So, I believe the plant has russet mites. I found some eggs in another grow room. It would explain how the colas are forming. I have had russet mites a long time ago. I have not found them on this plant or any in the room. With being super tiny thus may be the reason. All I can do is rinse her off good. I don't prefer to smoke or ingest any chemicals. I will likely do the smoke report and grind the rest up for infusing. The mites would explain a lot of why it is growing strangely. I treated the walls with neem oil. Once the room is clear I will treat and clean everything good. Thank you Xpert Nutrients, Medic Grow, and Seeds Mafia. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱
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Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