Sep 7: what a great plant. Totally love how it’s going. Flowers keep getting fatter and heavier and she’ll be done before the end of September.
Sep 8: there a tree root sticking up a bit in my yard which means the plant can be tilted toward the late afternoon sun. This is helpful because the sun is getting really low to the horizon already and we’re down to 13 h of daylight. Plus now direct sun is done in my yard by about 6 pm. Indirect light is okay but you really want direct sun at all times.
Videos shows use of 730 nm far red light at dusk. Just a few seconds is all it takes to set the plant into dark mode two hours faster. It’s a bloom booster because you get two bonus hours of darkness or a 26 h day. Very effective but don’t miss a night and you have to adjust the timing each night.
When starting this on July 20 Civil Twilight, as listed on for my location, was at 9:45 and today it was at 8:40 pm. The red light at dusk is a highly recommended trick if you have daily access to your outdoor plants. Also works indoors, of course, and on autos too.
Also I think it helps ‘stabilize’ the plant by emphatically putting it into dark mode, and therefore less susceptible to stray light to cause a hermie. Have not had hermie problems in four seasons of using the red light so that is my only ‘proof’ but it is true so far, even with taking flash pics before using the red light.
Sep 9: getting heavier and now more branches are weighed down and slumping against the scrog net. Nice problem to have, I know, and without the scrog net some of the branches would be breaking off now.
She’s now officially too big and too top heavy to keep moving around the yard in pursuit of direct sun. Sun is much lower to horizon now and direct sun hours are dropping too.
Sep 10: getting close to done and getting very top heavy. Awesome.
Sep 12: raining today. Has been cool last few nights and some purple colour is just starting to show.
I don’t want to overdo fertilizer near the end, but I decided she is showing K deficiency. I’m out of malted barley but I still have potassium silicate, so I used that and some cal-mag. I’m avoiding kelp and molasses or using more P at this late stage because that can make the dried bud hard to burn and that really sucks. So, potassium silicate and cal-mag it is. The potassium silicate raises the pH and it takes about the same volume of vinegar to get the pH down. A good does of acetate is likely good for the bugs in the soil too. Then a squirt of Dr Bronners soap as a surfactant and that also supplies some biodegradable carbon for the bugs in the soil. Seems to work overall and is cheap.
Apologies for the large number of pics, but she’s so photogenic. 😎