Beginning of week 4!!! What a glorious week it's been! I had some friend watch my plants when I went away for a weekend. Bad idea. Plants experienced severe drought. I attempted my best and fortunately saved everyone but had some minor damage... I'm incredibly worried about male cannabis pollen entering the tents as some flowers did open up before I had a chance to remove them while I was away. I get them a good washdown with water to hopefully kill and pollen but we shall see what happens. My only saving grace was that all the males were isolated in their own tent with an exhaust fan pointed away from the female tents. Stretch is officially done!!!!. Some kept going for about 3 weeks especially the zed blacks which all stretched like crazy. The hash plants has moderate stretch. Rainbow belts very minimal.
3 days ago I watered the plant but didn't realise the bottom of the pot was still quite damp. This resulted in me overwatering it. I only realised when the plant dropped all its leaves and looked like it was dying... I was so panicked I forgot to take a picture! I fixed the issue by having my small USB fan on the plant and soil for 2 days straight and it seems to have worked. The plant has shot up and also the leaves have picked up alot. The only issue is there was some slight colour loss from the edge of the leaves which is I think because of too much water.. I'm hoping when I next water and feed this could correct itself
Terrible weeks weather again so I brought my plants in and bought some cfls woke up in the morning and one had fell off cabinet and burnt one plant to a crisp !! Lesson learnt
In Questa nuova settimana, sto avendo dei problemi con tutto il ciclo di irrigazione, e con l ossigenatore. I tubi che portano l’acqua alle piante sembrano essere saturi di residuo della soluzione, ed inoltre l ossigenatore non porta abbastanza aria all interno della vasca e l’acqua risulta essere torbida. Se qualcuno della community può darmi dei consigli ne sarei molto grato
this was an amazing grow!! Some things ive come to notice were. *1* no more seeds directly in the big pot. NEXT TIME ILL GROWN THEM IN A SMALL CONTAINER BEFORE TRANSFERRING THEM TO MAMA POT. *2* i raised these babys with minimum of additives. Every 2 feedings. NEXT TIME IN FLOWERING IMMA GIVE ADDITIVES EVERY TIME WATERING. * the big pot needs a bit more water then 10L every watering. SWITCH IT UP TO AN 15L of water instead of 10L I am a very happy grower with my grow room havin very steady temperatures so these are no problems over here. Next round i think i will ad a little bit of co2 to see if it makes any differences. These plant made me happy from day 1. They grew in a steady pace and gave everything they got. The one big strong plant gave me almost 300gr in the end.😍😍😍 So now i have made some clones of him and we will see what they are going to do next round. ( follow my attack of the clones diary) Very nice strain very very strong plants. Defo a recommendation for anybody who loves a good taste and a stong high I hope you guys find my diary usefull and i hope to see you guys in me next diaries Greetings Freddy grow
Day 58 - As you can see, buds are looking full but still looking like they want to go a bit longer, checking the trichomes frequently and seeing a lot of cloudy.. think i saw the first few ambers too. Any how, we shall keep going. Flush time soon. Day 62 - Looking good, smelling better.. really fruity and sweet. Seems ripe too. Feeds lowered and a little flush. Buds are rock hard, very dense and sticky. Looking forward to harvesting. She will be ready by day 63, but I'll see weather or not ill let her go longer. Stay tuned. Day 64 - trichomes ready, little flush and shes ready for the chop. Beautiful smelling strain and easy to grow. Very hard dense gassy and sweet buds. Once dry and cure, will be back with a little update.
Variedad con una floración corta, entre 8/9 semanas. Procedente del original Exodus Clon (UK). Predominancia indica con un nivel de thc superior al 16% . Es muy fácil de cultivar y la alimentación la acepta muy bien en general . Cada etapa cumplió con mis expectativas y por ello aparte del sabor el colocon ... en cuanto a todas sus etapas le doy 9/10 . CEPA BRUTAL enserio.
I'm sorry for the poor journal upkeep. I kind of fell off keeping track of things as I had more and more responsibilities at home come up. I ended up harvesting 4 of my first five plants about two weeks ago. These have been curing in my smaller grow tent on an air rack. At almost three weeks cure they are already getting nice and crispy and starting to really gain their smell back. I've been pinching smaller sizes nugs to check on flavor and quality throughout the cure process. My fifth plant that was ready about a week or so after those first four I cut down and have curing on the same rack as well. Since the buds seem to be drying so well on the rack I'm wondering whether I should even put them in jars at this point until I need more room on my racks. My three purples which I believe are all the LSD-25 phenos, are also about ready to harvest for cure any day now as well. I'm attempting to add all the pictures and videos and micros as soon as possible. I often encounter a lot of problems uploading anything for my weekly updates.
Day 49-56 (June 18th - 25th) (Day 51) Slurricanes and tuna are doing excellent despite their hail damaged leaves. I’m seeing good growth and decent dry downs. One of them looks like it’s been ravaged by pests but I still can’t find any evidence or signs of a pest. I’m suspecting caterpillars so I’m going to grab some BTK killer and also some all purpose insecticide sometime this week if I have time. The clones are all really lagging so they won’t be flipped until July 15th at least. I’m still not seeing normal growth on any of them yet. It’s still quite gnarled and twisted. (Day 52) The slurricane and tuna roots are starting to poke through the bottom of my pots. This is usually from underwatering, a thick soil or a hot root zone. I’m going to give everything except for the autos a good watering with some runoff. I am going to start incorporating 5mm sand into all of my soil mixes to help make the soil more loamy and give it some better drainage. I will also top dress every container and bed plant I have. (Day 53) I was at a local department store today and I was shocked to see pallets of Destiny dark matter soil selling for 60% off! I bought 10 bags for a hundred bucks. At any hydro store that would have costed me 250 at least. I might go grab more because it looks like no one is buying it for 60% off even. (Day 54) I’m going to be harvesting both of my indoor crops today and tomorrow or the next day I am going to be reusing the soil-coco blend for the slurricanes. I’m first going to till it, add a gallon of sea compost, a gallon of Destiny soil and a few cups of 5mm sand per container. I will use the excess for 5 gal pots. I will be amending with: 5 tablespoons of nature’s pride bloom 4 tablespoons of kelp meal 2 tablespoons of Gaia green AP 2 tablespoons of glacial rock dust 2 tablespoons of oyster shell flour 2 tablespoons of alfalfa meal 1 tablespoon of rock dust blend 1/4 teaspoon of langbeinite (Day 56) The autos are really making a comeback now. I was under the impression that I was working against the clock and they would start flowering after 3-5 weeks. I guess if they’re stunted from the cold they will delay flowering. I don’t see any pistils or signs of flowering yet so I don’t think they’ve officially started flowering yet I didn’t get a chance to do my transplant this week or pest control. I will get to it ASAP because my photos are drinking almost a liter a day