2024-07-28 2 Opium Plants remain in my Outdoor Garden. One sits in a 75l container, and stands near the house the other Plant sits into 30 l container , in a corner in my Garden Die Outdoor Girls are starting to flower, still in stretchmode the Plant in the 75l container looks super impressive the 30l girl gas a good spot to go on lets see. for any reason the system dont let me do another updates, so iam forced to do all updates at once in one week 2024-08-16 The Plants are stretching and building sweet flowers Temperatures became perfect, with lots of Sun and warm weather. 2024-08-23 The Weather continues to stay very warm and sunny, the Girls drink up to 10 liters daily, and they get some feedings with organic more PK, because they need the Energy 2024-08-30 Both Girls doing fine, the Plant in the 75l Growbag, is very thirsty and develops sweet Floweringsites. the Girl in the 30l pot, has grown into the open Ground. she was sticking her roots out of the holes from the growpot i was wondering why she looks so fresh and green without getting nutrients, now i know why, she is sucking all good stuff out of open ground clever, clever. 2024-09-07 In the meantime we had some heavy rain and Wind, i had to stabilize both Plants the Girl in the 30 l Container was stretching so massively , she was growing one meter!! in short time but she was blown the most, i had to tie her and she is leaning onto a bigger treee i kinda forgot to save her from winds. but anyway, shes safe and goes on The Girl in the 75l is safe for the moment she shows already massive buds, next week i have to take pictures from above her 2024-09-13 Weather truned for summerly and hot, to autumn and raniy and cold so i have to watch her closely, and hope for more warm / dry days, for her to finish up. It weather continues to stay rainy- and she starts to mold, we will harvest instantly.
D17-Erstes Topping und beginn mit LST für Gelato 44 Tyson 2.0 und die Green Gelato, die Royal Runtz ist noch zu klein und es würde den Wachstum nur verschlechtern, ich hoffe sie ist ein Spätzünder und holt die anderen noch ein.
Day 64 - Beginning of the Final Flowering Week 🌱 Hello, my grow friends! We’re entering the last flowering week, and it looks like I’ll be harvesting the plant around Friday, which will be roughly Day 68. 💭 Harvest Decision: It’s a tough decision because while the buds are still growing, the trichomes in the middle and lower parts of the plant are already about 80% milky and 10% amber. I’ll keep an eye on things and plan to check the trichomes again on Day 65, two days before harvest, to make a final decision. 🌿 Trichome Considerations: I have a feeling that even after cutting the plant and hanging it upside down to dry, some nutrients might still move into the buds, potentially causing them to swell a bit more. This is something I’m curious to see. 💧 Humidity, Water, and Temperature: As I mentioned in my last update, I flushed the plant yesterday, just before the start of the final week, with 4 liters of water. This should help flush out any remaining nutrients, and I likely won’t need to water again before harvest since the pots are thoroughly soaked. The humidity and temperature are holding steady between 52-58% and 20-24°C, which I find ideal. I’ve got my exhaust system and fan running continuously to ensure no mold develops. 📸 Final Updates: I’ll check in again with an update just before harvest to let you know how things are looking. Remember, I’m posting new pictures and videos of my plant every day.
These clones are growing really fast. I have them in a tent enriched with CO2. I’ve been transitioning them to flower slowly (30 min shorter each day till I hit 12/12) I’ll be fully into the stretch next week as I hit 12/12 lighting schedule tomorrow. I built my soil with super soil concentrate so I’m only supplementing silica with silicic acid and a foliage misting with kelp extract. Other than that they get plain well water from me. I’m heading out of town for 5 days starting tomorrow so I’m excited to see the growth they put on in my absence.
