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Gracias al equipo de Anesia Seeds, Marshydro y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no seria posible. 💐🍁 Chimera Cut: Prepárate para Chimera Cut, la última obra maestra de los genios verdes de Anesia Seeds. Este fenómeno feminizado es el hijo predilecto de la enigmática Chimera y la legendaria The Cut, y combina un suave 60% de Indica con un animado 40% de Sativa. Se trata de relajarse profundamente mientras tu creatividad echa a volar. Un viaje salvaje con un nivel máximo de THC del 38,5%, Chimera Cut está aquí para elevar tu mente a nuevas alturas. Piérdete en un mundo donde la crema se mezcla con las ricas notas del vino de Oporto, creando un sabor y un aroma francamente decadentes. Chimera Cut es un espíritu generoso, que promete un montón de verde con unos rendimientos de 550g/m² en interior y de 800 - 1000g por planta en exterior. Esta variedad tampoco pierde el tiempo, y florece en todo su esplendor en sólo 8 o 9 semanas. Estará lista para la cosecha a finales de septiembre, tanto en interior como en exterior. Con unos orgullosos 100-140 cm en interior y 180-200 cm en exterior, Chimera Cut está lista para ser tu próximo gigante verde. 🚀🌻 Consigue aquí tus semillas:! 💡FC6500: Eficiencia líder en el mercado: la lámpara de cultivo LED FC-E6500, que ostenta un estatus líder en el mercado, es una solución rentable con un PPE de 2,8 µmol/J y un rendimiento máximo de 2,5 g/vatio. Ofrece un PPF alto de 2026 umol/S y es adecuada para una cobertura de vegetación de 1,50 m x 1,50 m y una cobertura de flores de 1,20 m x 1,20 m. Iluminación versátil y uniforme. 🚥 MarsHydro ADLITE UV/IR/RED: Para lograr un crecimiento óptimo de las plantas y maximizar los rendimientos es un arte simple que depende en gran medida de las condiciones ambientales adecuadas. Reconociendo las limitaciones de la iluminación natural y las soluciones de iluminación tradicionales para satisfacer estas necesidades únicas, lanzamos ADLITE. Estas luces especiales UV, IR y roja están diseñadas para llenar áreas del espectro, proporcionando las altas longitudes de onda que las plantas necesitan para un crecimiento y desarrollo óptimos. Consigue aqui tu Adlite: 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 5: Una vez terminada la fase de estiramiento dedican todo su esfuerzo a crear nuevos pistilos y resina, es hora de engordar estos futuros cogollos. La carpa esta totalmente cubierta gracias al FC-6500 y los Adlite de Marshydro, se nota la floración mas avanzada que otras veces y con una mayor densidad. Continuo con las dosis de nutrientes recomendadas por XpertNutrients.
Kabul #2 entwickelt langsam aber sicher ihre Blüten entlang der Haupttriebe. Die Knollen werden langsam praller. Die Entfernung von Blätter und den untersten Blüten zeigt ihre Wirkung. Die Energie geht jetzt in die Mainbuds. Ansonsten ist die Kabul sehr stabil und macht keinerlei Schwierigkeiten. Alles in Allem bin ich sehr zufrieden und schau der Kabul beim wachsen zu. ✌️
Growth not looking good past 3 days😮‍💨 Any Tips? (Day 23) Did a lot of pruning today. Growth looks very good at NL (Day 25) Today i gave them 1 liter of Ph 6,5 Tapwater. Also did some light defoliation and LST. The smell is insane already ( Day 26) Ladys are overwatered should learn more about watering😮‍💨Special Thx to GreenConnectionSupport. I wrote them on Instagramm and they answer quick.💚(Day 27) Last day of week 4, ladys are beginning to Flower. Defoliate radical, so she puts energy into new Leaves. Gave them 800ml Ph 6.2 Water. ( Day 28)
She is growing beast mode I'm proud of her.. I was able to top al outside branches today again , basically the ones who were sticking out the most.. Still only water for now💦💦
Die Deadryder hat ihren Stretch beendet und konzentriert sich nun voll auf die Blüten. Wie zu erkennen ist, ist ihr Purpleanteil sehr hoch. Das Terpenprofil ist bis jetzt eher säuerlich/bitter. Da bin doch gespannt, wie sie der Geruch noch verändern wird oder ob er doch so bleibt. Es bleibt spannend und Blütenreich ✌️
Gracias al equipo de Divine Seeds y XpertNutrients, sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Auto Opium: La semilla de marihuana Auto Opium de Divine Seeds es un híbrido resultante de la unión entre una variedad Afgana y una Canadiense, obteniendo una variedad autofloreciente feminizada más potente y productiva que se haya conocido. Genéticamente Indica prevalece en este genotipo, pero su brillante sabor y olor a bayas es la evidencia de la influencia Sativa. La concentración de THC de Auto Opium (28-29%) la convierte en la elección número uno para el comercio. Se recomienda a los cultivadores inexpertos. En el interior, Auto Opium da unos 1000 g/m2 de cosecha, mientras que en el exterior significa 300 g/planta. Los cogollos de marihuana de la planta Auto Opium saben y huelen a bayas, frutas exóticas y hachís. Este pesado efecto te golpea como un iceberg, y 2-3 horas se pasan normalmente sin moverse, acompañadas de cambios en la percepción. Un gran analgésico. 🚀🌻 Consigue aquí tus semillas: 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 9: Última semana, los cogollos han terminado de engordar y estan en su plena madurez, a partir de ahora agua hasta el final. Los tricomas estan por todas partes 🤪
MIMOSA ZKITTLEZ FF/ GANJA FARMER WEEK #9 OVERALL WEEK #8 FLOWER This week she continues to grow and just get bigger she's really a big plant strong genetics she's handled topping without any issues as well LST and she really responded with new growth. Stay Growing!! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look it's much appreciated!! Thank you GANJA FARMER!! MIMOSA ZKITTLEZ FF/ GANJA FARMER
