So starting the 3rd week of flower. All but one plant speeding ahead towards dank. The lights below LED continue at a fast pace, I think it’s the most pistils I’ve seen firing out all over place this early. However one of the OS below the HPS isn’t feeling this groove and is developing at a slower rate. The plants that are being hit by both lights are gonna be fat!!!!! The forming buds are coming together quickly and big, they look swollen before they’ve swollen if ya know what I mean.🤔😂 I love week 3 of flower its where I always hit my plants with Hydrotops Triple F. It’s not a new product I’m using however I am using it in conjunction with two of their other products this time which is supposed to be the ideal way to benefit the plants when using Triple F. Development has seemed quicker during this grow especially from the period of switching the light cycle up to now. I’m happy. Temperature still a problem though a bit.
Looking awesome going through week 3. But one plant is so much slower than the rest, I think she stretched a little too much when it was time. It still looks very strong and is covered with flower sites but they’re just not developing at a rate anything like her sisters flowers. The phantom OG in there with them are super fast. Maybe that’s making the Orange seem slower to me too🤔😂 all looking great in there anyway and am loving every moment I get to get in there with my girls.
Very productive 3rd week 3 out of 4 growing at an accelerated rate, the 4th is looking fine too, well looking great actually but a lot slower with flower development.