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Semana del 9 al 15 de septiembre 2024. Estas Autos BSF van con todo, muy vigorosas, excepto una blueberry y una Orange Blossom que van un poco lentas.
These 3 Gelato auto are part of a 30 plant SOG project, in this diary we will only focus on this fantastic strain as you can see, this is Gelato auto by fast buds grown with nothing but FLO (living soil blend) mixed up with the soil and water 💦, let's see what type of flavors we are going to find! Stay tuned for this one! 👨‍🌾❤️💚
The 5 seedlings are looking very healthy and developing at a very very fast pace, I'm happy with their development so far, the 5 seeds have turned into gorgeous little seedlings with a perfect development, I Can't wait to see this ladies produce their flowrs and see what we find in this autoflowering version of lemon cream kush by spliff seeds, 100% organic grown using FLO (living soil blend and water)
For me was just a dream. An exacting journey that I just loved sharing on Growdiares with every one...feeling finally free to share my passion and learn from other great growers. Next grow will be outdoor, and can't wait to try it out with my fast buds Gelato seeds.
Ich hoffe das sie langsam aufhört zu wachsen denn ich habe nun echt Probleme mit der Höhe in dem Zelt. Bis heute verlief dieser Grow ohne Schwierigkeiten. Die Blüte setzte sehr schnell ein und es haben sich sehr viele Buds gebildet, ebenso ist die Anzahl der Seitentriebe nicht zu verachten. Das ist eine sehr gute Sorte! Ich werde heute die Erde durchspülen um Salze aus den Topf zu bekommen und anschließend wieder Düngen.
Last week, last round, last ride! What a lovely journey till know. I checked with my microscope the trichomes and are getting at right point cloudy. My pistils are on that 70% mark I rate, and think that just got the timing right before I exit the apartment. I also think that having a few days available I would have go on a little more. Can't wait to harvest!!!😉
Rempotage barquette a pot 20l, du grand nimp... croissance un peu lente peu etre sur arrosage les tiges etaient sombres la premoere semaine puis se sont eclaircies.
5th April 2021 Partial harvest; wet weight 120g 6th April 2021 Full harvest; total wet weight 821g Feel like I’ve won the lottery.
4/1/21 - Both plants were transplanted into 5 gallon fabric pots with Ocean Forest soil by Fox Farm Nutrients. I will be using plain water for the next two weeks to allow the plants to get acclimated. (See video) 4/2/21 - Watered both plants with water (ph 6) noticed the grow room is a little humid throughout parts of the day but I will be installing the fan today. Both plants seem to be adjusting well. 4/3/21 - Plants are doing good. Watered them with ph 6 water. Noticing some yellow on the bottom leaves. 4/4/21 - The ends of the leaves are turning a light yellow from nutrient burn as a result of the ocean forest soil. Started low stress training today, added two clips per plant (see photo) 4/5/21 - The soil is still moist from yesterday, I’m not going to water today. They are still in the low stress training clips. You can really see the nutrient burn today. (See video) 4/6/21 - I watered the plants today with water (ph 6). Not much change in appearance from yesterday. 4/7/21 - Plants are looking great, the nutrient burn is starting to fade a little. I will be starting a new week tomorrow. (Continuing with water, and low stress training)
Kmintz #1 raccolto giorno 59 Kmintz #2 raccolto giorno 63 Seccato 5giorni appese a testa in giu in ambiente buio 24 gradi e 40% umidità con leggera ventilazione non sui fiori. Pulito i fiori e messi in barattolo tight vac più bustine boveda 62% e igrometro per monitorare ur. 48h dopo apro barattolo per visualizzare dato igrometro e se troppo alto intorno al 70/75/80% lascio 1/2h aperto se invece intorno a 60/65/70% apro 10minuti ogni giorno per una settimana. Cercherò di fumare queste due piante il più tardi possibile. Ovvio che qualche canna verrà presa qua e là ma avendo 65gr e 55gr vorrei iniziare a fumarla tra circa 2/3 mesi. Aggiorno diario settimana prossima con foto delle cime e qualche recensione sul gusto. Grazie per essere passato 😊🖐️
Kmintz #1 raccolto giorno 59 Kmintz #2 raccolto giorno 63 Seccato 5giorni appese a testa in giu in ambiente buio 24 gradi e 40% umidità con leggera ventilazione non sui fiori. Pulito i fiori e messi in barattolo tight vac più bustine boveda 62% e igrometro per monitorare ur. 48h dopo apro barattolo per visualizzare dato igrometro e se troppo alto intorno al 70/75/80% lascio 1/2h aperto se invece intorno a 60/65/70% apro 10minuti ogni giorno per una settimana. Cercherò di fumare queste due piante il più tardi possibile. Ovvio che qualche canna verrà presa qua e là ma avendo 65gr e 55gr vorrei iniziare a fumarla tra circa 2/3 mesi. Aggiorno diario settimana prossima con foto delle cime e qualche recensione sul gusto. Grazie per essere passato 😊🖐️
Chasing the Ph down the rabbit hole. These ho's drinking a gallon a day. Had to add a float valve to keep up. Soaked her in adjusted RO water to clean the salts off. 30ml gro 20ml micro 10ml bloom 25ml cm
Kmintz #1 raccolto giorno 59 Kmintz #2 raccolto giorno 63 Seccato 5giorni appese a testa in giu in ambiente buio 24 gradi e 40% umidità con leggera ventilazione non sui fiori. Pulito i fiori e messi in barattolo tight vac più bustine boveda 62% e igrometro per monitorare ur. 48h dopo apro barattolo per visualizzare dato igrometro e se troppo alto intorno al 70/75/80% lascio 1/2h aperto se invece intorno a 60/65/70% apro 10minuti ogni giorno per una settimana. Cercherò di fumare queste due piante il più tardi possibile. Ovvio che qualche canna verrà presa qua e là ma avendo 65gr e 55gr vorrei iniziare a fumarla tra circa 2/3 mesi. Aggiorno diario settimana prossima con foto delle cime e qualche recensione sul gusto. Grazie per essere passato 😊🖐️
Buenas amigos, empezamos metiendo la semilla en un bote de cristal y poniendolo a oscuras uno o dos días. Cuando he visto que la semilla se ha abiertol he pasado al kit easy star de rqs el cual viene preparado y trae bacto para el primer riego, y lo he colocado debajo de una lampara. Una vez le ha salido un poco el tallo lo pasé a una soporte con un poco mayor de capacidad y vuelta a la lámpara unas 18-20 horas al dia. Importante desde que echo el bacto hasta el final del proceso no riego, humedezco desde lejos con un Spray lleno de agua, repito solo humedezco para así evitar hongos. Feliz semana
Will be growing again! This plant proved to be a moderate to heavy yielder considering I'm using only 230 - 250 watts. Very easy to train grow and smoke lol. Short stature created some massive dense buds did not mind trim jail at all for this hefty little lady Stay tuned guys for new runs possibly new strains and remember to stay lifted and Happy growing✌️
Just finished week 3 and everything looks amazing. Been fighting a gnat infestation. Been running some Mosquito dunks. This week I'll run a H2o2 in the res. Hopefully this will take care of them. Also placing yellow sticky traps in every bucket to catch stragglers.
I wish I could have put them in then tent a few days sooner to speed up growth but all good, ladies needed a few extra days in there. They were transplanted on the last day of this week. Doing a tent full of autos this grow, 20-4 light schedule with 7 plants 7 strains. this diary of course will just be covering my lady purple haze. I put them in 1gal pots for now and will be trans planting to 3gal in about 7-10 days.