The edge of the leaves on the wedding cake started to yellow, so I raised the light a few inches thinking it was light burn from their vertical growth. Nope. Now the leaves are getting all fucked up with bronze patches and stuff.
Not happening with the biscotti at all.
I mix a big bucket of nutes and water them from the same mix, so I am very confused.
I followed the "cut it" advice I got from the question I posted. Repositioned the biscotti in the tent and hung the wedding cake to dry.
After thinking about it, I think I panicked and followed the first advice I got. Pretty sure the "nute buildup caused pH issues with one but not the other" was the correct call, as it was a pH issue I originally expected. I just couldnt figure out why it was hitting 1 but not the other.
I was still happy with my harvest, and if it turns out super weak, I'll just smoke the wedding cake during the day!