Se usó pk1314 de Canna esta semana. Las plantas tienen muy buen aroma y están pegajosas. En cuanto al tamaño, si han aumentado de tamaño, pero no lo que esperaba. Hay dos que van un poco más retrasadas y espero que en semana 10 aumenten más de volumen. La planta que no estaba tomando agua ahora está bien, volvió a la normalidad. La planta con manchas en la hojas se quemó con el pk1314, no estaba lista. Nunca lo estuvo, no debí echarle. Semana con nutriente de floración al 100% y potenciadores. - Luz: Bestva Pro 2000W / 18 h/d -FloraNova Bloom G.Hydroponics: 0.7ml/l - Bio Bud G. Hydroponics 2.5ml/l - Armour SI G. Hydroponics 0.4ml/l - C4 Mills 1ml/l - Everest: 0.5 ml/l
2of them was suuuuper frosty but i lost pictures bid are still not dry yet so will update soon
2of them was suuuuper frosty but i lost pictures bid are still not dry yet so will update soon
2of them was suuuuper frosty but i lost pictures bid are still not dry yet so will update soon
Auto Flower AK Triple Haze by Super Sativa Seed Club: 35 Days from Seed, 10 Days Flower. All are green, healthy, & growing. Comparison of Living soil+Teas vs Coco/Perlite+Fertilizer is a huge difference. Plants in Coco are twice the biomass. Weekly Environment: 78F, 54% RH, 975ppm CO2, & 650-850 PPFD 18hr Lighting. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures or Videos this week was very busy. So uploaded last week's video.
On 4th week. Using now Athena Pro Line. Easy to use and get it done faster. Let see how the girls react to it. They smelling skunk sweet and Apple Fritter. One pheno showing purple . Thinking it come from Forbidden Fruit and the smell Apple Fritter
The temperatures, humidity, height, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil to be spread evenly on top of the soil. Day 1 we had a high temperature of 91°F. Skies were clear but it was super humid. I defolated some more today. I watered 3-4 gallons from the hose. Day 2 we had a high temperature of 94° with partly cloudy to clear skies. It was super hot and humid. I watered 3-4 gallons from the well. I'm defoliating a few leaves here and there and opening these girls up. Day 3 we had a high temperature of 94 with average humidity of 94. Skies were cloudy and we had thunderstorms that produced high winds and heavy rainfall. Several of my 7 gallon pots that hadn't rooted into the ground were blown over. Day 4 we had a high temperature of 83°F. It was super humid today and we had a very heavy fog this morning. I watered about 3.5-4 gallons from the well. Day 5 we had cooler weather today with a high temperature of 78°F. Skies were partly cloudy and I watered about 3 gallons from the hose. Day 6 we had cooler weather today with a high temperature of 79°F. Skies were mostly sunny and I watered about 3 gallons from the hose. I treated with Arber bio fungicide Day 7 we had a high temperature of 79° with mostly cloudy skies. The nights have been dripping below 69°F, creating an ideal environment for powdery mildew. I treated with Arber biofungicide. Lady bugs were released and are having an aphid feast. Overall this week was a success. The plants have stretched, but aren't finished. One of the plants topping at 8' 5". That height is measure from the top of the soil to the top of the plant. We have had very heavy dews, fog, rain, mist, and very high humidity the last few weeks. This week was very hard on the plants the cool nights really exasperated these girls issues with powdery mildew.
The temperatures, humidity, height, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil to be spread evenly on top of the soil. Day 1 we had a high temperature of 91°F. Skies were clear but it was super humid. I defolated some more today. I watered 3-4 gallons from the hose. Day 2 we had a high temperature of 94° with partly cloudy to clear skies. It was super hot and humid. I watered 3-4 gallons from the well. I'm defoliating a few leaves here and there and opening these girls up. Day 3 we had a high temperature of 94 with average humidity of 94. Skies were cloudy and we had thunderstorms that produced high winds and heavy rainfall. Several of my 7 gallon pots that hadn't rooted into the ground were blown over. Day 4 we had a high temperature of 83°F. It was super humid today and we had a very heavy fog this morning. I watered about 3.5-4 gallons from the well. Day 5 we had cooler weather today with a high temperature of 78°F. Skies were partly cloudy and I watered about 3 gallons from the hose. Day 6 we had cooler weather today with a high temperature of 79°F. Skies were mostly sunny and I watered about 3 gallons from the hose. I treated with Arber bio fungicide Day 7 we had a high temperature of 79° with mostly cloudy skies. The nights have been dripping below 69°F, creating an ideal environment for powdery mildew. I treated with Arber biofungicide. Lady bugs were released and are having an aphid feast. Overall this week was a success. The plants have stretched, but aren't finished. One of the plants topping at 8' 5". That height is measure from the top of the soil to the top of the plant. We have had very heavy dews, fog, rain, mist, and very high humidity the last few weeks. This week was very hard on the plants the cool nights really exasperated these girls issues with powdery mildew.
From my previous experience with the outdoor grow. I decided to put her to the test in an indoor grow setup. I must say she is looking absolutely plush and green with strong leafs .. I'm already super excited to see what this grow can produce with the correct training and feeding schedules.