We will but back for update of when they sprout to begin the start
Day 64 - Beginning of the Final Flowering Week 🌱 Hello, my grow friends! We’re entering the last flowering week, and it looks like I’ll be harvesting the plant around Friday, which will be roughly Day 68. 💭 Harvest Decision: It’s a tough decision because while the buds are still growing, the trichomes in the middle and lower parts of the plant are already about 80% milky and 10% amber. I’ll keep an eye on things and plan to check the trichomes again on Day 65, two days before harvest, to make a final decision. 🌿 Trichome Considerations: I have a feeling that even after cutting the plant and hanging it upside down to dry, some nutrients might still move into the buds, potentially causing them to swell a bit more. This is something I’m curious to see. 💧 Humidity, Water, and Temperature: As I mentioned in my last update, I flushed the plant yesterday, just before the start of the final week, with 4 liters of water. This should help flush out any remaining nutrients, and I likely won’t need to water again before harvest since the pots are thoroughly soaked. The humidity and temperature are holding steady between 52-58% and 20-24°C, which I find ideal. I’ve got my exhaust system and fan running continuously to ensure no mold develops. 📸 Final Updates: I’ll check in again with an update just before harvest to let you know how things are looking. Remember, I’m posting new pictures and videos of my plant every day. 🌱 Day 70 - Last Day Before Harvest 🌱 Hey Grow-Friends! 😄 Today marks the final day before harvest, and I couldn’t be more excited! As planned, I’ve kept the plant in darkness for the last 48 hours and haven’t watered it for 6 days. My goal is to let it sit in the dark until this evening, when the time finally comes to chop it down. 🌿✂️ Drying Decisions 🌬️ After much research and considering several factors—especially the high humidity in my tent—I’ve decided to go with wet trimming instead of dry trimming. I know dry trimming is often recommended for better bud quality and taste, but my main concern is avoiding mold at all costs. So, to play it safe, I’ll wet trim the buds, get them into the right size, and then place them in a drying net for about 7 days. Timing Concerns ⏳ I’m still figuring out the best timing for transferring the buds into curing jars. Since I’m wet trimming, I won’t be able to rely on the classic “stem snap test” to check dryness. But we’ll figure that out as we go along! Final Reflections 🌟 It’s been an amazing journey, and although I could push the grow a little further, I believe this is the perfect time to harvest. Given my upcoming personal plans, it feels right to finish up now. I can’t wait to report back with the harvest update soon! 🌿 Stay tuned, and as always, thanks for following along!
This strain is soo delicious and it is exactaly what they say about it. Strawberries and pears. It doesnt even smell like weed lol. The taste is like the smell except it has a slight kushy dank skunkiness on the exhale. Highly recommended strain. Smells like real fresh fruit. It's very potent weed but it doesn't make me feel burnt out later so I smoke it all day.
30.09.24 BT# 10 Nabend zusammen 😁✌️ Der Pineapple Express geht es hervorragend. Sie Bilden immer mehr Blütenkelche😍 Heute gab es wieder Nährstoffe von Biobizz Juju Royal die Dosis für Grow Soldier ist auf 2ml/L runter gegangen, Green Mystic 2ml/L und Flowa Bloom sind 3ml/L. Sie wird ihren strech bald einstellen dann ist ihr Hauptziel die Blütenkelche zu vermehren und dann geht es in die Phase die wir alle Lieben die Buds schwellen an. Freue mich sehr das ihr ein stop eingelegt habt, Update kommt wie gewohnt nächste Woche Growmie's. Mögen all eure Ladys Gesund und prächtig wachsen und euch mit schmackhaften Stuff versorgen 🍀💪🏻 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 30.09.24 BT# 10 Hello everyone 😁✌️ The Pineapple Express is doing very well. They are forming more and more calyxes😍 Today I gave her nutrients from Biobizz Juju Royal again, the dose for Grow Soldier has gone down to 2ml/L, Green Mystic 2ml/L and Flowa Bloom is 3ml/L. She will stop her stretch soon then her main goal is to increase the calyxes and then it goes into the phase we all love the buds swell. I am very pleased that you have put in a stop, update will come as usual next week Growmie's. May all your ladies grow healthy and splendid and provide you with tasty stuff 🍀💪🏻
💪🏻HULK BERRY🍇from @rqsglobal | day 9 growing rapidly! all in all absolutly stable at this stage and producing very healthy new growth.😁👍🏻 Have a great evening folks🤩 the niuts I trust in @xpertnutrients „gg10“ GET 10% OFF high quality seeds @rqsglobal „RQSAMB“ GET 15% OFF
PURPLE KUSH / KANNABIA SEEDS WEEK #16 OVERALL WEEK #4 FLOWER This week she's doing great 👍 no issues buds are growing and getting nice trichome coverage!! She's looking healthy 👌!! Stay Growing!! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look it's much appreciated!! THANK YOU KANNABIA!!! KANNABIA / PURPLE
💪🏻HULK BERRY🍇from @rqsglobal | day 9 growing rapidly! all in all absolutly stable at this stage and producing very healthy new growth.😁👍🏻 Have a great evening folks🤩 the niuts I trust in @xpertnutrients „gg10“ GET 10% OFF high quality seeds @rqsglobal „RQSAMB“ GET 15% OFF
She has a citrus smell with earthy tones. She has grown well in the solo cup. She is on ph water and will get harvested next update. Thank you Medic Grow, and Zamnesia seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱❄️ Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g