using shortstuff seedbank imagine what they would have been like without problems or more light and not grown by a novice i was feeling the high and all pain going away with each toke just gutted about the yeild cuz of my expertise lol defo got a try gona do a jedi kush maybe or 1 of the other mix seeds i have its a must try for the stealth growers
Day 56f and week 8 and the girls are ripening up. Looking to harvest within the next 4 to 8 days. Just waiting for some more cloudy trichomes to show up. We've reduced our feeding to Canna Boost and Cannazyme only. For the last 4 days or so they will receive plain water. Really stoked how this girl has turned out so far and I can't wait to harvest her. Thank you everyone for likes and comments this far I so appreciate you guys. Growers love ✌️🏻-BLG Video- https://youtu.be/NVoXwpqe9AQ
Now super steady! I need to add way less water than last year (over half a liter a day then), because the eweather is just so cloudy. Just 20°C, max during the day, rarely above and not for long... But it doesn't prevent them to grow fast! Lazarus is a baby that I had put in the filter tank in spring. He spent the autumn and winter in the living room with his bros after I found eggs by september. I thought they had disappeared but there he is! Or maybe it's a joke from a friend...
Well it was a fast strain just like they say, it comes and goes in 8 to 9 weeks easily, I just added a week to fatten up the buds, I am very impressed what these boys in Cali are creating, kudos FB! I am sure I will be satisfied once I get to actually taste my cookies. PS - does anyone know if i input my Grow room size correct, my tent is 80cm x 80cm x 100cm, thanks for any help!😋00