I finally named her... Sarah Lee. 😁
I moved her upstairs where I can control the environment better. Michigan weather is a beast and my basement was a bad idea for a summer tent grow. The AC upstairs is making her happy and helps with humidity. So boom.
She is flowering nicely! 😍
Water (pH 6.58) about 1.25 gal every 2 days now. She's thirsty. Still not full strength on Nutes, next water maybe more Tiger Bloom.
I still use vinegar for pHing.
No issues at this time, except humidity. Oh, and my cat is obsessed. I'm not wanting to smoke cat hair, so I put up curtains.
I'm also not upset I didn't do any LST. This plant is thriving. Next time I will try LST. I just want to get good bud off an inside grow. 😊
Going into week six and I'm super excited.
One last thing. I changed her light schedule to 18-6. I was 19-5 and read a blog where the grower increased dark an hour at flower and it really bulked the buds. We'll see.
GL y'all.