So I was in week 2 with the Cream Mandarin when I realized I was not happy with her growth for what I want her to do, and it was totally my fault, and not the Breeder, so I decided to re-start as to represent Sweet Seeds properly as they have sent me pretty much whatever I have requested. I was attempting to start seeds in coco coir, which was very tough to satisfy the coco with Cal-mag and not burn the seedlings in the process. So I started using ProMix seedling starter and have been very happy with it so far. The other issue I ran into was satisfying the humidity levels for my seedlings, and also keeping my flowering auto happy. So, my final decision was to purchase a small 2x2 tent to double as a seedling tent and a drying tent. I hooked up a little 4 inch exhaust fan, put a heat mat on the floor, a small fan, and a Spider Farmer SF1000, a hydrometer, and a humidifier which is keeping it around 70% RH even with the little exhaust fan running 24/7. The toughest part of learning to grow Cannabis for me has been days 3-17. Once I get there I seem to be good. If anyone has any tips please hit me up. Thanks for stopping by, be safe, and Blaze On!