Hatte keine Zeit mehr die letzten Wochen zu dokumentieren. Die letzten Wochen waren sehr hart, teilweise stand sie mal für mehrere Tage drin, da draußen so ein Mist Wetter war. Da einige Blätter langsam sehe Gelb geworden sind und ich eigentlich schon mit Schimmel gerechnet hatte, hatte ich mich dazu entschieden sie zu ernten. Trocknungs Bedingungen waren richtig schrecklich. Musste die Pflanzen leider im Schuppen bei geschätzter Feuchtigkeit von 60-70%, leider nicht so optimal, ging aber diesmal nicht anders. Nach 3 Wochen Trocknung hatte ich schon leicht angst, dass die Blüten schon komplett Vergammelt sind, dem war aber nicht so. Trocken Getrimmt sind es 28g geworden, was mich sehr verwundert hat. KEIN SCHIMMEL, nichts! Sehr zufrieden mit der Sorte, sehr resistent was Schimmel aufgeht, training hat sie auch immer gut eingesteckt.
Ecco che spuntano i primi peletti, presto si inizieranno a formare i primi fiori! Già fanno un
As altas temperaturas arruinaram a colheita, as plantas estão sem cheiro a WW#1 foi a mais resistente ao calor, ainda exala um aroma muito bom, porem as outras plantas sofreram mais, a C99xBB#1 perdeu totalmente o cheiro, e nasceram novos pistilos diminuindo a densidade das flores.
Added a second scrog net for the taller plants last Friday. Constantly defoliating to increase light penetration but not trying to stress the plants. (Selective leaf picking) Plants loved the tea I have them last week. Visual improvements in every plant 2 days later. Top dressing later this week on 9/29: 5 tablespoons Gaia green 444 5 tablespoons Gaia Green 284 15 tablespoon Wiggle Worm Earth Worm Castings Light increased to 75%
Added a second scrog net for the taller plants last Friday. Constantly defoliating to increase light penetration but not trying to stress the plants. (Selective leaf picking) Plants loved the tea I have them last week. Visual improvements in every plant 2 days later. Top dressing later this week on 9/29: 5 tablespoons Gaia green 444 5 tablespoons Gaia Green 284 15 tablespoon Wiggle Worm Earth Worm Castings Light increased to 75%
Added a second scrog net for the taller plants last Friday. Constantly defoliating to increase light penetration but not trying to stress the plants. (Selective leaf picking, anything but the top 3 fan leaves are up for grabs if necessary) Plants loved the tea I have them last week. Visual improvements in every plant 2 days later. Top dressing later this week on 9/29: 5 tablespoons Gaia green 444 5 tablespoons Gaia Green 284 15 tablespoon Wiggle Worm Earth Worm Castings Light increased to 75%
Added a second scrog net for the taller plants last Friday. Constantly defoliating to increase light penetration but not trying to stress the plants. (Selective leaf picking) Plants loved the tea I have them last week. Visual improvements in every plant 2 days later. Top dressing later this week on 9/29: 5 tablespoons Gaia green 444 5 tablespoons Gaia Green 284 15 tablespoon Wiggle Worm Earth Worm Castings *hard to get good pictures of this plant* Light increased to 75%
Que pasa familia, vamos con la primera semana de crecimiento de estas Gorilla Zkittlez Auto de FastBuds. Tiene muy buenas reseñas y pues me animé a colocar 5 plantas. Las 5 semillas una vez germinadas son plantadas directamente en macetas de 7 litros y salieron las 5, 100% de éxito en el ratio. La tierra que utilizamos que está en la publicación anterior es top croo al mix, aparte alimentamos nuestras plantas con Agrobeta. Por supuesto el ph se mide en cada riego y se mantiene en 6.2, regando cada 48 horas e intentando mantener la humedad un poco alta al principio. Las próximas semanas vamos viendo cómo avanzan. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Day 39 and things are still rolling along nicely.Ive done some light defoliation on some of the older fan leaves.Noticed a nice stretch this week and buds are forming.Ive just given plain water when the pots are dry.Se7000 dialed in at 50 percent and I’ll keep it there for a bit longer as they seem happy.Day 40 I made some adjustments to the set up and moved the inline fan/carbon filter and the humidifier outside the tent as I’ll need the room.I went ahead and added the bamboo scrog I made to spread the branches to boost production.The only thing I don’t like about the bamboo is it is a pain to water the girls.I need to do some more defoliation on the lower parts of the plants soon.Water with a dose of Recharge tonight as well.
So i grew this white widdow outside, without anything. The plant did a Great Job!
Day 85 23/09/24 Monday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 and calmag today. Day 87 25/09/24 Wednesday Feed today using de-chlorinated tap water pH 6 only. Day 89 27/09/24 Friday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with Plagron PK13-14 today. Picture and video update 😎 Day 91 29/09/24 Sunday (End of week) De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 only today. Will try get another nutrient week out of her before flush 👌💚